September 9, 2014
In attendance: Nadine Dye,Kris Fuller, Theresa Fuller,Michele Kretsch,Diane Schulman, Larry Schunck, Jodi Schwedes, Jeanette Siegel, Sue Smith
Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm
Approval of minutes from June14, 2014 meeting
Motion was made and seconded to approve the June meeting minutes.
Financial: Kris Fuller
Kris explained the financials and discussed the budget.
So far this year we have received $1300 in logo sales, $3700 in membership dues, and $400 in concessions
We spent about $2200 to re-stock the concession stands.
Something new this year is the ability (limited) to take credit cards for purchases and dues. The service costs the booster club 2.75% of purchase price, which is relatively inexpensive. This cost is not being passed on to the consumers as the hope is that the added convenience will increase membership and logo purchases.
Today we have about $6900 in bank. $5000 of that is earmarked for the turf committee to complete our commitment.
Larry has some outstanding golf money ~ $1000.00 that he will be passing on to Kris.
Motion was made and seconded to approve the financial statements.
President’s Report: Larry Schunck
Turf Campaign
Jodi updated the group on the turf project.
A lot of work was done over the summer on donations and legal items. There was a board meeting last night, but any details related to the turf project cannot be made public at this time.
Donation collection is done for the turf campaign. Anyone who wants to donate is being directed to donate to the all-sports booster club.
Larry shared thank you notes from Maddy Frank and Brian Cieplicki for junior sportsmanship awards.
Outside keys-Larry still wants to get keys to those who need them like Eric and Jodi
Golf Tournament (27JUN14) Review
The golf tournament went well ~$7000 in revenue.
We will open the concession stand for the bonfire on Saturday night (9/27--6pm) drinks and candy only.
Post meeting decision was made to not open the concession stand for the bonfire.
Liaison list-Booster members to assist team parent reps
JV Football-Sue Smith
Varsity Football-Jodi Schwedes & Larry Schunck
Boys Cross Country-Nadine Dye and Kathy Pieri
Boys VB-Sue Neugebauer
Boys soccer-Eric Moskow
Cheerleading-Kris & Theresa Fuller
Girls VB-Sue Neugebauer
Girls Swimming-Emily Behan
Girls soccer-Diane Schulman
Girls gymnastics-N/A
Girls cross country-N/A
Girls Tennis-N/A
Boys Golf-N/A
Hall of Fame Dinner October 10th is also Senior Night
Hall of Fame starts at 4pm, dinner at 4:30pm
Nikos will be catering the event and they will need a final number by late September—they will do the serving.
$25/per person, children under 12 are $15, inductee and spouse are free. Registration form can be found on the JD athletics website.
This year’s inductees
2003-2004 Boys Basketball Team
Larry Schunck
Sara Reed
Michael Kesselring
James Ganotis
Brad Oliphant
Mike Lawler
The football game starts at 6:30p against Oswego. We have 9 seniors that will be recognized.
Could the seniors be recognized at a time other than 20 minutes before the game starts?
Half time?
After the game?
Larry will follow up with John Goodson
Athletic Director Report:
John not in attendance
Committee Reports:
We will need to put together a poster for outside of the concession stands to recognize donors
Concession Stand:
We have increased prices on pizza, nachos, and burgers. The price of soda will remain at $1 for now.
What about trying warm pretzels or bundling meals like a burger, chips, and drink?
Emily is available for large shops, but we need someone for small shops. In fact, we need an additional concession stand person to evaluate inventory on a regular basis.
We may need to add another card to the BJ’s account.
Coolers? We should purchase some—Michele can donate one
Nadine has a large coffee urn to donate for either coffee or hot water
Concession committee?-Kris gave updates from the August meeting-mostly getting prepped for events that occurred before tonight’s meeting
Sept 20th there is a combination of sporting events where we have the opportunity to involve many groups.
Logo:Theresa Fuller
We need to get more Nike hats & umbrellas (Thank you Jodi for selling so many umbrellas). We are also down to 3 chairs (started with 12).
Is there any interest in doing a car magnet or yard sign?-yes, Theresa will look into the items for pricing.
Booster club info needs to be updated on the website-Jeanette will follow up with Katie
We still have need for someone to fill the corresponding secretary position.
Meeting adjourned at 8:42pm
Next meeting: October 8th at 7:30pm