The 2015 Kinry Road Elementary School

Fifth and Sixth Grade Musical…


Thursday, October 23rd (5th Grade Students)

Friday, October 24th (6th Grade Students)
Tuesday, October 28th (overflow audition date)

Cafeteria from 8:00am- until 9:00am

Please be sure to read the enclosed information carefully and check the dates before returning the signed permission slip to the box labeled “Kinry Road Drama Club” in the main office by Tuesday, October 21st. Students can not audition unless their permission form has been turned in.

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,

It’s musical time! There’s lots of important information in this packet, so please take a few moments to read it thoroughly, discuss it together, and put in a handy place for future reference. The drama program is intended to be a fun and gentle introduction to acting and musical theater. Every 5th or 6th Grade student who wishes to and can make the necessary time commitment may participate. All children can be a part of the cast, however, crew spots are limited.

Be sure to complete both sides and sign the permission slip before returning it to the box in the main office by Tuesday, October 22nd. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail Mr. Pogemiller at


Thursday, March 12th and Friday March 13th at 7:00pm in the Kinry Road Cafetorium


·  Saturday, March 7th (9am to 4pm) technical rehearsal

·  Tuesday, March 10th and Wednesday, March 11th (dismissal until 6pm) dress rehearsal

Please make sure that ALL of these dates are available on your calendar!

AUDITIONS: Thursday, October 23rd (5th Grade Students)

Friday, October 24th (6th Grade Students)

Monday, October 28th (overflow)

  Auditions will take place starting at 8:00am. Please be on time!

  Remember, it’s a MUSICAL --everyone in the show is expected to sing! Students wishing to be considered for a solo will have the opportunity to sing a song from the show which everyone will learn together. Those who choose not to sing alone at the casting call will automatically be cast in the chorus or “ensemble” but should plan to participate fully during rehearsals --bring your positive attitude and willingness to try!

  All students will also be given an opportunity to “act” by performing a line or two chosen from the script. No preparation is necessary --just relax, have fun, and do your best!

·  Students should attend casting call on their assigned day unless other arrangements have been made. Those wishing to join the crew must also attend the casting call.

·  REMEMBER: there are NO small parts! A dramatic production is a team effort, and everyone is important. If a student attends casting call, the assumption is made that he/she will be delighted with ANY role.


Students wishing to participate in the musical must be in chorus. Because the rehearsal process will be so quick and there will be so much to do, it is important that the students get a solid foundation in proper singing and vocal technique in chorus. This will help them to sing with a healthy voice in rehearsals and help them with their music literacy skills. Students must also turn in a signed permission slip so that we know they are committed and available to participate. Students who have not turned in the permission form will not be allowed to audition and therefore will not be cast.


Rehearsals are held on days 4 and 5 before school. I teach in multiple buildings, so rehearsal before school is only possible on those days. Students will not be required to attend every rehearsal. Students will be called to attend rehearsals only when we are working on a scene or musical number that they are featured in. A schedule will be handed out to parents once parts have been assigned. However, closer to the show date, all participants will be expected to attend all rehearsals.

Performers are expected to be available for all of their group’s rehearsals and are expected to stay for the entire time. Please do not arrive late. It disrupts the process, and every minute of rehearsal time is critical. If the school dismisses early, we will not meet for after school rehearsal. If there is a 2 hour delay, rehearsal will be CANCELLED. If there is a snow day the day of rehearsal, the rehearsal will take place the next day, unless there is a delay. As the productions progresses, it might be necessary for us to hold additional rehearsals to ensure that the students are prepared. I will be sure to put on the schedule when those additional rehearsals will take place. Please leave those dates and times free from other activities. Pick-up for additional after school rehearsals will be at 5:30. Volunteers will excuse the children individually as parents sign them out. Your promptness will be greatly appreciated!


If a student is absent from school for the ENTIRE day, or leaves school early through the nurse’s office, they are excused from rehearsal. Every student will get one free absence (child forgets note, chooses to attend an event or another activity, etc.) However, on the occasion of the second unexcused absence, the student will be removed from the cast or crew. Please do not ask to make exceptions; this is unfair to children who decide in advance not to participate because of other obligations. It is the responsibility of the students to keep track of the schedule. Please make sure that there are no conflicts with the dress rehearsal or the Saturday technical rehearsal as it is crucial that all participants attend on these days. Failure to attend will result in removal from the show. According to district policy, if a child is absent from school on the day of a performance for any reason, they may not perform that evening.


Please consider carefully if the musical is the right activity for you. Some kids really just need to run around! However, rehearsal is not the place. We have so much to accomplish and need to be fair to the participants who are there to give their all. If we find that a student is consistently being disruptive or not participating, parents will be notified.

