Friendship Teachers Association Committees 2010-2011

The Professional Advancement Committee (Negotiating Committee)

Sherry Jaques, Ann Nickerson

(last negotiation team: Patty Yehl, Sherry Jaques, Mary Swift, Ann Nickerson, Lisa Hitchcock, Nancy Peer)

Voice of Teachers In Education Committee or Educational Issues Committee

The Professional Practice Committee / Legislation / Political Action / Publicity

Calendar Committee (formerly Scheduling Committee)

Russell Solomon, Jarrod Bell

Teacher Center Representative

Credit Union

Shared Decision-Making / Strategic Planning Committee

Sheryl Hoopes, Gayle Pavone

Teacher’s Retirement System Delegate / Voice of Teachers…

Angela Rhodes

Scholarship Committee / Pop Machine Committee

Sherry Jaques, Denny Amore, Russell Solomon

Grievance Committee

Jen Allen

Nominating Committee

Sheryl Hoopes, Eve Munzert

Building Council (Liaison)

Jim Greenaker, Jarrod Bell; Angela Eddy, Betsy Price, Michelle Crabb?

Sick Leave Bank

Jen Allen, Angela Eddy

Courtesy Committee

Sheryl Hoopes, Sherry Jaques

Social Committee

Kelly Bell, Karen Layman, Kassie Bauer, Amanda Thomas, Amy Peterson


C.  Duties of the Committees

  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of current officers: president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. It shall be empowered to act under emergency conditions when it is imperative that the organization take some action and the membership cannot be effectively amassed (i.e. vacations, weekends, and immediate action situations). It shall be empowered to authorize funds when the previous conditions exist. A three /fourths majority of the committee will be necessary to determine an emergency.
  1. The Negotiations Committee shall consist of the president. The president shall appoint four other members to the committee with the consent of the member and on approval of the majority of the FTA. This team shall be responsible for conducting all formal negotiations with the Board of Education. The final negotiated agreement must be presented to the general membership by the Professional Advancement Committee, or their designee for final ratification.
  1. Voice of Teachers In Education Committee or Educational Issues Committee shall consist of three president appointed members. Their duties shall be to keep current and inform all members of the FTA about matters pertaining to education on local, county, and state levels and to report to the association the opinions of the state representatives on these issues. It shall be their duty to report an issue pertinent to education on any level.
  1. Courtesy and Social Committee shall consist of at least three president appointed members. Their duties shall consist of sending flowers, cards or gifts to the members of the faculty and their families. This committee shall be responsible for all social activities of the FTA. It shall be responsible for the honoring of retiring teacher members.
  1. Professional Practices / Legislation shall consist of a president appointed chairman and one member from each of the following committees: Publicity, Voice of Teachers, and Calendar. The chairman of the Professional Practice Committee will serve from January to January beginning in January of 1974. There will be one carry-over member on this committee. Areas of responsibility of this committee are:
  1. To study the operation of the FTA under its constitution and bylaws and operation of the FTA. Any member of the FTA may propose changes to the bylaws and constitution but when possible such changes should be studied by this committee and a recommendation made.
  2. To serve as FTA representatives on the Sabbatical leave committee and to study the operation of all leave policies in the FTA – Board agreement, making recommendations, concerning them if deemed necessary.
  1. Grievance Committee shall act as procedural advisor to any member with an approved grievance—that is, a grievance for which the general members approve spending the money to go to Binding Arbitration. It shall assist all members in the processing of a grievance to its conclusion and keep all matters in the strictest confidentiality. The committee shall be directly responsible to the Executive Committee. Membership shall consist of a chairperson and one member from each area: chairperson and one member from each area: primary, intermediate, junior high, high school, specials. It shall meet when necessary.
  1. The Scholarship Committee / Pop Machine shall make the choice of the student candidate most worthy of the FTA award. In any given year, a teacher committee member who has a son / daughter eligible for a scholarship shall recuse him / herself from voting. It shall be responsible for the ordering and maintaining of the pop supply and for submitting funds to the treasurer who will pay costs when invoices are received.
  1. Teacher Center Representative shall liaise with the Teacher Center director.
  1. Credit Union Representative shall liaise with the Credit Union and act as resource person for members.
  1. Nominating Committee shall be responsible for providing a slate of candidates for election. This committee will make their choices known to the FTA no later than one month prior to the election meeting, which shall be held no later than June 15. The committee shall nominate one candidate for each of the four offices.
  1. Sick Leave Bank Committee shall function as defined by the contract. Membership shall be two FTA members including the President or his designee and an appointee.