Kansas Anthropological Association

2016 Membership Form

(for calendar year January 1 through December 31, 2016)

Please print clearly! Please circle to indicate if this membership is New or a Renewal

Name ______Phone # (1) ______-______-______(home/work/cell)

Street Address ______Phone # (2) ______-______-______(home/work/cell)

PO Box Address______E-Mail Address ______

City ______State ______Zip ______(+ 4) ______

Special skills or profession (helpful when calling on volunteers at KATP) ______

Please circle type of membership desired:Please record contribution amount:

Individual (over 18 years of age)………………….$27.00John Reynolds Memorial Research Fund………. $______

Family (husband, wife, & children under 18) …….$30.00Reed Publications Fund………………………… $______

Subscription………………………………………..$30.00Bulletin Fund…………………………………… $______

Contributing ……………………………………….$40.00General Fund …………………………………… $______

Life Membership …………………………………$400.00Training Program (KATP) ………………………$______

Student (KATP only, no publications) ………….….$5.00Other (please specify) ……………………………$______

I am enclosing $______to cover annual dues and contributions indicated above.

  • Please make checks payable to the Kansas Anthropological Association. (There will be a $15.00 charge for all returned checks.)

I understand that, when participating in KAA activities, I may be photographed for print, video, or electronic imaging. I consent that these images may be used in promotional materials, news releases, and other published formats for KAA or KSHS publications.

Signature ______Date ______

Please circle to indicate if you are a member of a local KAA Chapter: Yes No If yes, which chapter(s)? ______

If you are a member of a local KAA chapter, you may submit this form along with your dues and any contributions to your chapter treasurer at the time you pay chapter dues. Your chapter treasurer will forward your state dues to the state treasurer. Please complete this form and return it to your chapter or state treasurer for information verification even if you have already paid your dues.

  • Mail to: Anita Frank, Treasurer, Kansas Anthropological Association, PO Box 750962, Topeka, KS 66675-0962

Compliance with the KAA Code of Ethics is required for KAA membership. Please read and sign.

KAA Code ofEthics

1. The archeological record is irreplaceable. It is the responsibility of all archeologists, amateur and professional, to work for long-term conservation and protection of the archeological record and to promote responsible stewardship of archeological resources. Methods of investigation should be chosen that result in minimum damage to the archeological record.

2. The buying and selling of objects out of archeological context contributes to the destruction of the archeological record. The buying, selling, and trading of archeological materials for personal enjoyment or profit undermines the objective of preservation of information essential to understanding the archeological record; therefore, the KAA does not condone such activities.

3. It is the purpose of the KAA to enlist public support for the stewardship of the archeological record through outreach and education. This includes the explanation and use of proper archeological methods and techniques.

4. Because many archeological investigations are by nature destructive, the KAA strives to ensure that all who participate have adequate supervision, training, experience, facilities, and support to conduct any program of research.

5. A member shall not undertake archeological work for which he or she is not adequately qualified. Specifically, archeological excavation should not be conducted without the direct supervision of an archeologist with at least a Master’s degree in Archeology, Anthropology, or a related field, who has previous experience supervising excavations.

6. Archeological investigations should be adequately documented. A report should be written for archeological investigations that produce archeological data. Members should work actively for the preservation of archeological collections, records, and reports.

An individual whose membership has been cancelled may request reinstatement after a period of one year. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Executive Committee shall be necessary for reinstatement.

Signature ______Date ______