  Students who choose to be a part of the musical should come to rehearsal ready to participate. Everyone will sing; everyone will dance. You don’t have to be good, but you do have to try!

  Horseplay will not be tolerated on or backstage at any time.

  Students must keep up with all homework assignments. (Tracking will be done by the classroom teachers.) Students not completing work risk removal from the show. School comes first!

  Students with speaking parts will be expected to memorize their lines outside of rehearsal time.

  Everyone is expected to come to rehearsal PREPARED. This means checking the schedule to see what is being covered and coming with any song lyrics or lines memorized. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!

Participation in the musical is a privilege. If a child chooses not to adhere to the rules, a call will go home to a parent. Misbehavior is often an indication that a child is simply not interested in participating in a musical. If this is the case, it’s best for all involved for that child to focus their energy in another activity rather than diminish the enjoyment of those who are there to put their full energy into the show.


Crew is fun, but it is also work! Potential crew members need to be responsible and hard working. Crew members will be contacted individually when meeting times are arranged. The first will take place in late December and will probably be after school. They will meet several times to paint sets and make props and will attend the last few rehearsals to learn their jobs for the performances. Crew positions are limited to 12. Students who are interested in crew should say so on their audition sheet. Note: You may not be in both the cast and crew.


I am extremely excited to be working with the students and hope that this experience will become a highlight of your child’s elementary school memories. Please support your child’s efforts by helping them practice at home, and don’t hesitate to contact me by e-mail at if you have questions or concerns.

Mr. Pogemiller- Kinry Road Drama Club Advisor

Kinry Road Drama Club Permission Slip

My child ______

(please print the name as you would like it to appear in the program)

has my permission to participate in the 2014 Kinry Road Drama Club Musical. I have read the entire Drama Club packet and understand the time commitment involved. He/she will accept the part that is cast and will give their full energy to making this the best show ever!

Homeroom Teacher______Room Number______

I give permission for my child’s name and/or picture to appear:

in the newspaper yes ____ no ____ on the WCSD or Kinry Road Website yes ____ no ____

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Parent/Guardian Name (please print)______


Home Phone______

Work Phone______

Cell Phone______

E-mail Address (This will serve as a primary means of contact for schedule changes due to snow days and delays): ______

Alternate person to contact if the parent/guardian cannot be reached:


Relationship to student: ______


Medical Conditions/Allergies______

Kinry Road Drama Club Permission Slip Continued:

PRINT names of ANY individual authorized to pick up your child from any after school rehearsals, as well as technical and dress rehearsals. (Please include yourself and your spouse.)


Relationship to child______


Relationship to child______


Relationship to child______


Relationship to child______

Kinry Drama Club Dues:

Students participating in the drama will need to bring in $6.00 to the first full cast rehearsal. This money will purchase the musical score that students will then get to keep and make notes in. It will also pay for a CD of the music so that students can practice the songs at home. Home practice is CRUCIAL because of our limited rehearsal time. CDs and books will be distributed to all cast members after auditions. These are not only necessary materials that students will need for the rehearsal process, but also make great show mementos once the show is over.


PLEASE put in the box labeled “Kinry Road Drama Club” in the office by Tues, October 21st.


PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Please list any previous stage experience (including dance) in the space below (no experience is necessary!) (Feel free to continue on the back if needed!!!

ROLE PREFERENCE: Please check the type of role for which you would like to be considered. Remember --every part is important!

Solo/Speaking Part--I am comfortable singing and/or speaking alone (or I am really excited to try!) I will work hard to memorize my lines at home and come to rehearsal ready to go!

Chorus/Ensemble ONLY-- I like singing and dancing in a group. I will practice the music at home and come to rehearsal ready to go!

Crew-- I’m most interested in working on sets, props, lighting, curtain or sound. I understand that there are only 12 spaces, and I may not be chosen. If I am not selected for crew, I would like to be put in the ensemble Yes No


Parent volunteers are VITAL to the success of our program. The musical is a large undertaking and I would very much appreciate any help you can offer! Please consider taking an active “role” in the play yourself! If you have any questions about these positions, please ask!

Parent Name: ______

Crew helper-- I will attend crew meetings and/or help with projects. I can be available during performances to supervise the crew members backstage. Yes No

Props and Costumes— Props ONLY I will help find and assign props for the production

Costumes ONLY- I will work with Mr. P on costume selection, creation, and alteration

Shirts-- I will organize the production and distribution of show shirts.

Party-- I will organize and supervise the cast and crew party.

Rehearsal Helper- I will attend full cast rehearsals and help manage students and help them be on task and focused.