Press Release

16 November 2015


Pupils from two schools on the Bransholme Estate in Hull will be joining forces with their contemporaries from Leeds and the Orchestra of Opera North to celebrate Christmas in style with a special seasonal concert on Tuesday 8 December in Hull City Hall involving more than 500 children.

The event, which starts at 2pm, will feature key stage 2 children from Bude Park Primary School who have been involved since September 2014 in Opera North’s pioneering community residency, Opera North Singing School. Supported by Hull-based William Jackson Food Group, this provides singing and performing arts tuition for everyone at the school for up to three hours a week. Joining them will be older students from the Winifred Holtby Academy who have been studying musicianship and exploring the power of the voice as part of Opera North’s Exchanging Notes project, funded by Youth Music.

In a bid to connect communities across Yorkshire, the performance will also include pupils from Windmill Primary School and Low Road Primary School in Leeds, where Opera North runs its award-winning In Harmony Opera North initiative. This embeds music into the daily life of the school and supports every child to learn to play a musical instrument, and to play and sing in weekly orchestral and choir sessions.

Matt Beckingham, Opera North’s Artistic Head of Vocal Delivery, who will be conducting the concert, said:

“As Hull prepares to become 2017 UK City of Culture, it is fitting that we are marking the end of this year with a display of the incredible musical talent which exists among the city’s younger people.

Watching the enthusiasm and dedication which the children show is inspirational. Many of those taking part in this concert have never had the opportunity to see and hear a full symphony orchestra before, let alone perform with one. They have all worked incredibly hard to prepare for this event, which is the first one we have held in Hull City Hall.

“Giving the children involved in Opera North Singing School and In Harmony Opera North the chance to appear with professional musicians is a very important part of these projects, as it really helps to build their self-confidence and their belief in what they can achieve. Bringing together pupils from both Leeds and Hull shows them that they are a part of a wider musical community and supports them to build an affinity with other children and professionals within the arts. We are going to encourage them to keep this contact afterwards by becoming penfriends.”

Entitled ‘A Yorkshire Christmas: Past and Present’, the concert will take the audience on a festive journey from the start of the twentieth century to the present day, focusing on the life of Hull City Hall, which was built in 1903. Over the course of the afternoon, seasonal songs, festive orchestral excerpts, readings and tableau scenes will be used to reflect on Christmas celebrations over the ages from the pre-war uncertainty and austerity experienced by Hull residents during the two World Wars, through to the present day and the young people’s hopes for future Christmases.

Entry to the concert is free but is by ticket only. Please email to check availability.


For further information, images or interview requests, please contact:

Julia O’Sullivan, Head of Communications

0113 223 3526 | 07956 647 573 | julia.o’

Elizabeth Simmonds, Press Officer

0113 213 5641 |

Notes to Editors:

Opera North community residencies are long-term initiatives delivered in the north of England; they range from immersive programmes working with schools to programmes with families and vulnerable adults. They create and offer experiences and performance opportunities that aim to enhance skills, raise aspirations and enrich lives.

Opera North gratefully acknowledges the support Arts Council and Department of Education for their support of In Harmony Opera North, the project’s Ambassadors: The Liz and Terry Bramall Foundation and Land Securities; and additional supporters including The Calmcott Trust, Evans Property Group, Arup, The Charles & Elsie Sykes Trust and The Whitaker Charitable Trust. Singing School is generously supported by William Jackson Food Group.