SNC1D Biology

Due Date: ______Name: ______

Invasive Species Presentation

Invasive species are non-native species that negatively impact the environment, economy, or society by disrupting the ecosystem of their new location. Invasive species are one of the greatest threats to the biodiversity of Ontario’s ecosystems. In the absence of their natural predators and other environmental controls, invading species can have devastating effects on native species, habitats, and ecosystems.

Your task:

You are a summer student working for Environment Canada. Your job is to educate the public about an invasive species in Ontario by doing a 3-5 minute PowerPoint presentation.


·  Name of species (include scientific name)

·  What is it? Plant, animal, etc.

·  Picture and physical description

·  Place of origin (where is it from?)

·  Current habitat location(s)

·  Place in the food web

·  How did it get into Canada/Ontario?

·  What species does it directly and/or indirectly affect in the ecosystem? (what does it compete with or hunt?)

·  Why has the invasion of this species been successful?

·  What is its effect on the environment (the ecosystem), the economy, and society?

·  List measures that are being taken to control the impact of the invasive species and prevent further entry of the invasive species into Canada.

o  Have these measures been successful? Why or why not?

o  Suggest new and/or better measures that could lower the impact and explain why they would work

·  A reference list

List of Invasive Species of Ontario Your Choice: ______

Aquatic Fish and Invertebrates
·  Asian Carp
·  Asian Clam
·  Goldfish
·  Northern Snakehead
·  Rainbow Smelt
·  Round Goby
·  Rudd
·  Eurasian Ruffe
·  Sea Lamprey
·  Tubenose Goby
·  Bloody Red Shrimp
·  Spiny and Fishhook Water Flea
·  Rustry Crayfish
·  Zebra Mussel / Aquatic Plants
·  Eurasian Water Milfoil
·  European Frog-bit
·  Fanwort
·  Hydrilla
·  Flowering Rush
·  Parrotfeather
·  Water Hyacinth
·  Water Chestnut
·  Water Lettuce
·  Water Soldier
·  Yellow Iris / Terrestrial Plants
·  Invasive Honeysuckles
·  Common Buckthorn
·  Dog-strangling Vine
·  Garlic Mustard
·  Giant Hogweed
·  Glossy Buckthorn
·  Himalayan Balsam
·  Japanese Barberry
·  Japanese Stilt Grass
·  Kudzu
·  Purple Loosestrife
·  Wild Chervil
·  Wild Parsnip / Terrestrial Insects
·  Asian Long-horned Beetle
·  Gypsy Moth
·  Pine Shoot Beetle
·  Sirex Woodwasp

Name: ______

Invasive Species Presentation

Criteria / R
Inadequate / Level 1
simplistic / Level 2
obvious / Level 3
solid / Level 4
high degree
B1. Assess the impact of human activities on the sustainability of terrestrial and/or aquatic ecosystems, and evaluate the effectiveness of courses of action intended to remedy or mitigate negative impacts.
Knowledge & Understanding
-Content (facts, terms, etc.)
-Concepts and ideas / unrelated or insufficient / many errors / some errors / a few errors / little to no errors
-In familiar contexts
-To new contexts
-Assess impact of science on the environment and society
-proposing courses of practical action to deal with the impact / insufficient / limited effectiveness / some effectiveness / considerable effectiveness / high degree of effectiveness
A1. Demonstrate scientific investigation skills related to research.
Thinking & Investigation
-Selecting resources
-Gathering and recording relevant information
-Analysing, interpreting & evaluating research / unrelated or insufficient / many errors / some errors / a few errors / little to no errors
-Expresses and organizes ideas (orally and in electronic presentations)
-Uses conventions, vocabulary & terminology / unorganized / some attempt to organize / somewhat difficult to follow / easy to follow / thorough/ high degree