CareFirst ID
Date of Placement
Home Address
Placement Address
Contact No(s)
CareFirst ID
Contact No(s)
CareFirst ID
Contact No(s)
CareFirst ID
Contact No(s)
Other person with Parental Responsibility
(e.g. grandparent with a residence order)
CareFirst ID
Contact No(s)
Please note the new guidance for locking down records for adoption:
Child in Care Process for SWTROs
Child enters care / CompleteIf the placement was made by EDT, inform the placements team
Complete H1 and send to regional IRU in tray
Prepare placement pack (BAAF consent forms, placement agreement and parental health form) and give to Social Worker for placement planning meeting
Update address and phone numbers on Carefirst
Change legal status and placement details on Carefirst
Inform PEP co-ordinator of new CIC
Create SDQ activities on Carefirst
Create health activities on Carefirst and request an Initial health assessment
If the child is on a CP plan, inform the IRU that the child is now CIC
Advise the agencies involved with the child that they are now CIC
Make an application for birth certificates for the child
Send signed copies of the placement agreement to parents, carers, fostering, Young person where appropriate and place on HP records manager
Complete and submit online child benefit form at week 8
Change of placement and legal status / Complete
Inform the IRO
Update address and phone numbers on Carefirst
Update legal status and placement details as appropriate on Carefirst
Advise the agencies involved with the child
Inform OLA if out of County
Send signed copies of the placement agreement to parents, carers, fostering, Young person where appropriate and place on HP records manager
Child to go home / Complete
Inform the IRO
End placement and legal status within one working day
Advise the agencies involved with the child
Change address and phone numbers on Carefirst
Long term foster care – case to transfer to P&T / Complete
Update legal status on Carefirst
Complete any old messages and assignments on Carefirst
Start W1 case transfer on Carefirst
Ensure the following documents are on the child’s HPRM record:
Birth Certificate
BAAF Consent form
Signed Placement Agreement
Reassign Health and SDQ assignments to P&T SWTRO
Change team and care manager on Carefirst
Letter to Young person, foster carer and persons with PR advising them of new care manager
Core data check with social worker
Apply for passport
Child In Care Process for Social Workers
Week oneTo do / By when / Ongoing dates
Inform SWTRO
Complete placement information record / Prior to placement or on the same day
Provide SWTRO with information required for H1 / CIC review within 20 days. Report to be completed for this meeting / After 3 months and then 6 monthly
Gain parental signatures on the placement agreement form / On day of placement
Ensure that school transport is in place / On the day of placement
Gain signatures on BAAF consent forms
Set up contact arrangements
Inform SWTRO or date care started, placement address, professionals and family involved, legal status and date of placement planning meeting / Within 1 working day
Hold a placement planning meeting and write up minutes / Within 72 hours
Statutory visit / Within 1 week / Monthly
Consider financial assessment of parents or those with PR for contribution of cost to child in care
Arrange a permanency planning meeting / To be held prior to the CIC review / 6 weekly until a permanent plan is known
Week four
To do / By when / Ongoing dates
Hold first CIC review / Then after 3 months / 6 monthly thereafter
Second statutory visit / 4 weekly
Attend personal education plan meeting / 6 monthly
Week five - seven
To do / By when / Ongoing dates
Advise those with PR to notify child benefits agency if placement is likely to exceed 8 weeks
Permanency via fostering
Decision that the young person will remain in long term foster care / CompletePermanency via fostering team to be contacted at the earliest opportunity to begin an assessment for permanency via fostering
Support the permanency via fostering team with completing the assessment
Hold a matching meeting at the conclusion of the assessment when foster carers have been identified
If the match is with an independent fostering agency, PRP to be attended to seek permission for funding
Care Leavers process for SWTRO
Care ending because YP reaches 18 / CompleteEnd legal status and placement details on Carefirst unless they are ‘staying put’
Close health / dental / SDQ
Cancel basic weekly allowance if requested by SW
Young person discharged from care aged 16/17 years and RELEVANT / Complete
End legal status and placement address
Social worker to inform if basic weekly allowance is to continue and if so, at what level
Close health / dental / SDQ
Check with social worker and close all open assignments
