Grade____3____Music. Unit :: Rhythm/Meter
Overarching Question / Focus Question
How does knowing about rhythm make me a more successful musician? /
  1. What is rhythm?
  2. Why is it important to read conducting patterns?
  3. How does identifying patterns help with memorization?
  4. Can I make a pattern using rhythms I know?
  5. What rhythm symbols do musicians read?
  6. How is specific criteria in notation similar to criteria used in writing?
  7. Why is it important to use specific criteria when notating?
  8. How will being able to identify rhythms help me in my music making? How will it improve my performance?

Graphic Organizer
Unit: 1- Rhythm/Meter

Unit Abstract / Key Concepts/Understandings
This unit is about exploring more complex rhythm patterns and concepts of meter in third grade. This will be accomplished by:
•performing in groups and independently more complex patterns using beamed sixteenth notes and dotted half note
•identifying sixteenth notes and dotted half notes
•notating sixteenth notes and dotted half notes
•conducting and following conducting patterns in 2, 3, and 4 beat meters
•Improvising rhythms within a musical selection
•Responding to and evaluating musical notation using specific criteria
Knowledge/Vocabulary: / Resources:
Students can identify and explain ….
Music Symbols / Vocabulary
__ beat bar / Rhythm
Quarter Note / Steady beat
Quarter Rest / Beam
Beamed Eighth notes / Pattern
Single Eighth note / Symbol
Eighth rest / pulse
Beamed Sixteenth Notes / Note
Half Note / Rest
Half Rest / ostinato
Dotted Half note (3 beat note) Too-oo-oo / Note head
/ Note I’m Working On WS x3
Rhythm Dictation WS from GP3
Composition assessment from GP3
Student created rubric flipchart
Nino Querido Flipchart (MAKE)
R.U. #19 “Chinese Festival Music”
Mozart “Rondo a la Turka” (listening)
Gagliarda (listening)
Colorado Academic Standards/Evidence Outcomes
Students who are continuously enrolled and who have a ≥ 85% attendance rate will be able to….
1. Expression of Music
1.Perform from memory and use simple traditional notation
  1. Use correct vocal and instrumental techniques when singing and
playing instruments
b.Recognize and follow conductor’s beat patterns and gestures
2.Perform extended rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic patterns
  1. Perform more complex patterns that include do, re, mi, sol, la, high do,
low sol, and low la (extended pentatonic scale) and dffg, h.
b.Perform rhythmic and melodic ostinati in small groups
2. Creation of Music
1.Short musical phrases and patterns
a.Improvise four measures within a musical selection
2.Notate music using basic notation structure
b. Apply teacher-defined criteria to determine accuracy of notation
3. Theory of Music
  1. Apply and demonstrate use of basic dynamics, tempo, meter, and
articulationusing appropriate music vocabulary
c. Explain the function of the top number of a time signature involving
two, three, and four beats.
4.Identify and aurally recognize simple melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic patterns
b.Identify and notate using dffg and h.
Assessment Tasks (F=Formative, S=Summative, I=Informal Check for Understanding):
  1. Observation of steady beat and rhythm performance while moving, playing instruments and tapping beat charts (3 data points) (F, I, S)
  2. Rhythm Dictation (at least 2data points)(S)
  3. Notated Rhythm Composition (S)

Lesson Sequence/Process
Day 1-What is rhythm? Review of Previous concepts, PREPARE sixteenth notes
CLO: Students will use music vocabulary and a sentence stem to describe the music they perform on rhythm instruments as a whole class.
  1. Warmups and Attendance, Mirror CLO
  2. ECHO RHYTHMS/MIRROR CANON- use simple rhythms first, then increase to sixteenth notes
  3. RhythmischeUbung #19, see process on handout
  4. Debrief- What can we take away from today’s lesson? What did you notice?
Day 2:
CLO: Students will use music words to describe our rhythm performance to a partner.
  1. Continue R.U.#19, review patterns using state names:
A- Kansas, Kansas, Maine Colorado, Maine Colorado
Colorado, Colorado Maine
B- Colorado Colorado Texas Texas Colorado Colorado Texas Maine
  1. Perform with instruments
  2. Watch Chinese Festival Music video
Day 3:
PRESENT Beamed Sixteenth Note pattern
CLO: Students will be able to use music vocabulary (Stem, notehead, flag) to draw the parts of Beamed Sixteenth note pattern, and identify Beamed Sixteenth note pattern in a musical selection. Supports: worksheet, partners, whole group, music displayed on screen
  1. Warmups and Attendance, Mirror CLO
  2. Note We are Working on- Sixteenth notes
  3. Reading from textbook- Chicken on the Fencepost
  4. Listening activity- “Batuque“
  5. I have/Who has…. Game
Day 4:
CLO: Students will use music vocabulary when notating sixteenth note rhythm patterns using a rhythm dictation worksheet.
  1. Warmups and Attendance, Mirror CLO
  2. Mozart Listening activity- post rhythm on board, students read, then listen while quietly tapping the rhythm on their laps during the song
  3. Rhythm dictation sheet
  4. Discuss how we should grade the dictation- come up with a student rubric as a class
  5. Play Rhythm Dictation computer game as whole class
DAY 5: Lullaby “ Nino Querido”
CLO: Students will use music vocabulary when drawing dotted half notes and identify them by reading in a lullaby.
  1. Play “Gagliarda” as they are entering, attendance, CLO
  2. Note we are working on- Dotted Half note- Glue in IMN p.5
  3. Conducting Patterns- 2, 3, 4 draw in IMN p.6
  4. Dictation – 1 example in 4/4 meter, 2 examples in ¾ meter
  5. Learn Lullaby and perform with accompaniment
DAY 6: Assessment
CLO: Students will use rhythm vocabulary to compose an 8 beat rhythm pattern and discuss criteria for assessing their rhythm using a rubric.
Unit Reflection, Assessment Results and Instructional Methods used