RAC-DS-MS Meeting Minutes August 11, 20171

1.Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions

Dave Angell, Reliability Assessment Committee (RAC) Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. A quorum was present for all three committees for the conducting of business. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A.

2.Antitrust Policy

Enoch Davies, System Stability Manager, read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement. A link to the posted Policy was provided in the meeting agenda.

3.Approve Agenda

Mr. Angell introduced the proposed meeting agenda.

On a motion by Chifong Thomas, the RAC, DS, and MS approved the agenda.

4.DS Consideration of ADSTF Nominees

Vijay Satyal, Senior Policy and Outreach Advisor, presented an overview of the Anchor Data Set (ADS) Task Force (ADSTF) and introduced the nominees for the ADSTF.

Mr. Satyal introduced Andrew Christensen and Jameson Thornton for Data Subcommittee (DS) consideration for ADSTF membership.

On a motion by Fred Heutte, the DS approved the following two nominees for membership in the ADSTF; Andrew Christensen (BPA) and Jameson Thornton (PG&E).

The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.

5.MS Consideration of ADSTF Nominees

Mr. Satyal introduced Jamie Austin and Radha Soorya for Modeling Subcommittee (MS) consideration for ADSTF membership.

On a motion by Peter Mackin, the MS approved the following two nominees for membership in the ADSTF; Jamie Austin (PacifiCorp) and Radha Soorya (TANC).

6.RAC Consideration of ADSTF Nominees

Mr. Satyal introduced Andrew Christensen, Jameson Thornton, Jamie Austin, Radha Soorya, Philip Augustin and Jan Strackfor consideration by the RAC for the ADSTF membership.

Tom Carr, Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB), proposed including additional members on the ADSTF to represent classes four and five, which are currently unrepresented. Recommended changes to the ADSTF Charter and membership will be given to the ADSTF for consideration.

On a motion by Peter Mackin, the RAC approved the following nominees for membership on the ADSTF; Andrew Christensen (BPA), Jameson Thornton (PG&E), Jamie Austin (PacifiCorp), Radha Soorya (TANC), Philip Augustin (SRP), and Jan Strack (SDG&E) and further resolved that it is the sense of the RAC that the ADSTF Charter should be amended to include two additional members representing other WECC Member Classes.

7.RAC Consideration of RAC Charter Revisions—Dave Angell

Mr. Angell presented the revised RAC Charter based on the request from the Board of Directors (Board) on June 20, 2017.

On a motion by Jan Strack, the RAC approved the revised RAC Charter.

The revised Charter is posted to the WECC Website.

8.Public Comment

No comments were made.

9.Review of New Action Items

There were no new action items.

10.Upcoming Meetings

October 19, 2017 (RAC)...... Salt Lake City, UT


Mr. Angell adjourned the meeting without objection at 11:25 a.m.
Exhibit A: Attendance List

Name...... Affiliation

RAC Members in Attendance

DaveAngell...... Idaho Power Company

JamieAustin...... PacifiCorp

ScottBeyer...... PacifiCorp

AseemBhatia...... California Department of Water Resources

JonathanCichosz...... Black Hills Corporation

GaryDeShazo...... California Independent System Operator

ThomasFlynn...... California Energy Commission

DavidFranklin...... Southern California Edison Company

JosephGillette...... Sacramento Municipal Utility District

JeffHanson...... Colorado Springs Utilities

StephanieImamovic...... Seattle City Light

JohnLeland...... Northern Tier Transmission Group

PeterMackin...... Utility System Efficiencies, Inc.

EstebanMartinez...... Arizona Public Service Company

MichaelRein...... Public Service Company of Colorado (Xcel Energy)

MarcoRios...... Pacific Gas and Electric Company

RadhaSoorya...... Transmission Agency of Northern California

JanStrack...... San Diego Gas & Electric

AngelaTanghetti...... California Energy Commission

ChifongThomas...... Smart Wires Inc.

GaryTrent...... Tucson Electric Power

JerodVandehey...... Public Utility District No. 1 of Cowlitz County

WesWingen...... Black Hills Corporation

JaniceZewe...... Sacramento Municipal Utility District

CarlZichella...... Natural Resources Defense Council

DS Members in Attendance

JamieAustin...... PacifiCorp

AseemBhatia...... California Department of Water Resources

LukasBoler...... Bonneville Power Administration - Transmission

ThomasFlynn...... California Energy Commission

GresterGarcia...... Arizona Public Service Company

RoyGearhart...... Western Area Power Administration

JustinHagler...... California Public Utilities Commission

JeffHanson...... Colorado Springs Utilities

KevinHarris...... ColumbiaGrid

FredHeutte...... NW Energy Coalition

StephanieImamovic...... Seattle City Light

TitoInga-Rojas...... British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority

SunithaKothapalli...... Puget Sound Energy, Inc.

JimLi...... British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority

PeterMackin...... Utility System Efficiencies, Inc.

HankMcIntosh...... San Diego Gas & Electric

AmirMohammednur...... Southern California Edison Company

DenisObiang...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

AymanSamaan...... Southern California Edison Company

RadhaSoorya...... Transmission Agency of Northern California

MikeStarrett...... Northwest Power and Conservation Council

MarkStoker...... Arizona Public Service Company

MuditaSuri...... California Independent System Operator

AngelaTanghetti...... California Energy Commission

ChifongThomas...... Smart Wires Inc.

JamesonThornton...... Pacific Gas and Electric Company

SongWang...... PacifiCorp

JonathanYoung...... ColumbiaGrid

MS Members in Attendance

AmosAng...... Southern California Edison Company

JamieAustin...... PacifiCorp

HassanBaklou...... San Diego Gas & Electric

AseemBhatia...... California Department of Water Resources

ThomasFlynn...... California Energy Commission

JosephGillette...... Sacramento Municipal Utility District

JeffHanson...... Colorado Springs Utilities

KevinHarris...... ColumbiaGrid

JimHirning...... Western Area Power Administration

StephanieImamovic...... Seattle City Light

PeterMackin...... Utility System Efficiencies, Inc.

Thomas E.Miller...... Pacific Gas and Electric Company

DenisObiang...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

RadhaSoorya...... Transmission Agency of Northern California

AngelaTanghetti...... California Energy Commission

ChifongThomas...... Smart Wires Inc.

GuiHuaWang...... British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority

SongWang...... PacifiCorp

JonathanYoung...... ColumbiaGrid

JaniceZewe...... Sacramento Municipal Utility District

YiZhang...... California Independent System Operator

Others in Attendance

Chris Albrecht...... WECC

Eusubio Arballo...... San Diego Gas & Electric

Tom Carr...... Western Interstate Energy Board

Enoch Davies...... WECC

Christopher Duch...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

Corey Fong...... California Department of Water Resources

Bill Hosie...... PSI Power System Innovation Corp.

Jon Jensen...... WECC

Colby Johnson...... WECC

Effat Moussa...... San Diego Gas & Electric

Shelli Nyland...... WECC

Vijay Satyal...... WECC

Branden Sudduth...... WECC

Brooke Tucker...... Utah Division of Public Utilities

Western Electricity Coordinating Council