Procurement of programme Co-ordinator for the Tower Museum 1916 Programme
(T Bus 15-06)
Invitation Document
Derry City & Strabane District Council
Council Offices
98 Strand Road
BT48 7NN
Table of Contents
Introduction & Background3
Scope of Works5
External Expertise & Timescale6
Instructions to Tenderers9
Evaluation / Award Criteria17
Form of Tender19
Terms & Conditions20
Form of Assurance 21
Collusive Tendering Certificate22
Declaration of Commitment to
Promoting Equality of Opportunity23
Fair Employment Declaration25
Prompt Payment Certificate 26
Statement Relating To Good Standing 27
Freedom of Information30
Non Submittal Form31
Appendix (none included)32
Introduction & Scope of Works (T Bus 15-06)
- Introduction
The Museum & Visitor Service is a key component of Derry City and Strabane District Council’s (DCSDC) Business and Culture Directorate. It is made up of a number of buildings, Tower Museum, Guildhall and Harbour House and service areas which include collections, learning and engagement and archives and genealogy.
The award winning Tower Museum is the city’s main civic museum and is located within the city walls across from the Guildhall. It is a popular visitor attraction for both tourists and locals alike with two permanent exhibitions; the Story of Derry and the Armada Shipwreck – La Trinidad Valencera. An annual programme of temporary exhibitions ensures interest for new and repeat visitors. It also includes the curatorial, learning and archive team as well as a genealogy service. The Museum has a number of spaces suitable for events and workshops such as a dedicated Learning Space, small 60 seater cinema and temporary exhibition space.
The Guildhall is the city’s premier civic building at the heart of the city and one of the most striking buildings in the North West. It is the centre for local government as well as an events and exhibitions space and venue for civil weddings and partnerships.
Harbour House was once the home to the Londonderry Port & Harbour Commissioners and is an impressive and unique part of our city’s industrial and maritime heritage. It is open to the public on special events days and pre-booked tours and is frequently used for business meetings and events.
Museums ‘collect’ items in order to preserve them for future generations and a key aspect of this process is creating access through exhibitions. The Museum Service team has experience in developing both permanent and temporary exhibitions as well as running events as part of the exhibition schedule. The Tower Museum is home to the curatorial element of the Service and many of the key collection items held by DCSDC in their care are on display here for visitors to see. The collection can be viewed under a variety of different themes and categories. There are items such as the civic collection alongside maritime, transport and social history.
Learning and participation are at the heart of what we do. We offer curriculum linked learning programmes for schools and colleges aimed at supporting key skills. We also offer an outreach service including a range of themed loan boxes alongside a learning website and learning materials.
Informal learning is an increasing focus for the Museum Service team with the opening of our new Discovery Zone in 2013 linked to family fun type activities and intergenerational learning. This also embraces ‘lifelong learning’ activities which include cross community engagement, oral history and reminiscence.
Archive & Genealogy
The Archive Service is the only local authority service in Northern Ireland is very proactive in creating access to the archives. The archive collections are integrated into the temporary and permanent exhibition galleries and items are used regularly in leaning programmes. There is a very dynamic partnership with the Public Record Office NI (PRONI) with an ongoing programme of digitisation of key collections.
We have also developed the Genealogy Service in partnership with the Irish Family History Foundation. This has made more than 1 million family records available online through the Roots Ireland website
The Decade of Centenaries (2012-2022) marks a number of important anniversaries that have shaped the sense of British and Irish identity in Northern Ireland in the 20th century. These anniversaries are significant for all of us in different ways and challenge is to look at how we remember these events not only as something that happened in the past but as events that have defined us now.
The year 1916 will be particularly significant as it sees the anniversary of two key events in our shared history, the Easter Rising and the Battle of the Somme. Both of these events have been remembered in a range of different ways and by particular sections of our communities over the last 100 years.
The prospect of remembering these anniversaries present challenges as well as great opportunities. If we look back at the past together it allows us to reflect on our shared history in a more holistic way. The Museum & Visitor Service are currently working on a programme to be delivered in the Tower Museum that aims to recognisewhat has happened in the past in a complete way and explore how these events have shaped our cultural heritage and identity.
This programme will be delivered in partnership with a number of internal DCSDC partners such as Community Relations, Marketing and the wider Events team. We would also aim to work closely with the Nerve Centre, Ulster University, British Legion & Services Club, local history/special interest groups, community groups, local churches and schools.
3Client Team
Derry City & Strabane District Council (DCSDC) Museum & Visitor Service will be the commissioning authority for the Tower Museum 1916 programme. DCSDC will nominate a lead officer as the primary point of contact throughout the life of the scope of works. This officer will work in conjunction with the Museum Service team and the Decade of Centenaries Working Group. The Museum & Visitor Service will also be able to provide a variety of in-house resources including archives, collections, learning material, publications and advice to aid with research and exhibition material if necessary.
