Sep 2012doc.: IEEE 11-12-1094-00-000ac

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

TGacAd Hoc Meeting minutes – 20120912
Date: 2012-09-12
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
David Xun Yang / Huawei Technologies / Huawei Industrial Base, Shenzhen, Guangdong518129, China / +86 15914117462 /


This document contains the meeting minutes of the IEEE 802.11acad hoc meeting on 2012-09-12.

Ad Hoc meeting time: 2012-09-12, 9:00 PDT

Attendees present:

  • Osama Aboul-Magd (Huawei) – Chair
  • David Xun Yang (Huawei) –Secretary
  • Reza Hedyat (Cisco)
  • Brian Hart (Cisco)
  • Minho Cheong (ETRI)
  • Jae Seung Lee (ETRI)
  • Eldad Perahia (Intel)
  • Adrian Stephens (Intel)
  • Joonsuk Kim (Broadcom)
  • Matthew Fischer (Broadcom)
  • Eric Wong (Broadcom)
  • Vinko Erceg (Broadcom)
  • Yong Liu (Marvell)
  • Hongyuan Zhang (Marvell)
  • Simone Merlin (Qualcomm)
  • Youhan Kim (Qualcomm)
  • Allert Van Zelst (Qualcomm)
  • Chunhui Zhu (Samsung)
  • James Wang (MediaTek)
  • Chao-Chun Wang (MediaTek)
  • Jianhan Liu (MediaTek)
  • Bo Sun (ZTE)
  • Kaiying Lv (ZTE)
  • Raja Banerjea(CSR)
  • Vish Ponnampalam(MediaTek)


  • Review of IEEE 802 & 802.11 Polices and Procedures.
  • Overview of comment resolutions
  • Comments Resolution
  • 12/0810r3 Proposed Resolutions on Misc PHY comments (Youhan Kim, Qualcomm)
  • 12/1039r0 Proposed Resolutions on Misc PHY comments– Part 2 (Youhan Kim, Qualcomm)
  • 12/1036r0 D3 Comment Resolution, Brian, Part 3 (Brian Hart, Cisco)
  • 12/1055r0 LB188 Comment Resolution (Clause 22.1) (Bo Sun, ZTE)
  • 12/1041r0 CIDs section 9.17a (Simone Merlin, Qualcomm)
  • 12/1073r0 Resolutions for Misselaneous LB 188 CIDs (Vish Ponnampalam, MediaTek)
  • 12/0994r2 LB 188 Comments Resolutions for Sub-Clause 9.19 (Part 1) (Allan Zhu, Samsung)
  • 12/1007r2 Proposed resolutions to remaining comments assigned to the author (Adrian Stephens, Intel)

The chairman starts the meeting at 9:01 am.

The chairman introduces the IEEE patent policy and asks for patent request.No response noted.

The chairman asks for updating the general flow and agenda. No objection to today’s schedule.

The chairman introduces there are 350 comments left.

The chairman asks for updating the status of comments.

The chairman calls for submission update, and check the leftover from teleconferences.

Presentation #1: 12/0810r3 Proposed Resolutions on Misc PHY comments (Youhan Kim, Qualcomm)

Youhan presented

6606,6607, 6608, 6180, 6609, 6335

No objection to the resolutions to CID 6606, 6607, 6608, 6180, 6609 and 6335.

Presentation #2: 12/1039r0 Proposed Resolutions on Misc PHY comments– Part 2(Youhan Kim, Qualcomm)

Youhan presented

6610, 6322, 6611, 6612, 6613,

No comments


Raja: This Note should be in the MAC clause and explain how to transmit in duplicate format.

Youhan: This is just to solve the comment and release the concern.

Raja: It is already in the spec, why do we add it here?

Youhan: Yes. There is nothing new. The Note here is more convenient for the reader that only read this clause.

Adrian: How about just invoking the table 22-2?

No objection noted to the comment resolutions to CIDs 6610, 6322, 6611, 6612, 6613 and 6614 as in doc 12/1039r1.

Presentation #3: 12/1036r0 D3 Comment Resolution, Brian, Part 3(Brian Hart, Cisco)

Brian presented


No comment

6200, 6397,

Youhan: What does the channel switch in Wider Channel Bandwidth mean?

