Program Improvement Plan for Areas of Needed Improvement
LEA: USOELEAContact: __Anna Trevino ______
Date Submitted: April 4, 2008____ USOE TA: ______
Program Areas:General Supervision
Parent Involvement
FAPE in the LRE
Program Area / APR Indicator(if applicable) / Goal(s) / Action Step(s) / Timeline
(plan should cover 5 years) / Evaluation Method
Teacher training regarding special education students who may have behavior problems, assessment options and LRBI rules. / Recruiting efforts target all students, including students with disabilities.
Referring schools are aware that having an IEP does not preclude a student from enrolling in UCAS. / Once a month, in a faculty meeting, teacher training on a special education students who may have behavior problems, assessment options and LRBI rules will be discussed.
Referring schools will be made aware that students with an IEP shall not be excluded from UCAS. / 2008-2009
School year. / Monthly faculty meeting notes and agendas will be kept for referring to.
When referring schools contact UCAS concerning students with IEP’s they will be informed that students shall not be excluded from UCAS because of IEP status.
Parents will be involved in meetings and also in the writing of special education plans for students. / Parents will be informed of and invited to all meetings involving IEP for special education students. / Parents will be informed of and invited to all meetings involving IEP for special education students. / 2008-2012 / Each year in August and January (or as needed) parents will be invited to attend IEP meetings for special education students.
FAPE IN THE LRE / 1-3, 5-7
More training is needed to help teachers become more proficient with evaluation tools used in assessment.
Teachers need to get a better understanding of implementing adaptations of the U-PASS.
There needs to be a better overall understanding of U-Pass assessment options.
Training is needed for teachers regarding LRBI.
Training is needed in regards to behavior problems of students with an IEP. / Once a month, in a faculty meeting, teacher training regarding special education students . / Once a month, in a faculty meeting, teacher training regarding special education students. Each of the following will be a topic in the training; evaluation tools, adaptations of U-PASS, U-PASS assessment options, LRBI and behavior problems. / 2008-2012 / At the end of the each faculty meeting teachers will be asked if they would like to have future training on a special education subject. At the end of each year a special education questionnaire will be given to the teachers that will focus on what training the teachers feel comfortable with and what they would like continued information on.
TRANSITION / (12-14)
Ensure that eligibility and IEP teams understand the range of service options available at UCAS for students with disabilities, so that alternate service plans, other than pull-out services, are considered.
Ensure that parents are informed of alternate service patterns for special education services for decrease the parental denial of special education services for students enrolled at UCAS.
Ensure that students with disabilities are not discouraged from enrolling and attending UCAS through any process or procedure, including pre-interviews. / Ensure that eligibility and IEP teams understand the range of service options available at UCAS for students with disabilities, so that alternate service plans, other than pull-out services, are considered.
Ensure that parents are informed of alternate service patterns for special education services for decrease the parental denial of special education services for students enrolled at UCAS.
Ensure that students with disabilities are not discouraged from enrolling and attending UCAS through any process or procedure, including pre-interviews. / Once a month, in a faculty meeting, teacher training regarding special education students. The range of services available for UCAS students with disabilities will be discussed.
When students are counseled during the pre-interview, parent and students will be informed of alternate service patterns for special education services and not be discouraged from enrolling and attending UCAS. / 2008-2012 / At the end of each year a special education questionnaire will be given to the teachers that will focus on what training the teachers feel comfortable with and what they would like continued information on.
Gallo 6/15/06