Sealed and superscribed percentage rate tenders are invited only from the reputed firms / contractors registered under appropriate class with Government / Semi Government Department and who have executed works of like nature and value under single contract during last three years.
Tender Specification No. / Item details / Tender Cost (Rs.) / Estimatedcost in Rs / EMD Rs. / Time
EEC/KOP/T/04/08-09 / Supply of 12 to 15 mm graded Crushed metal for manufacturing of PSC Poles at Pole Factory, Jaysingpur. / 500/- / 5/- Lakhs / 5000/- / 4 Months
Interested Firms / Agencies are requested to obtain tender documents by submitting an application alongwith attested true copies of certificates of similar works carried out by them during last three years, not less than estimated cost specified above in single contract alongwith Ragestration Certificate in appropriate Class; Income Tax Filed Certificate; Solvency Certificate of minimum 25% value of tender value issued by Nationalized / Scheduled Bank; Experience Certificate; Vat Tax Registration Certificate etc. in the Office of Executive Engineer (Civil), Vasant Rutu Plaza, ‘E’ Ward Shahu Road, Near Venus Corner, Kolhapur 416001. Tender documents will be issued to the competent tenderers only on cash payment of non refundable tender cost stated above during office hrs. 11.00 AM to 16.00 PM from 01.04.2008 to 09.04.2008. Tender sent by Post / Courier will not be entertained.
The completed tender documents will be received in above said office alongwith the EMD incash or in the form of Demand Draft of any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank situated in Kolhapurpayable in favour of MSEDCL on 10.04.2008 at 13.00 hrs. Tenders will be opened, if possible, on same day at 15.00 hrs. in presence of such tenderer or their representatives who desire to remain present.
The right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever is reserved.
Executive Engineer (C),