Tuesday 26 September 2017


World Green Building Week(WGBW) is celebrated annually in September. Details about the global event can be found [here].

The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) also celebrates World Green Building Week annually. The GBCA typically organises a few events themselves and allows organisations to list their own WGBW events on the GBCA website. Information on the 2015 and 2016 events can be found below:

  • GBCA 2016 Event
  • GBCA 2015 Event

Piloted in 2016, ACTS, celebratedWGBW asGreen Campus Day on Tuesday 27 September 2016. This was a day where universities and TAFEs across Australia and New Zealand opened their doors to the public for sustainable events and tours. The target audience was staff, students, local community members, business and industry representatives and visitors.

We are now inviting institutions from across Australia and New Zealand to host an event on campus as part of 2017 Green Campus Day on Tuesday 26 September 2017.

The Aim:

The aim of hosting an event,is to showcase ACTS member institutions’ sustainability initiatives and to fundraise for ACTS which is a not-for-profit association. Therefore by participating in this event your institution representatives are agreeing to donate their time in organising the eventand any costs associated in holding the event in kind, as well as donating any actual funds raised to ACTS.

Types of events:

Any type of event is eligible for Green Campus Day. Building tours will be the primary focus (note: green star certification is not compulsory), however anyevent can be organised provided its aim is to share knowledge on sustainable projects and initiatives on campus. Examples may include tours of community/edible gardens or tours on green walls/roofs with conjoint lectures on the benefits of indoor plants etc, (Please note non building tours may not be eligible for CPD points).

Here is an outline of how to organise an ACTS Green Campus Day event at your institution:

Action Item / Comments / Responsibility
Event organisation / Develop event(s) at your institution – green building tour, seminar, site visit, event, activity etc. Nominate time, duration, tour leaders, rsvp contact person etc. Obtain relevant permissions from faculty managers, security etc. / University / TAFE
Event cost / The event should be free for your institution’s students, staff and for all ACTS members.
Business and industry representatives, community members and external visitors will be paying a nominal amount. For a 1 hour building tour, $45inc GST is suggested. / University / TAFE
ACTS Green Campus Day web page / When you’ve worked out all your event details, email them, as well as a photo, to ACTS. Contact: Rhiannon Chamberlain to upload them to the ACTS Green Campus Day web page. The 2017 event website can be found [here]. When you see your event listed there, use your event-specific (not the overall page link) URL when applying for the GBCA CPD point (when asked for the Course Info web link) and in your other promotions. / University / TAFE
GBCA CPD points / To attract business and industry, community members and external visitors (and to fundraise for ACTS), each institution needs to apply to the GBCA to grant CPD point(s) for the event. 1 CPD point for a 1 hour site or building visit is likely be approved. A description of the event (e.g. run sheet) and other event details will need to be provided.NB the GBCA will only grant CPD points if the event has educational benefits and offers learning outcomes for their members.
Once you’ve worked out the event details, apply for CPD point(s) here : The turnaround time is usually 1 – 2 days. If you experience delays, please contact the GBCA on 02 8239 6200. / University / TAFE
GBCA Event Calendar / Once your CPD point(s) are approved you’ll be notified by email. Your event should then appear on the GBCA event calendar here
If it doesn’t, please contact the GBCA on 02 8239 6200.
Check that all of the relevant details and web links have been correctly displayed. / University / TAFE
GBCA WGBW event page / When you’ve worked out all your event details and your CPD point(s) have been approved (if seeking them), email the GBCA with information and a photo. Contact Susannah Howen: . Your event details will be uploaded to the GBCA WGBW event page under the Green Campus Day logo. Your event will then be listed here : / University / TAFE
5th Estate online journal / In order to promote your event to industry, upload your event details to the What’s On section of the 5th Estate online journal.
Your submission will usually be approved and uploaded within 24hours. If you experience delays, please contact the 5th Estate’s editor Tina or on 02 8239 6200. / University / TAFE
5th Estate
Collecting RSVPs / Each institution must nominate a point of contact (name and email) for RSVPs.This allows institutions to track and monitor numbers (max. 15 people is suggested per building tour).
When an RSVP is received, it will have to be determined whether the person is attending for free or will need to pay. It will be relatively easy to determine staff and students from your institution via their email addresses, as well as other ACTS members (listed here on the ACTS website. If in doubt, email back and clarify.)
If the person RSVPing is a business or industry representative, community member or external visitor, they will need to pay (see below). / University / TAFE
Payment to ACTS / Once you’ve organised your event and sent your event details nnon will set up an EventBrite listing web link that you’ll need to send to the paying customer. When they have paid, Rhiannon will receive confirmation and send it on to your institution representative. / University / TAFE
Promotion 4-6 weeks / Each institution will need to promote their event(s) on their social media channels e.g. newsletters, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, community radio etc.
Use the Green Campus Day and ACTS logos provided with this info pack in your promotions, as well as your event-specific (not the overall page link) ACTS URL. It is recommended that institutions give plenty of lead in time to promote their events, however a minimum of 4-6 weeks should be provided. / University / TAFE
Promotion 4-6 weeks / ACTS will promote your event on its Green Campus Day web page, as well in the ACTS newsletter and social media channels e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. / ACTS
Promotion 4-6 weeks / GBCA will promote your event on its WGBW web page, as well in the GBCA newsletter and social media channels e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. / GBCA
On the Day / Take photos of your events and upload to your social media channelse.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
Ensure that you share these with ACTS (who can then share on ACTS social media), tag events #GreenCampusDay
Take an attendance sheet and mark off all attendees. This is especially important if GBCA CPD points are attached as you will need to send this to the GBCA (email:) to confirmpeople’s attendance. Please also send to ACTS for their records email: / University / TAFE
University / TAFE
After the event - Lessons Learned / If you have any feedback about the events you held, the process, challenges, opportunities please email ACTS: . Your feedback will help make next year’s event even better! / University / TAFE

ACTION - If you are interested in hosting an event, please send an expression of interest to: .

Attachment 1

ACTS logo

Attachment 2

Green Campus Day logo