“Advanced Basketball Fundamentals”

JUNE 17, 1819 2009

When: Wednesday June 17, Thursday June 18Friday June 19 2009

Times: 10:00 to 12:30 – Players entering grades 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th (Main Gym)

Where: WenatcheeHigh School Gymnasium, Wenatchee, WA

Cost:$60.00 includes T-Shirt

Staff:WHS Head Coach - Brett McGinnis; WVC Head Coach - Jimmy Hill

Members of WenatcheeHigh School and WVC Knight Teams

Camp focus will be on “age appropriate” -- individual offensive & defensive fundamentals including:

Ball Handling /  Field Goal Shooting
Attack Moves / Off the Dribble
 Passing / Off the pass
Throwing / B alanceE lbow E yes F ollow through
Receiving / Post Work
 Ball Fakes / R ead & R eact to defense
 Triple Threat / 
 Free Throw Shooting


Athlete First Name / Initial / Last Name / Birth Date
/ / / Age / Grade in Fall 2008
Street Address / City / State / Zip
Mailing Address if Different / City / State / Zip
Parent Home Phone / Parent E-mail / Camper E-mail
Parent/Guardian Full Name / Parent Day Phone / Parent Cell Phone
Spouse’s Full Name / Parent Day Phone / Parent Cell Phone
Name of Emergency Contact (Other than Parents / Emergency Phone
Health Insurance Co. / Policy Number / Pre-Existing Conditions/Allergies
Circle Appropriate T-Shirt Size / MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO:
Greater WenatcheeValley Boys Basketball Camp (GWVBBC)
I the undersigned parent/guardian of the individual named above, a minor, do hereby agree to allow the individual named herein to participate in the afore mentioned activity and authorize and appoint the camp directors and/or instructors as Attorneys in Fact and agents for the undersigned to consent to medical, surgical and/or dental examinations, in addition to any and all other treatments that may be deemed necessary by medical personnel. It is understood that by signing this agreement, I hereby release and discharge WenatcheeValleyCollege administration, staff, faculty, camp directors and instructors from any liability resulting in injury associated with the camper’s participation in this activity. I understand it is my responsibility to inform camp personnel of any medical conditions, allergies, food restrictions or any other special needs my son may have. In the absence of a parent/guardian signature below, payment of fees and participation in the program shall constitute acceptance of the conditions set forth in this release.
I give the Greater WenatcheeValley Boys Basketball Camp (GWVBBC) full permission to use my child’s photo in future promotional brochures, posters, and/or website.
Parent/Guardian Signature
X / Return to: Coach Brett McGinnis
M and M Productions
210 Olds Station Rd
Wenatchee, WA98801
Date amount Cash / Check Number

For information you may call: Coach McGinnis @ 509-860-8083 Or you can e-mail: Coach McGinnis at: