Project Title
TED - Communities of Practice
3180 ILP TED Communities of Practice ILP-PRAC WP11-40-18 140,000
0. Summary
ETF is committed to provide high quality expertise to its partner countries, the EC and internationally. The newly established Thematic Expertise Development (TED) Department is given the objective to develop strategically ETF’s expertise taking into account (i) PCs needs and challenges in the medium term (as defined by the results of the Torino Process) and (ii) developments in the EC policies linked to Human Capital Development and more specifically in the fields of VET, labour market and employment, social inclusion and entrepreneurship and enterprise skills. To do so TED aims at (i) building upon experience and lessons learnt from ETF projects in the countries and regions during the last years and (ii) tapping new knowledge inside and outside ETF. The strategic development of ETF’s expertise will be crystallised in the formulation of corporate positions and methodologies that will be applied in future operations in the countries and regions as appropriate.
The Communities of Practice is one of the three instruments that TED is mobilising to achieve the above objective (the others being the Innovation and Learning Projects and the Editorial Board). The Communities of Practice (CoPs) are core teams of experts who work in a specific thematic/policy area in ETF’s country and regional projects. The aim of the CoPs is to strengthen ETF’s expertise in key thematic/policy areas by analysing the latest trends and best practices in a particular field, identifying potential partners for collaboration and information sharing, defining corporate positions on the specific area and finally integrating the learning within ETF projects and programmes. Each CoP is led by a Thematic Facilitator.
In 2011 the Communities of Practice will cover 8 thematic/policy areas:
i) Continuing Vocational Education and Training
ii) Employment
iii) Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Skills
iv) Governance
v) Qualifications and Quality
vi) Social Inclusion
vii) Social Partnership
viii) Sustainable Development
The 8 Communities of Practice will have a life cycle of 3 years (ie until the end of the MTP 2010-2013). However, an evaluation of the relevance and scope of the themes that the CoPs cover will be made at the end of 2012 i.e. after the results of second round of the Torino process so as to address possible upcoming themes in the partner countries and/or EU policy directions.
1. Background
The thematic/policy areas of the Communities of Practice were defined after an analysis of the content of the ETF WP2011 country and regional projects which were identified on the basis of the 2010 round of the Torino Process results. The only thematic area which was selected on the verge of the Torino process results was the one on sustainable development. The importance of this thematic area is justified by the fact that sustainable development (i) is mentioned in ETF’s vision (as formulated in the MTP 2010-2013) as an overarching objective for cooperation with the PCs in the field of VET, and (ii) constitutes a key objective of EU2020 Agenda.
The thematic/policy areas of the CoPs were discussed with the GEO and EBPM managers who expressed their consideration of not having too many, thinly populated -in terms of specialists- thematic areas. Accordingly the thematic areas were formulated in a way to hit a balance between (i) focus and specificity of results per thematic area, and (ii) sufficient breadth of scope so as to ensure adequate number of specialists and a longer term expertise development.
The 8 thematic/policy areas of the Communities of practice cover all 3 ETF Core thematic areas: VET Reform and LLL, Employability and Labour Markets, Entrepreneurship – Business and education.
Although each thematic area has a specific focus for expertise development, it should also be highlighted that there are interlinks among thematic areas. Cross fertilisation among thematic areas and development of synergies will be necessary.
2. Overall Objective
ETF recognised as a centre of expertise in Human Capital Development by EU institutions, partner countries and international organisations.
2.1. Specifics Objectives (only when needed)
2.1.1 / To enhance ETF expertise by integrating new knowledge and previous experience through analysis, networking and knowledge sharing and dissemination.2.1.2 / To develop an ETF corporate approach in the respective thematic/policy areas that will be integrated into the projects and programmes in the partner countries.
3. Project Approach
3.1. Target Countries - All
3.2. Target Beneficiaries
Please select one or more target countries and beneficiaries from the below lists:
X / European CommissionX / EU Delegation
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Labour/Employment/Social affairs
Ministry of Economy
Regional and local authorities
Schools and other training institutions
Teachers and Trainers
Social partners
Employment offices
X / Other - ETF specialist community
3.3. Methodology
The Communities of Practice are each at different stages of maturity within ETF. For example, the Communities of Practice on (i) Qualification and Quality and (ii) Entrepreneurship and Enterprise skills have already been active for at least 3 years; they have (i) achieved high degree of knowledge sharing among their members; (ii) developed corporate approaches and/or products; (iii) a large network of experts in the PCs, the EU and internationally; and (iv) reached a high degree of visibility for ETF. Other Communities of Practice eg (i) CVT and (ii) Governance and LLL are at the initial stage of development and a lot of work will be needed to take stock of previous ETF experience in these fields, create networks and move forward into ETFs approaches to deal with policy issues of concern to the PCs. Other Communities of Practice are in between these two extremes.
As a general approach work of each Community of Practice involves 4 interlinked processes:
Analysis of previous and new knowledge / Corporate approach for each thematic areaKnowledge sharing and dissemination / Integration into ETF projects and activities
On the basis of this general approach and taking into account its stage of development each Community of Practice has developed an action plan (see attached Annexes) with specific results and activities for each one.
ip cops.doc
4. Outputs
The typical outputs of the Communities of practice are as follows:
· Concepts notes, position papers and perspectives papers that take stock of the present stage of development in each thematic/policy area within ETF and past experience, identify the focus of future ETF work in order to ensure added value and impact and identify a range of possible future actions. These are generally internal papers
· Publications for external actors (PCs, EC and international community) including policy briefs (encapsulating experience coming from ETF projects), working papers and thematic studies.
· Quick entries to ETF information dissemination instruments i.e WEB and Live and Learn
· Internal events for knowledge sharing (like cappucino’s) and capacity building for ETF staff.
· Corporate and cross regional Conferences for dissemination of expertise/knowledge to the international community
· Electronic platforms
The outputs of each Community of practice are presented in the table below
Community of Practice / ETF Theme / Outputs 20111. Continuing Vocational Education and Training / C / 1. Draft paper on different approaches on CVET within ETF. (Q3)
2. Seminar related to CVT for all ETF staff (Q4)
2. Employment / B / 1. Policy Brief on Flexicurity (Q2)
2. Cappucino event on EU 2020 Strategy/NSJ (Q1)
3. Combined meeting of CoP Employment and Qualification including summary of feedbacks from participants (Q4)
3. Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Skills
(summary from AP output table) / C / 1. Delivery of training on ETF SBA assessment to IPA and ENPI-E CMs and HoUs (Feb and Mar 2011)
2. Integration of SBA in TRP (April 2011)
3. Awareness of ETF staff on issues of entrepreneurial learning (Nov 2011)
4. ETF position (Oct 2011)
5. ETF – ILO cooperation agreement on female entrepreneurship
6. Dissemination of activities and approaches (6 ETF Web notes and 2 L&L articles)
4. Governance / A / 1. Concept paper on Governance and LLL (Q2)
2. Experts meeting on Governance and LLL (Q4)
5. Qualifications and Quality / A / 1. A short web note on last year’s ILO publication on NQFs (February).
2. A consultation note on validation of non-formal and informal learning (February)
3. A background study on implementation arrangements for NQFs (April)
4. Updated NQF Inventory (May)
5. The first version of the Qualifications Platform is established and operational (October)
6. Corporate Conference (October)
7. Short working papers on (at least two out of the following subjects):
- implementation processes of NQFs in partner countries,
- development of occupational standards and vocational qualifications
- assessment and certification based on standards,
- validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL)
- quality processes linked to qualifications frameworks
6. Social Inclusion / A / · Input to TRP methodology
· Position paper: ETF approach to conceptualising social inclusion
· Policy brief on HCD and Equity (Q2)
· Organisation of Conference on Equity and Competitiveness (Q2)
· Organisation of event for the dissemination of the results of the WOW project in Jordan (Feb)
· Event for Technical dissemination of the WOW project with EC Euromed Equal Opportunities Programme (EGEP) 27 April, Brussels
7. Sustainable Development / A / · Position Paper
· Policy Brief
· Publication of existing in-house articles/essays on the topic in suitable format, chosen by Editorial Board
· Specific content support (aka methodologies) for Minsk conference and projects and initiatives listed under 2.IV. and V.
8. Social Partnership / A, B, C / · Policy brief on European developments on the role of social partners in LLL and labour market issues (Q3).
· Draft ETF corporate position paper based on survey and workshop outcomes (Q3)
· First draft of policy brief on social partnership in PC countries based on results of regional projects LLL in East and SP in South (Q4).
Visibility products
· Regular web info reporting on project development on ETF site (internal and external)
· Setting up of a Web based information platform storing information on the topic
· One article in Live and Learn to report on project development (quarter 3)
· Monitoring latest developments, positions or actions of international SP organisations and reporting on ETF web site and project web page
Outputs table
ETF FUNCTION / A. ETF Function indicators / B. ETF Theme / C. Description output / D. Target Q / E. ETF Corporate output / F. Planned Publication
1. Input to Commission sector programming and project cycle / NR
2. Support to partner countries capacity building / NR
3. Policy analysis / Thematic studies / See previous table on outputs per CoP
- Study on NQF implementation arrangements
- Updated NQF inventory
- 2 working papers on NQF themes
- Publication on Sustainable development and VET
4. Dissemination and Networking / 4.1 Specialised publications
4.2 Promoting collaborations and facilitation of dissemination activities/events
4.3 ICT-based dissemination / See previous table on outputs per CoP / 4.1
Policy briefs on:
- HCD and Equity
- VET and Sustainable Development
- European Developments in Social Partnership / 3 Policy briefs on:
- HCD and Equity
- VET and Sustainable Development
- European Developments in Social Partnership
- EQF Corporate Conference
- Conference on Equity and HCD
- Dissemination event of WOW ILP
- E-platform on NQFs
5. Expected results
5.1 / Up-to-date and practical analysis of thematic area with respect to latest developments in the EU and are relevant to ETF partner countries.5.2 / ETF expertise recognised through knowledge sharing and information dissemination.
5.3 / ETF corporate approach in thematic areas integrated into projects and activities in partner countries.
5.1 Results of Each COP
1. Continuing Vocational Education and Training / 1. ETF knowledge communities have been up-dated about ETF understanding and developments in the field of CVET
2. Needs assessment of CVET processes in partner countries/regions
3. CVET is introduced in new ETF projects programmed for 2012
2. Employment / 1. Experience and findings of ETF implemented projects in employment and labour market issues shared with country teams
2. Best practices integrated in country projects where appropriate.
3. A platform of understanding created of latest EU developments in employment and labour market within ETF.
3. Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Skills / 1. Improved policy knowledge and capacity of ETF GEO teams (ENP East and IPA regions) for in-country assessments on entrepreneurial learning and enterprise skills;
2. ETF SBA assessments embedded within Torino Process analytical framework from 2012 onwards;
3. ETF position on enterprise skills as a global reference point for EL acknowledge by EU and other international partners.
4. Governance / 1. ETF level of expertise in governance increased through enhanced cooperation with relevant international, European and national experts, academics, organizations and other institutions performing on the issue.
2. Agreed ETF approach on how to introduce governance as crucial aspect to improve LLL systems in the partner countries.
3. ETF expertise more recognized in the field of governance in the partner countries plus EU and International scenario.
5. Qualifications and Quality / 1. Expertise on qualifications and quality in VET is provided to country, regional and thematic projects as well as to EU and international debates and initiatives in these fields
2. A corporate approach on qualification and quality related subjects has been developed and is shared with the colleagues in OPS and with stakeholders in partner countries. For quality we expert to work on a common approach late 2011, early 2012.
6. Social Inclusion / 1. Elaborate a corporate standing on social inclusion vis-à-vis the EU policy agenda and ETF’s thematic and geographic remit
2. Feeding the results from the 2011 SOC CoP activities into the planning and programming of ETF WP 2012
3. Share and expand knowledge gained in the thematic area within and outside ETF
7. Sustainable Development / 1. A corporate position paper on VET and sustainable development that offers guidance to staff on how to incorporate the dimension of sustainable development in their country work from 2012 onwards;
2. Existence of a network of experts and partner organisations, with whom exchange on the topic of education and sustainable development takes place;
3. Progress in making ETF a greener organisation, especially with respect to OPS activities;
4. Availability of a help-desk function for single initiatives and projects in ETF and in ETF partner countries that involve a sustainable development component;
8. Social Partnership / 1. ETF knowledge communities have been up-dated about ETF understanding and developments in the field of social partnership in VET
2. EU and worldwide experiences in the field of building Social partnership in VET and links with ETF work have been identified
3. Social partnership is conceptually introduced in new ETF projects programmed for 2012
Annex 1 Logical Framework Matrix