What is going on around you? Let’s find out! This project will improve your critical thinking skills and help you prepare to become an informed citizen in an increasingly globalized world.
- The article must have been published within the last three months.
- You are not allowed to use articles discussed or read in geography class.
- The article must be at least 5 paragraphs.
- Your project will be typed.
- You will hand in a folder. All 5 articles must be printed.
- You are required to choose articles from five of the following regions (In other words one article per region = 5 articles total):
- North America
- Latin America
- The Middle East
- Asia
- Africa
- Oceania
- Europe
Selection of the Article:
Your article must impact millions of people to stay away from local events. Do not include current events that focus on entertainment, sports, fashion or gossip.
The article you are analyzing must be included. Whether it is from a newspaper, magazine, or the Internet, you must include the publication date and URL (if from the Internet). Print out every article.
Three Parts:
The first part of this project will be a summary of the current event. Write your summary in your own words. Make sure you include the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, AND WHY just like you did in your literature project. Make sure it is in paragraph form and it is written in complete sentences.
The second part of this project needs to explain the implications of the current event. Again, make sure it is written in paragraph form and it is written in complete sentences.
- What is happening in the surrounding areas or the rest of the world because of this event?
- Who is it going to affect?
- How is it going to affect you?
- What is it making this current event important? Why should anyone care?
The third part of this project is an extension of the first two. Choose a different option for each current event but remember you must do all at once.
- Write a letter to the editor about the current event.
- Create a political cartoon about the event.
- Pull the five themes of geography out of the article and analyze.
- Create an ESPN chart of the region in the current event.
- Create a political map of the region mentioned in the current event.
- 2, 5 (print political cartoon and political map or draw it – optional)
- 4 (ESPN – stands for Economics, Social, Political, Environmental)