ENG 12 Myth 08: page 4


“The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe” p. 292

1.  This myth describes life as a continuously repetitive cycle. What aspects of life on Earth support such a view?

2.  Many myths view life as this repeating cycle. Other views of life include one in which life continues to improve, and one in which life continues to get worse. Which of these three views do you find most realistic or appealing? Why? Explain your answer.

3.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of living according to the principle of dharma? Does the concept of dharma support or oppose an effort to correct social injustice? Explain.

“The Creation of the Universe and Human Beings” p. 325

1.  In what significant way does the myth of Yin and Yang differ from the myth of Nu Kua?

2.  How does the myth of Yin and Yang present the relationship between divinity (gods) and human beings?

3.  What is the nature of Nu Kua—what is she all about? Why did the myth makers have her create human beings using two different methods? What is the result of each of these methods?

4.  What is the nature of P’an Ku? If he were a human being, what kind of person would he be? Explain and give examples.

“Amaterasu” p. 336

1.  What role does Amaterasu have in fertility?

2.  Why does Amaterasu permit Susano-o-no-Mikoto to visit her? Explain.

3.  When Susano-o-no-Mikoto Misbehaves, why does Amaterasu not banish him?

“The Creation Cycle” p. 352

1.  In what ways are the Maori gods like human beings? Give examples.

2.  What appears to be the greatest natural enemy of the Maori? Cite evidence from the story to support your view.

3.  What view of humankind does the Maori creation myth have? Explain.

4.  Does Maui’s being a trickster-hero add to his heroic image in this myth or detract from it? Explain.