Ohio FCCLA Regional Leadership Training

Region 2

Ashland University Convocation Center

November 5, 2013

Region 2 Advisers:

This is an exciting year for Ohio FCCLA! Regional Leadership Training is an opportunity for your students to

·  Gain leadership training

·  Engage in College and Career Readiness education

·  Train in meeting the service needs of their communities through projects

·  Participate in and watch Competitive Events

Format of the Day:

9 a.m. Opening Ceremony/Roll Call

9:30-10:15 a.m. CCR 104 Professionalism in the Social Media and LEAD 203 Public Speaking (National Trainers) and Workshops (Regional Officers)

Officer Workshop

Hunter Music Honor Flight Program

Delaney Toth Ashland University-college and career readiness/ college speaker

Katie McKinney Texting and Driving

Devin Batdorf National Outreach: Share Our Strength

10:20-11:05 a.m. Repeat above

9:30- Noon Competitive Events

Noon-12:30 Lunch

12:30-1:15 Repeat CCR 104/ LEAD 203

Continue with Competitive Events

1:15 p.m. Announce results

1:30 p.m. Dismiss

Competitive Events:

·  Creed Speaking- Jr./grades 7-9 only- spectators welcome

·  Impromptu Speaking- Jr./Sr./Occupational- spectators welcome

·  Illustrated Talk- Only offered in the Fall- Jr./Sr./Occupational

·  Toys that Teach- Sr./Occupational - Only offered in the Fall- spectators welcome

·  Culinary Food Art- Occupational only- spectators welcome

Registration for Illustrated Talk will be handled through Register my Chapter at Registration for Illustrated Talk is only open from Oct. 15-22!

This is the only way students can advance to state and national competition.

Medals/plaques will be awarded at Regional Competition in March.

Dress Code for the Regional Leadership Training:

Competition dress clothes which meet or exceeds school dress code. There should be no see through, low cut, extremely tight or extremely short clothing.

Non Competition clothes should be red, black or white polo or an FCCLA shirt with khaki or black slacks, skirt or capris.

Your Region 2 Officers and Advisers:

Officer Position Adviser

Hunter Music President Kris Bruce

Delaney Toth VP of Membership Jennifer Demczyk

Katie McKinney VP of Star Events Tami Baumberger

Devin Batdorf VP of Skill Events Becky Nichols

Kaitlyn Hunter VP of Public Relations Becky Nichols

Please register your chapter for this event by using the form on the next page. There are no refunds, however name substitutions can be emailed to Kris Bruce before November 1st.

The Region 2 Officers and Advisers are planning a great day of training and competition for you. Encourage your students to participate as several of the events are new. Updates and the Ohio FCCLA Regional Leadership Training program will be emailed to you.

The registration deadline is October 24th. Your registration and check must be received by then.

Questions? Contact:

Kris Bruce

Ohio FCCLA Regional Leadership Training

Region 2 Registration

Ashland University Convocation Center

November 5, 2013

School Name:

Chapter Name:

Adviser Name:

Adviser Email:

Total number attending (including adviser)

X $22.00


#Ham # Turkey # Veggie Total 1

Total number of Creed Speaking (Jr – 2 competitors/chapter)

Impromptu Speaking (Jr/Sr/Occ.- 2 competitors/chapter)

Toys That Teach(Sr/Occ.- 2 competitors/chapter)

Culinary Food Art(Occ.- 3 competitors/chapter)

*Jr =gr. 7-9 *Sr= gr. 10-12 *Occupational=Culinary, ECE TPA, Lodging

X $ 3.00

Total 2

Total amount owed: total 1 + total 2

Note: No refunds will be made. Checks are to be made out to PCTC/ Ohio FCCLA Region 2. Your check and a copy of the invoice should be sent to

PCTC /Ohio FCCLA Region 2

ATTN: Mike Martin

27 Ryan Road

Shelby, OH 44875

Location: Questions:

Ashland University Mrs. Kris Bruce

401 College Avenue (419) 683-5350 ext. 45602

Ashland, Ohio 44805