July 2006

Dear Wolf Parents and Den Leaders,

The achievements listed below were completed at Cub Scout day camp this summer. In addition to the traditional achievements, we worked on a new award called the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award, and are very excited to add it to our day camp program. It is a beautiful patch that is worn on the pocket flap of the Cub Scout uniform, and can only be earned by scouts that attend camp! A copy of award is on the back., and you can also find out more about this patch by visiting: .

A big THANK YOU to all the volunteers that worked extremely hard, so our scouts could have a fun week and complete many achievements.

Yours in Scouting,

Carol Meyer - Program Director, Rosedale Park, July 2006


Achievement 1f, g, k feats of skill

Achievement 2e, f, g, flag

Achievement 8e foil cooking

Elective 2a skit, 2 c Sound Effects - Rainsticks

Elective 4f large group game

Elective 12A Sketch

Elective 13 a & d, birds

Elective 17 a, f knots

Elective 18 g poisonous plants

Elective 23 e attend day camp!, 23 e buddy system

Belt loop map and compass

Belt loop fishing

Belt loop archery

Belt loop volleyball

Belt loop golf

Belt loop baseball (wiffle ball)

Belt loop basketball

Belt loop science academics 1, 2, 8

Belt loop geography 3

Geology Academics pin 5

Fishing pin 1, 9

Weather pin 3

Archery pin

Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award (needs to complete rank-specific requirements)- completed outdoor activities #1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 13

July 2006

Dear Bear Parents and Den Leaders,

The achievements listed below were completed at Cub Scout day camp this summer. In addition to the traditional achievements, we worked on a new award called the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award, and are very excited to add it to our day camp program. It is a beautiful patch that is worn on the pocket flap of the Cub Scout uniform, and can only be earned by scouts that attend camp! A copy of award is on the back and you can also find out more about this patch by visiting: .

A big THANK YOU to all the volunteers that worked extremely hard, so our scouts could have a fun week and complete many achievements.

Yours in Scouting,

Carol Meyer - Program Director, Rosedale Park, July 206


Achievement 3h, i flag

Achievement 5a birds

Achievement 9g cooking

Achievement 15 a, b, c,

Achievement 16b 2-person contests

Achievement 17b information please

Achievement 23 a rules for team sports

Achievement 23 b learned golf rules; need to do one more

Achievement 19 a, b, c knife

Achievement 21d model of a mountain

Achievement 22b, did only 2 of the 5 knots (square knot and bowline)

Belt loop map and compass

Belt loop fishing

Belt loop archery

Belt loop volleyball

Belt loop golf

Belt loop baseball (wiffle ball)

Belt loop basketball

Belt loop science academics 1, 2, 8

Belt loop geography 3

Geology Academics pin 5

Fishing pin 1, 9

Weather pin 3

Archery pin

Elective 9D Art

Elective 15 e stream study

Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award (needs to complete rank-specific requirements)- completed outdoor activities #1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 13

July 2006

Dear Webelos Parents and Den Leaders,

The achievements listed below were completed at Cub Scout day camp this summer. In addition to the traditional achievements, we worked on a new award called the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award, and are very excited to add it to our day camp program. It is a beautiful patch that is worn on the pocket flap of the Cub Scout uniform, and can only be earned by scouts that attend camp! A copy of award is on the back and you can also find out more about this patch by visiting: .

A big THANK YOU to all the volunteers that worked extremely hard, so our scouts could have a fun week and complete many achievements.

Yours in Scouting,

Carol Meyer - Program Director, Rosedale Park, July 2006


Athlete: #2 and #3

Sportsman: 1 baseball officials' signals, 3 did golf, need one more, 4 earned 2 belt loops

Artist: 3 draw or paint original picture out of doors (still need to frame), 9 rain sticks
Outdoorsman: #3 only for the Webelos that did the Thursday overnight, 7 safety, 8 cook, 10 knots, 11 tent

Geologist Activity Badge: completed

Naturalist: 7 poisonous plants, 10 identify birds, 11 (stream study)

Belt loop map and compass

Belt loop science academics 1, 2, 8

Belt loop geography 3

Belt loop fishing

Belt loop archery

Belt loop volleyball

Belt loop golf

Belt loop baseball (wiffle ball)

Belt loop basketball

Geology Academics pin 5

Weather pin 3

Archery pin

Fishing pin 1, 9

Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award (needs to complete rank-specific requirements)- completed outdoor activities #1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 13