4Scope of works
Derry City & Strabane District Council (DCSDC) Museum & Visitor Service seek to appoint a suitably qualified company/organisation to be the Programme Co-ordinator for the Tower Museum 1916 Programme. The successful company/organisation will be responsible for the creation of the programme content, in partnership with the Museum Service team, co-ordinate and deliver the programme outputs as listed and provide end of programme evaluation for the Tower Museum 1916 Programme.
- Part 1 - Community Engagement
Work in partnership with the Museum Service team to deliver a community engagement programme with members of the U3A which will result in the creation of ten people profiles, as researched by U3A participants. It is hoped that the profiles will reflect a range of local people who would have lived in the council area in 1916. They may have played a part in the events that took place that year or have lived here and fulfilled a range of other roles such as a shirt factory worker or politician.
- Part 2 – Film
Procurement and creation of a film charting each U3A participant’s journey with their person’s profile. The finished film will be incorporated into the wider exhibition planned for the Tower Museum next year. It can also be used as an outreach tool and viewed online.
- Part 3 – Exhibition
Design, produce and install an exhibition on the year 1916 based around themes such as the social, economic, political and cultural life in the NW in 1916, the role of women and the labour movement. The design and layout will also need to incorporate the community engagement programme and film, the design of a series of graphic panels, new display cases and accompanying booklet. The exhibition will be scheduled to run from April – November 2016 in the Tower Museum.
- Part 4 - School Programme
Design and deliver a school programme based around the exhibition suitable for Key Stages 2 and 3 and to be delivered in the DCSDC area
- Part 5 - Events Programme
Scope out a full programme of events to be delivered over the course of the exhibition in the Tower Museum between April and November 2016. The successful company should provisionally book these events this year and create a calendar of events suitable for the wide range of audiences and should be a mix of talks, music, drama and living history and culminate in a conference in October 2016 to reflect on the journey taken over the course of the programme
5External Expertise
DCSDC recognises the need to obtain external expertise to assist with this programme. It is acknowledged that the organisation or individual should meet the following criteria:
- Strong leadership and co-ordination skills and a track record in delivering similar projects or programmes
- Demonstrate that they have a good understanding of the project brief
- Demonstrate that they have experience of programme co-ordination and delivery
- Demonstrate an ability to incorporate flair and creativity into programme content development and delivery
- Demonstrate experience in a variety of interpretative methods and historical research
- Demonstrate experience in consulting with a variety of groups or individuals
- Demonstrate that they have experience in working with different display mediums and the creation of exhibition style programmes
- Experience in creating and delivering a variety of programmeoutputs suitable for a diverse range of audiences
The community engagement programme will run from December 2015 - February 2016. It is expected that the successful company/organisation would begin work on the programme at the beginning of January 2016.
All the programme outputs must be completed by Wednesday 23rd March 2016.
The estimated delivery programme for this brief is as follows:
Tender issue / 20th November 2015Questions/Queries / 4th December 2015
Replies to Questions/Queries / 11th December 2015
Tender return / 18th December 2015
Selection panel / 21st December 2015
Appointment / 4th January 2016
Delivery & Completion of programme outputs / 23rd March 2016
The time-table above is for illustrative purposes at this stage. Each applicant is requested to present an outline programme timetable for the delivery of the Contract.
The budget available for this work will be not exceed £20,000.00 and includes all costs associated with the creation and delivery the overall Tower Museum 1916 programme
A detailed breakdown of the costs associated with complete delivery of this work is required based on the % allocation as outlined below. All costs should be quoted in pounds sterling and be exclusive of VAT.
Applicants are requested to provide the following fee scales as follows (percentages provided indicate percentage of overall budget for delivery of project provided by applicant):
Part 1
Community Engagement – up to 10% overall of budget to work in partnership with the Tower Museum team to deliver a community engagement programme with members of the U3A which will result in the creation of ten people profiles, as researched by U3A participants.
Part 2
Film – up to 15% of overall budget to procure and create of a film charting each U3A participant’s journey with their person profile. The finished film will be incorporated into the wider exhibition planned for the Tower Museum next year. It can also be used as an outreach tool and viewed online.
Part 3
Exhibition – up to 40% of overall budget to design, produce and install an exhibition on the year 1916. The design and layout will also need to incorporate the community engagement programme and film, the design of a series of graphic panels, new display cases and accompanying booklet. The exhibition will be scheduled to run from April – November 2016 in the Tower Museum.
Part 4
School programme – up to 10% of overall budget to design and deliver a school programme based around the exhibition suitable for Key Stages 2 and 3 and be delivered in the DCSDC area
Part 5
Events programme – up to 5% of overall budget to scope out a full programme of events to be delivered over the course of the exhibition in the Tower Museum between April and November 2016. The successful company should provisionally book these events this year and create a calendar of events suitable for the wide range of audiences and should be a mix of talks, music, drama and living history and culminate in aconference in October 2016 to reflect on the journey taken over the course of the programme
Project weighting 80% with remaining 20% allocated as programme co-ordination fee
The successful company/organisation will be required to attend regular progress meetings with the lead DCSDC officer and other assigned members of staff when requested to do so.
