TaPRA Theatre, Performance & Philosophy Interim Conference Meeting

in co-operation with Roehampton University, Drama Department


Animal Encounters: Performance, Animality & Posthumanism

Saturday 31May 2014

Venue: Roehampton University, Grove House Froebel Campus


9:00-9:30 Registration and coffee / Installation “Dark Light” an essay-film by Maria O’Connor (Aut University, New Zealand) A film on memory, ethics, art and the animal, inspired especially by Chris Marker’s French film, Sans Soleil (Sunless, 1983).

9:30-9:40 Welcome by organisers / convenors Jen Parker-Startbuck (Roehampton University), Eve Katsouraki (UEL) and Tony Fisher (CSSD)

9:40 - 10:20 - Opening Keynote:

Lourdes Orozco (Leeds University, UK) “Animals in Performance: Thinking about the Posthuman Actor”

10:30-11:30 Panel 1: Thinking Through the Animal

Gabriella Calchi-Novati (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) “Still Life” in Performance: The Animal(ity) of Biopolitics

“Neither Light Nor Language,” a Response to “Dark Light” by Prof Mark Jackson (AUT University, New Zealand) and a preview of Dark Light

Coffee break

11:45-1:15 Panel 2: ‘More’-than-Human: Praxes of Human-Animal Intimation

Silvia Battista (Royal Holloway, London University): “Holotropic Breathing and the Performative Event of Becoming . . . Animal?: An Interpretive Account”

Clair Chinnery (Oxford Brookes University) “Cuculus Prospectus: Inhabiting Practices”

Mariel Supka (Roehampton University) “Wanted Dead or Alive? A Performance Studies

Perspective on Non-Native Animals

Lisa Woynarski (CSSD, London University) “It’s the Skin You’re Living in: Ecological Anthropomorphism?”

1:15-2:15 Lunch (and installation/film, “Dark Light”)

2:15-3:45 Panel 3 Economies of Creatureliness: ‘Becoming Animal’ and the political ‘other’

Fay Brauer (University of East London) Primate Visions: Modernist Monkey Business

Mark Robson (University of Dundee) “Smell Me!: Kafka’s Monkey and the Limits and Limitations of the Human

Alessandra Abbattista (Roehampton University) “Female Monstrosity in the Representation of Human Nature: The Revengeful Snake in Attic Tragedy”

Coffee break

4:00-5:30 Panel 4 States of Affect: Acts of Violence or Pleasure in Interspecies Performance

Aurelia Baumgartner and Daniel Meyer-Dinkgrafe (Lincoln University) Dancing Horses and Reflecting Humans

Esther Kohring (Universität Würzburg, Germany) “Performing Companion Species, Staging the Animot, Creating a Scene: Theoretical-Animals and Practical-Animals in Antonia Baehr’s ‘My Dog is a Piano’”

Joao Florencio (Goldsmiths, University ofLondon) “How Much Horse Does Horse Take? Thoughts on Art Oriente Ojet’s ‘Che le Cheval Vive en Moi’”

5:15-6:15 – Closing Keynote:

Kira O’Reilly (Performance ‘bio’ artist) 'We Keep Our Biologies Intimate'

6:15-7:00 Roundtable and responses:

Giovanni Aloi (Editor of Antennae) and Garry Marvin (Professor of Human-Animal Studies, Roehampton University), Lourdes Orozco (Leeds University), Kira O’Reilly (Performance ‘bio’ artist), Maria O’Connor (Aut University), Eve Katsouraki (University of East London) and Tony Fisher (CSSD, London University). Chair: Jen Parker-Starbuck (Roehampton University).

7:30 Drinks reception