Child to be adopted process for SWTROs
Social worker has advised that plan is for adoption / CompleteCheck that Agency Decision Maker panel date has been booked (refer to guidance: )
Make arrangements for adoption medical to be completed
Order 4 copies of child’s birth certificate
Open orange adoption file (to contain items relevant to the adoption process and any details of prospective adopters as these are not to be entered onto HP records manager)
Ensure legal bundle is up to date
Support social worker to complete reports as required
Placement order granted / parental consent received / Complete
Change legal status of child on Carefirst within 1 working day
Notify adoption Operations manager of date of Placement order or parental consent
File consent from CAFCASS in adoption file
Update adoption file with copies of photographs, reports, care plans, statements, orders and correspondence from date of Placement order
Birth certificates to be filed in adoption file
Assist the social worker with sending documents to matching panel as required
Follow the Carefirst lock down process and send a Caresecure restrict access form to matching panel
Child is placed for adoption / Complete
Change main address and add a ‘risk if information disclosed’ warning to Carefirst
End current school, GP, Dentist etc on Carefirst
Advise health of confidential placement change
Health / dental / PEP process to continue until Adoption Order
Ensure legal bundle is up to date
Support social worker to complete reports as required
Adoption order received / Complete
End Child in care activities and classifications on Carefirst
End Child in Care status on Carefirst
Notify health of change in status
Child to be adopted process for Social Workers
Decision made at permanency planning meeting for child to be adopted / CompleteComplete CPR (photos essential)
Submit CPR, adoption medical, permanency planning meeting minutes, evidence of work to establish paternity and any other supporting reports / assessments to adoption panel administrator by the deadline
Agency decision maker approves plan for adoption / Complete
Complete court care plan and statement and Annexe B or apply to CAFCASS to arrange formal consent for adoption from parents
Begin matching process for prospective adopters with Family Finding social worker
Use prospective adopters reports to identify prospective adoptive families. If mutually agreeable that it appears positive, arrange a visit to the prospective adopters
Prospective adopters identified / Complete
Arrange a linking meeting. Family Finding social worker completes the linking report, Team Manager to chair the meeting and to be attended by social worker, family finding social worker and adoption social worker
Adoption support plan agreed at planning meeting (with adoption support worker). Adoption support plan to be sent to Adoption operations manager for approval
Send APR to matching panel
Attend matching panel
Hold a transitions meeting / placement planning meeting regarding child and adoptive family. IRO to chair this meeting
Liase with adoption to arrange a Child Appreciation day prior to placement commencing (where appropriate and with advice from the adoption team)
Child placed with adopters / Complete
Advise SWTRO of placement details and new school, health professionals etc
Ensure Carefirst record is locked down
Support family to apply for adoption order (seek advice from adoption services)
Special Guardianship Order process for social workers
Family member or foster carer puts themselves forward / CompleteViability assessment to be completed by social worker
If viability assessment is positive and care proceedings are underway, reassign the viability assessment to the SGO team on Carefirst to complete the carers section of the SGO assessment. The child’s section of the assessment to be completed by the social worker. If care proceedings are not underway, social worker to complete the SGO assessment. The SGO team can support with obtaining medicals, references and DBS checks
Complete SGO support plan, including financial assessment
Send SGO support plan to be sent to the Team Manager of the SGO team and the Adoption operations manager for approval
If there are financial implications within the support plan, CARP to be attended prior to the court hearing to give approvals
If the assessment is positive and care proceedings are not underway, the prospective Special Guardian to be supported to make an application to court
Family and friends foster care
Family member puts themselves forward / CompleteViability assessment to be completed by social worker
If viability assessment is positive, reassign to Team Manager of the special guardianship team for approval
Special Guardianship team commence full fostering assessment
Page 1 of 8 December 2016