9Payment schedule
Payment will be made in two stages as follows:
Stage Description / % of Total ValueStage 1 / 50%
Stage 2 (Final Payment) / 50%
Instructions to Tenderers (T Bus 15-06)
- Invitation To Tender
1.1Derry City & Strabane District Council principally invites detailed and costed proposals for Tender brief defined in Introduction & Scope of Works. Please ensure your submission includes all details as per section 19 of Instructions to Tenderers.
2Explanation of Documents / queries during the tender period / registration of intent to tender
2.1It is the responsibility of prospective facility/service providers (hereafter referred to as ‘tenderers’) or parties submitting ‘expressions of interest’ to obtain for themselves at their own expense any additional information necessary for the preparation of their proposals (hereafter referred to as ‘tenders’) or ‘expressions of interest’.
2.2Tenderers are advised to ensure that they are fully familiar with the nature and extent of the obligations to be accepted by them if their tender is accepted.
2.3Should any tenderer be in doubt as to the interpretation of any part of the contract documents, Procurement shall endeavour to answer written enquiries. All queries must be submitted in writing to arrive with Procurement not later than 4th December 2015by email to:
Email –
2.4All copies of written queries received, together with written replies will be sent to all tenderers not later than 5days before the date of return of tenders. All responses will also be posted on the Councils.
2.5In order to ensure receipt of written replies, all prospective tenderers are therefore requested to register their intent to tender in writing to Procurementby email as noted in Clause 2.3 above, not later ??, including full contact details and indicating tender will be submitted.
2.6No representation, explanation, or statement made to a tenderer, or anyone else, by or on behalf of the Council, as to the meaning of any of the tender documents, or otherwise in clarification as aforesaid, shall bind the Council in exercise of its powers and duties under any subsequent Contract(s).
3Accuracy Of Tender
Tenders must be submitted for the supply of all the services specified in the Form of Tender. Tenders submitted for part of the services only will be rejected. Tenderers must price separately for all items listed in the Form of Tender. The Council may reject any tender that is not priced separately.
4Information to be provided
Tenderers should provide a brief description of the overall organisation of their company. Tenderers must also include subcontracting information in this section if subcontractors will be engaged. Subcontractors must be named and their roles in the project briefly described.
Tenderers should provide this general background information:
- Company Address
- Contact person (s)
- Year established and company background
- Number of customers currently being serviced
- Comprehensive list of available services
- Provide any additional background information
Tenderers must complete and return all relevant tender/pricing, assurance and declaration forms etc.
5Submission of Tender Documents (and/or Additional Proposals and Expressions of Interest)
5.1The tender(s) shall be made on the Form of Tender(s) provided, and signed by the Tenderer. All Contract Documents, together with these Instructions and completed Form of Tender(s) should be forwarded, by registered post or delivered by hand and a receipt obtained to:
Tender for“Procurement of Programme Co-ordinator for the Tower Museum 1916 Programme” (T Bus 15-06)
Director of Business & Culture
Derry City & Strabane District Council
98 Strand Road, Derry
BT48 7NN,
so as to arrive not later than 12.00 noon on 18th December 2015
Please provide 4 copies of your tender submission and one copy on USB Stick. These copies will enable your submission to be reviewed by tender panel
No UNAUTHORISED alteration or addition should be made to the Tender Form(s), or to any other of the Contract Documents. IF ANY SUCH ALTERATION OR ADDITION IS MADE OR IF THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE NOT FULLY COMPLIED WITH THE TENDER MAY BE REJECTED.
5.2All documents requiring a signature shall be signed.
(a)Where the Tenderer is an individual, by that individual
(b)Where the Tenderer is a partnership by the two duly authorised partners.
(c)Where the Tenderer is a company by two directors or by a director and the secretary of the company, such persons being duly authorised for that purpose.
5.3Tenders shall be submitted strictly in accordance with the tender documents.
5.4 No alteration to the text of any of the Tender Documents will be permitted, and if any are made, the tender may be rejected. Failure to complete any part of the documents may also incur rejection of the tender.
5.5 Tenderers must ensure that all requested documentation is returned with the completed tender.
5.6No name or mark, including any franking machine slogan, is to be placed on the envelope to indicate in any way the identity of the sender.
5.7Tenderers or any representatives thereof will not be permitted to be present when the tenders are opened.
5.8All prices should be quoted in pounds sterling and shall be exclusive of VAT.
6The Basis of the Tender
The rates quoted in the form of tender section shall remain fixed for the duration of this contract.
7Period of Acceptance
The Tenderer is required to hold his tender open for acceptance for a period of 150 days from the closing date for the submission of tenders.
8Evaluation of Tender
8.1Evaluation/Award Criteria are outlined in next section.
8.2Derry City & Strabane District Council is not required to accept the lowest or any tender and may wish to award the contract as a whole or individual aspects depending on the strength of the successful team.
9Contract Documents take Precedence
The information given in these Instructions for Tenderers is given in good faith for the guidance of Tenderers, but if there is any conflict, the Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and the Pricing Documents / Form of Tender shall take precedence over these Instructions.