Peer Review Assessment Form

Annual Appraisal

Agreed by SMT: June 2015

For review: April 2016

Why Peer Reviews?

A Peer Review Assessment is being introduced into IHAG’s existing Appraisal Processas a way of providing additional performance feedback in order to help improve personal and team development.

How the Peer Review works

Two weeks before an assessment appraisal takes place, the Line Manager will meet with the staff member,who is to be appraised,to discuss who they would like to Peer Review them. This is expected to be all of the team they work in and a number of other relevant colleagues with whom they interact. Once these have been agreed, and the Line manager has the final say in who they are, the Line Manager will then send out thePeer Review Assessment Forms for completion. Forms are to be returned to the Line Manager 5 days before the date of the appraisal. The Line Manager will thencollate responses and prepare a report detailing the combined feedback and any explanations (providing the reviewer cannot be identified from such comments). The names of the staff and their feedback shall remain confidential at all times and will never be made known to anyone other than the Line Manager. The collated feedback will then be discussed at the appraisal meeting and any actions arising will then inform the ongoing supervision process.

It is important to note that the collation of the feedback will take into account the generality of the responses and use them as a guide to better understanding the day to day performance of the appraisee. Outlying scores and views will be considered and followed up by the Line Manager but are unlikely to be part of the feedback.

For the staff member being appraised

It will be helpful to go to your appraisal pre-meeting with an idea of who, outside your immediate team, you would like to take part in your review. You will select the colleagues in discussion with your Line Manager, who will be responsible for sending out the form for them to complete. Responses will be collated by your Line Manager in preparation for discussion at your Appraisal. It is very important that you should not enter into discussion with anyone completing feedback on what their responses might be or try to influence them in any way. Individual responses will also not be made available to you.

For the peer reviewer

If you have been asked to complete a Peer Review for a colleague as part of their Annual Appraisal please set aside enough time to allow yourself to give a thoughtful, consideredand timely response. Please add clarification to explain your scoring in the comments boxes, remembering that a comment is equally justified for high scores as it is for lower scores!

Where you are unable to answer a question,for example,if you have no direct knowledge, then please tickN/A (not applicable). You are asked to add your name on the form and this issolely for the Line Manager requesting the review and will only be used for them to ensure the necessary people have responded and, if they need, to seek clarification. Please return your completed form via the email address from which it was sent or print it off and handback to the sender in person. Do not return to the staff member for whom you are completing the review.

For Line Managers

Recipients outside their immediate team will be suggestedby your staff member at their pre-appraisal meeting (held two weeks before the appraisal date) but, ultimately, you must decide on the final list. You will then need to send out Peer Assessment Forms to everyone, adding the name of the person to be reviewed, making sure that you allow them adequate time to get their responses back toyou for analysis at least 5 days before the Appraisal Meeting.

Forms can be sent out by email from your confidential email address should you have one, or given to each person individually (group emails showing the names of others completing the assessment should not be used). Returned forms should be treated like all other confidential information, collated and discussed at the Appraisal.

Name of Appraisee: …………………………….Name of Reviewer: ……………………………………. Date: ………………

Theme / Question / Scoring / Explanation for score/comments
Communication / How do you find their: / Not so good / Okay / Mostly good / Very good / N/A
- written communications?(, notes, memos logentries) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- verbal communication?(e.g. to you, others, clients etc.) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- non-verbal (body language) communication? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Attitude to work / Thinking about the way they work, how well do you find they are at being: / Not usually / Sometimes / More often than not / Always / N/A
- flexible?(e.g. if required, how readily do they change their plans/re-prioritise?) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- approachable? ((e.g. do you feel you can interrupt them, or contact them when you need or want to?) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- accessible?(e.g. not just in person but do they respond to emails, return calls?) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- adaptable to different circumstances?(e.g. taking on new tasks, working in different ways?) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- helpful and at helping out their colleagues? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- able to work under pressure when required? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Work Skills / Thinking about the way they work: / Not usually / Sometimes / More often than not / Always / N/A
Have you found their work to be accurate? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Have you found them to be reliable? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Do they respond to the client needs? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Do they enable their clients to be independent? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Do they do what they say they are going to do? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4