Call for Projects – USITT Lighting Design & Technology Commission

To All Who Teach Lighting Design,

This is a call for projects to be selected for the newly updated Practical Projects for Teaching Lighting Design:A Compendium by the Lighting Design & Technology Commission of USITT.Our goal is to update the Compendium with new projects complete with at least one color photo per submission. It is also our goal to update previous entries. If your project was included in the previous editions, please review it and submit any revisions or additions as well as added photos.

We are looking for projects useful in teaching both the practical and artistic aspects of Lighting Design. These projects can range from concept papers, research, practical design projects, paperwork techniques, consoles, electricity, cueing, and equipment -- including undergraduate through graduate level projects.

Please fill out the form below and send it and applicable photosas an attachment to: . Do not imbed photos within the Word document.

If you are submitting more than one project please fill out one form per project.

Thank you for your submissions and updates.


The Compendium Committee

Bruce Auerbach, Chair

Anne E. McMills, Vice-Chair

Todd Studebaker, Committee Member




Project Name: ______

Submitter’s Name: ______

Cell phone: ______

Email: ______

Mailing Address: ______


** Please providecontact information where you can be reached even during university breaks. **

Intended Audience Level: ___ Beginning ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced/Graduate

Main Subject: (Please rate the top five (1-5) subjects your project involves. 1= primary subject.)

___ Design ___ Technology___ Equipment

___ Mood ___ Information___ Paper Design

___ Color ___ Texture ___ Troubleshooting

___ Visibility ___ Movement___ Light Lab

___ Intensity ___ Paperwork___ Composition

___ Angle ___ Visualization___ Selective Visibility

___ Modeling ___ Communication___ Quality of Light

Overall Project Goal: ______

Learning Objectives:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______

Project Description:

Method of Assessment:


Space Needed:

Equipment/Materials Needed:

Work Completed:___ In-class ___ Out-of-class

If in-class, how much time is allotted for individual project set-up:______



List of attachments included in email:

(include captions and photographer credit for photo files)

Photos attached? ___ Yes ___ No

(At least one photo per project recommended.)

Photo credits: (choose all that apply)

_____ I am the original photographer.

_____ I have obtained rights for use of the photos. (Permissions for use attached.)

By submitting this form and its related attachments to the USITT Lighting Design & Technology Commission you are automatically granting permission for your material to be included and/or printed in the publication Practical Projects for Teaching Lighting Design:A Compendium if chosen.

Project submitters are responsible for obtaining all rights from photographers, illustrators, designers, recognizable faces in photographs, and artists to publish their work for non-exclusive photo publication and must include written proof of permission with this project submission form. Each piece of art submitted should be accompanied by appropriate credit information. In addition, captions should be provided clearly identifying all important information for each photo or illustration. For example, (if applicable) production photos should include play title, author, director, designers, theatre, and date. Full names of people appearing in photos must also be provided.


Photos should be 300 dpi and no smaller than 4" x 6". Scanned images of line art should be at least 600 dpi (1200 is preferred). Do not imbed photos within the submission document.