Integrated Project

First Term


Grade- I

Project: Making a lively story about people who help us by being in different occupations.

Learning new concepts at any given time is a challenge. So here we are with a new concept for Grade I.

Integrated Project

Some creative writing, some weaving up of stories, some imaginative thinking, unique ways of expressing using different languages, getting ready to work with competitions or challenges like in real world, helping each other, working as a team with a competitive mind, using mathematical and computer techniques to grow with a positive mindset and enhancing their own skills is what an integrated project is all about.

Topic for integrated project: Occupation

Children will be given their respective group in the school almanac.

Groups –1. Doctor

2. Policeman

3. Postman

4. Soldier

Each group has to prepare all subjects related guidelines given about the occupation.


  • English- Write a story of about 10 to 12 sentences with pictures based on the occupation given for your respective group using noun, pronoun, gender, verb, articles, preposition and conjunctions.
  • Mathematics- Frame a word problem on Addition and Subtraction each, related to the occupation in the given group along with the pictures.
  • Hindi- Oral introduction about the given occupation in Hindi ( 5 to 6 sentences)
  • ICT- How does each use computer as a helping hand for different occupation for e.g. A teacher will use computer to teach the child, to store data etc.

Procedure to conduct the Half Yearly Integrated Project Examination

  • Children will be divided into four groups. Each group will consistof 10 students.
  • Group 1 will be getting information about doctor’s occupation.

Group 2 will be getting information about Policeman’s occupation

Group 3 will be getting information about Postman’s occupation

Group 4 will be getting information about Soldier’s Occupation

  • In each group children will be further divided for write-up, role play, storytelling, giving speech in different languages. All students will bring materials, make charts, and give presentation, usemathematical and ICT techniques regarding their respective occupation.

Materials required for the Integrated Project-

  • Chart Paper
  • Crayons
  • Sketch pens
  • Cello tapes
  • Fevistic and Glue
  • Scissors
  • Stickers or paper cuttings related to respective occupations

1) Students are expected to come dressed as per their respective occupation on 31st October 2017.
2) The date for the assessment of the Integrated Project will be 31st October 2017.