Mike Albritton
History Ib / Blue
Chapter 3 Review Questions:
5. How was the Delian League transformed into the Athenian Empire during the fifth century B.C.E.? Did the empire offer any advantages to its subjects? Why was there such resistance to Athenian efforts to unify the Greek world in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E.?
How transformed:
Delian League:
Background: Greek cities western Aegean
controlled by Persia
Tried to overthrow.
Angers Persia, invade
Turned back by united group
of Greek city states.
Unity later strained, 2 spheres led by Sparta and Athens.
Sparta not well-suited to naval battle &
turning threat of Persians.
So Athens steps in
Delian League: W/ Athens as clear leader, group of Greeks turn back Persian attacks, and got rid of many pirates. (Don’t worry about names of leaders). Pursued peaceful relations w/ Sparta For strategic reasons, some cities forced into league, others not allowed to leave.
Step towards empire:
One city, Thasos wants to leave
Athens won’t let it (for own selfish reasons, not for league)
Thasos asked Sparta to help by invading Athens, but
Sparta was in trouble with Helot revolt and
earth quake and couldn’t
Step towards war: First Peloponnesian War
Megara abandoned Sparta’s Peloponnesian league,
& Joined Athens’s Delian league
This pissed Sparta, because choke-point to trade
Athens help of Egypt against Persia goes bad,
with many ships lost,
Sparta prepared to attach when Athens weak,
and as a result,
Athens leader accepts peace:
Sparta control mainland,
Athens control Aegean
Athens begins to keep 1/60 of leagues revenues
Gradually, other cities become subjects paying tribute,
Not allies on equal footing.
Advantages to members
Most cities would not see to own defense, but rather depended on Athens which was a significant benefit. However, they complained about the loss of control.
Why resistance
Over time, Athens came more to oppress than collaborate with other cities.
6. Why did Athens and Sparta come to blows in the Great Peloponnesian War? What was each side’s strategy for victory? Why did Sparta with the war?
Unimportant conflict in remote region escalated and drw them into conflict.
Sparta: Land war. Attack crops & supplies, & Athens’s allies
Force hoplite battle.
Count on fact that Sparta and allies
outnumbered Athens 2 to 1
Know who Lysander is
Athens: Sea war. Give up allies towns & land.
Count on sea trade with land allies
For food, supplies
Attack Sparta allies along coast.
Count on Peloponnesians getting fed up.Hope for short war of 3 / less years.
Know who Pericles is
Why Sparta won
Pericles died, so Athens did not have patient leadership
required for this type of fight.
Bold move backfired:
In attack on Sicily, Athens lost 200 ships & 4,500 men.
Sparta, under Lysandra’s rule, got support from Persia.
Persia paid for fleets.
Sparta cut off food supply to Athens
and starved them out.
With collapse of Athens, Sparta again stepped in and took control.
And according to agreement, handed many Greek cities over to Persian control.
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