DIVISION OF MEDICAL PHYSICS – Dr. Peter Dunscombe, Division Chief


Two Physicists, Drs. Mobit and Sawchuk, left the Physics Group in 2003 to pursue their careers in the United States. After an extensive search, the Division was fortunate to hire Dr. Chris Newcomb who not only has a Ph.D. in Medical Biophysics but also an M.B.A. The combination of a scientific and a financial services background adds a new dimension to the group. Two Tom Baker Cancer Centre Radiation Oncology Physics Residents satisfactorily completed a two year training program and joined the staff.


The major clinical project of 2003 was the introduction of prostate brachytherapy. The intraoperative system introduced, the Nucletron seed Selectron, is unique in Canada and only the seventh of its type in North America. Planning for the clinical implementation of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy and for a major upgrade and expansion of the stereotactic radiosurgery program continued throughout the year.


One student, William Song, successfully graduated with an M.Sc. and moved to the University of Western Ontario to pursue a Ph.D. degree. Two students joined the graduate program in Radiation Oncology Physics for a total of four. Three 3 credit hour graduate courses were offered with plans being laid for expansion to five half courses. Two Radiation Oncology Residents completed the two year program. The Division continues to contribute a course in Radiotherapy Physics to the School of Radiation Therapy.


Members of the Division contribute nationally and internationally through formal appointments to the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists; the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group; the NCIC Clinical Trials Group; the American Association of Physicists in Medicine; the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control and the Commission on the Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs.


Peer Review Publications

Samant, R., Dunscombe P. and Roberts G.

A cost-outcome analysis of long term adjuvant goserelin in addition to radiotherapy for locally advanced prostate cancer

Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 21 (2003) 171-177

Samant, R., Roberts G.and Dunscombe P.

Case-costing of palliative radiotherapy: a Canadian single-institution perspective

Current Oncology 9 (2003) (1) 20-26.

Song W. and Dunscombe P.

EUD based margin selection in the presence of set-up uncertainties

Medical Physics accepted for publication

Choi, D.R., Mobit, P.N., Breitman, K.E,

The clinical implementation of a method for calculating the output factor and percent depth dose for an electron beam.

Phys. Med. Biol. 48 (2003) 899-908

Sawchuk S. P., Knibutat K., and Moriarity L.

Reduction of downtime and improvement of the utility of a conventional radiotherapy simulator

Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 4 (4) (2003) 334-340

Mobit P. and Badragan, I.

Response of LiF-TLD micro-rods around 125I radioactive seed
Phys. Med. Biol 48 (2003) 3129-3142;

Davis S, Ross C, Mobit P, Van der Zwan and Shortt K

The response of the LiF-TLDs in the energy range from 30 kV x-rays to 60Co γ-rays. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 106 (2003)33-43

Mobit P. N. and Badragan I. “An EGSnrc based Monte Carlo determination of the energy response of LiF-TLDs irradiated by brachytherapy sources” Physics in Medicine and Biology Vol. 48 (2003) 3129-3142

Published Abstracts

W.Song and P.Dunscombe

EUD based margin selection: a simulation including a target, critical organ and set-up uncertainties. Med. Phys. 30 (2003) 1506

W.Song and P.Dunscombe

The trade off between margins and prescribed doses using the Equivalent Uniform Dose: a phantom study. Med Phys. 30 (2003) 1939

Breitman K. E., Evans D., Spencer D.P.

Radiation Therapy to the Skull using IMRT techniques.
Medical Physics, 30 (2003), 1487

Conference Reports

Lee R., Dunscombe P., Kelly K-L. and Mobit P.

A decision analytic framework for assessment of catastrophic risks to radiation oncology patients.

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care, Canmore, June 2003

Evans D-A, I Kay, Breitman K. and Dunscombe P.

Clinical implementation of 125I prostate brachytherapy with an automated remote afterloader

Alberta Cancer Board Annual Research Meeting, Banff, November 2003

Lee R. and Dunscombe P., et al.

An analytic framework for the assessment of rare, catastrophic risks to radiation oncology patients.

International Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Baltimore, December 2003

Badragan I. and Mobit P.

The use of Monte Carlo Simulations to Study the Radiation Dose Distribution in Prostate Implant Brachitherapy with 125I

COMP/OCPM the 43th Annual Scientific Meeting, Edmonton Alberta, June 5-7, 2003

Badragan I. and Mobit P.

Dosimetric Effects of Combined Needle Divergence & Seed Placement Errors in Prostate Seed Implant Brachytherapy using 125

WESCAN Winnipeg, Manitoba, 19-22 March 2003


Alberta Cancer Board

Some applications of outcome indicators in radiotherapy physics, $66,500

2003 -2004


Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR)

A Monte Carlo Based Model for Radiation Dose Calculations, $150,000

July 2001 – June 2003

P. Mobit