Brian: It is the request for the report of measurement and change to new bandwidth.

Youhan: This is somewhat like BSS Load element.

Brian: BSS Load element is show the status of current BSS to STA. The load request is to request the frame including BSS Load element. I will check if there is any contradiction.

Youhan: When you send the Beacon request and scan in 80 MHz, what will you see?

Brian: There will be 20MHz Beacon in each 20MHz, and also 40MHz Beacon and 80MHz Beacon. It is different from 11n.

Youhan: So there is no rule that Beacon is only sent in primary channel?

Brian: I believe not.

No objection noted to the comment resolution to CID 6201.

Presentation #4: 12/1055r0 LB188 Comment Resolution (Clause 22.1)(Bo Sun, ZTE)

Bo presented

6400, 6401,

Eldad: Why is the paragraph there?

Youhan: It is better to change the text in line 37 into “A VHT STA shall support following VHT features”

Adrian: How about simply reject the comment?

Brian: Change “VHT features” to “clause 22 features”

6402, 6640,

Raja: This comment has been raised before.

Osama: To be consistent, you can reject it.

Brian: Frankly speaking, the sentence needs partly change.

Adrian: We got it from the PAR.


No comment


Eldad: MU PPDU doesn’t only mean the MU PPDU in VHT format.

Vinko: I will check the necessary changes to this comment.


No objection noted to the comment resolutions to CIDs6400, 6401, 6402, 6640, 6328 and 6504 in doc 12/1055r1.

Presentation #5: 12/1073r0 Resolutions for Misselaneous LB 188 CIDs (Vish, MediaTek)

Vish presented

6251, 6174, 6387, 6827, 6232, 6323, 6054, 6050, 6051, 6053, 6052, 6001, 6661, 6678, 6615, 6616, 6824 (Open), 6826 (Open),

Vish: MPDU or A-MPDU is in MAC layer. It is nothing wrong with PHY

6681(Open), 6828 (Open), 6829 (Open), 6789, 6484,

Do you agree to comment aresolutions to CIDs 6251, 6174, 6387, 6827, 6232, 6323, 6054, 6050, 6051, 6053, 6052, 6001, 6661, 6678, 6615, 6616, 6824, 6789 and 6484 as in doc 12/1073r1?

No objection noted.

Presentation #6: 12/1041r0 CIDs section 9.17a (Simone Merlin, Qualcomm)

Simone presented

6194, 6289, 6290, 6291,

No comment


Adrian: The sentence has to be kept because it is a key feature for this field.

Eldad: But it is not clear how it is done.

Joonsuk: I prefer to say something that PAID does something that achive the functions of power save.

A strawpoll shows that most people prefer to remove this sentence.

Strawpoll: Do you agree with comment resolutions to CIDs 6194, 6289, 6290, 6291 and 6841 in doc 12/1041r1?

No objection noted

Presentation #7: 12/0994r2LB 188 Comments Resolutions for Sub-Clause 9.19 (Part 1) (Allan Zhu, Samsung)

Allan presented


No strawpoll on this comment resolution.

Presentation #8: 12/1007r2 proposed resolutions to remaining comments assigned to the author (Adrian Stephens, Intel)

Adrian presented

6798, 6204, 6208, 6023, 6496, 6809, 6196, 6366, 6460, 6480, 6693, 6634,

No comment


Raja: Is there any bandwidth restriction for the data that polled by PS station.

Yong: No. There isn’t any rule. It is not TXOP. PS STA sending PS-Poll is not the TXOP holder.

Adrian: STA can send duplicate format PS-Poll to ensure the bandwidth.

Yong: PS-Poll does not have Duration field. It is hard to reserve the time of TXOP.

6779, 6318, 6443, 6390, 6024

No objection was noted for the comment resolutions to CIDs 6798, 6204, 6208, 6023, 6496, 6809, 6196, 6366, 6460, 6480, 6693, 6634, 6091, 6779, 6318, 6443, 6390 and 6024 as in doc 12/1007r3.

The meeting was recessed at 5:02 pm.

Submissionpage 1David Xun Yang (Huawei)