Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association

Executive Board Meeting

The Homestead • November, 20, 2008

This meeting is recorded to assist the secretary

Call To Order (9:03 a.m.) Doug Armstrong

Review Of Voting Procedures Keith Taylor

Roll CallLaura M. Thomas

Present: Doug Armstrong, Keith Taylor, Laura M. Thomas, Keith Cottrill, Bud Hearne, Dan Kosko, Bill Berg, Rob Carroll, Denton Stokes, Joe Tornello, Linda Gammon, Stan Schoonover, Dwight Leonard, Diana Love, Steve King, Scott Lambert, Carl Bly, Vince Tornello, Dan Schoemmell

Minutes From Last Meeting (June 19, 2008, Charlottesville HS)Laura M. Thomas

Motion By D. Stokes, seconded By B. Hearne:

I move to amend the minutes to reflect that the budget committee report was accepted.

Motion passes.

Motion By D. Armstrong, seconded By D. Kosko:

I move to accept the minutes as amended.

Motion passes.

Treasurers Report Keith Cottrill

15 Month CD / $13,116.79
VBODA Checking Account / $25,229.19
Total Assets / $38,345.98

Motion By D. Schoemmell, Seconded By C. Bly

I move to accept the treasurer’s report.

Motion Passes.

Committee Reports/VBODA Operations Doug Armstrong

  1. VMEA/VBODA Fall Conference: All is going well
  2. All Virginia Auditions: Keith Taylor
  3. Location: JMU, audition fee now $15
  4. Date: February 28, 2009, will email to membership for judges, also send postcard
  5. Prepared Selection Status (will be posted 1st weekend in Feb)
  6. Modifications (looking at better registration area for winds/percussion)
  7. All Virginia Band/Orchestra EventDoug Armstrong
  8. 2009 Event: April 2-4, Hayfield Secondary School, Fairfax County, Pat Burke, Host
  9. Symphonic Band: Tom Fraschillo, Southern Mississippi
  10. Concert Band:Scott Weiss, Kansas University
  11. Orchestra: Erin Freeman, Richmond Symphony
  12. 2010 Event: April 8-10, Location – Still Looking – Rob? Possibly Western Branch
  13. Symphonic Band: Michael Haithcock, U. of Michigan
  14. Concert Band:
  15. Orchestra: Thomas Wilkins (verbal agreement, will confirm in March)
  16. Orchestra Representative Bud Hearne
  17. VBODA Marching Band Festival Bill Berg
  18. 2008 Event Report: We made as much this year as we lost last year
  19. Issues/Concerns: Would like to add another turf field. C. Bly: When do we call it? Safety concerns…B. Berg: Up to Site Coordinators and Hosts. V. Tornello: Question re liability for trucks that haul equipment; D. Schoemmell: M. Turrentine says the school’s insurance kicks in first, then VMEA
  20. Judges

Motion by D. Stokes, seconded by C. Bly:

The marching band chairperson is directed to staff each VBODA marching festival with an adjudicator panel that is transparent and free of material conflicts of interest with any bands participating in that event. This panel should include representation of experienced, successful marching band directors, current or retired, as well as adjudicators from other states. Adjudicators may, but are not required to be current or former members of the VBODA board.

Motion passes. This is a recommendation to membership tomorrow.

V. Tornello: I propose that directors prioritize their location choices 1 – 4 on the application for the second weekend of the state marching festival, so that there are no more than 30 bands per location. Agreement from members; B. Berg directed to carry out this proposal.

  1. Awards Committee Jonathan Hargis
  2. 2 Recipients for All-Virginia Weekend
  3. Scholarship Committee Carl Bly
  4. Honor Bands
  5. Need new committee Chair.
  6. Manual Committee Dan Kosko
  7. Handbook Updates
  8. Manual/CD DistributionStan Schoonover
  9. Manual Fee Update
  10. Committee Structure
  11. Middle School (no updates) Wayne Powell
  12. WebsiteDoug Armstrong
  13. Redesign in the works, will be more modern
  14. member area in development
  15. All-VA Jazz Ensemble Keith Taylor Regional recorded audition process very successful; 123 auditioned, 11 districts represented, 19 high schools. Rehearsing now, will perform Friday night. Guest conductors lined up for the next four years.

Motion by D. Schoemmell, seconded by S. Schoonover:

I move to recommend to VMEA Conference Planning Committee that the All-State Jazz Ensemble be part of the final conference session on Saturday.

Motion passes.

D. Stokes: Kudos to Keith Taylor for outstanding job getting the All-State JE off ground.

Old Business

  1. All-VA Event Chair
  2. Forms on the website
  3. Administrative Handbook on the website: D. Armstrong working on Member Area
  4. Honor Band Chair: Possibly Cheryl Newton?
  5. Status of Motion (Nov. ‘06) to limit Exec. Board in judging at Marching Festival

New Business

  1. General
  2. Concert Adjudication Committee (D. Armstrong has committee proposal from Carl.)
  3. Administrative Handbook Committee (currently calls for handbook editor. D. Armstrong asking D. Stokes to create committee to review handbook. Committee should represent 5 geographical areas. Meet at All-State, present at Conference, vote at All-State 2010. D. Stokes: manual written in 1940’s, contains contradictions, may not be best format, needs renovation. Once complete, will it be electronic or book? It is a living document, and renovating is akin to fixing something on a boat as we sail.
  4. D. Kosko wants to be on committee, as does Bud (to represent orchestra folks.)
  5. Orchestra
  6. Shenandoah County Request: Three SC teachers presented request to join Western JRO, submitted letter from other JRO directors in support.

Motion by D. Schoemmell, seconded by Rob Carroll:

I move to do whatever possible to approve the request from District 14.

Motion withdrawn

DArmstrong:. We support the request for District 14 to attend the Western JRO this year.

I direct Bud to create committee to reorganize SRO’s. Report at All-State meeting.

  1. SRO Reorganization Study requested by NCSRO
  2. Homeschool issue: What about “homeschool ensembles?” D Stokes: have to participate in hosting district events, then. “A prior error of inclusion does not justify perpetuation of the error.” S Lambert: Homeschools need to be credited and/or accredited with the state. Issues surrounded assigned seating events; homeschooled kids may take seats but the directors don’t participate in hosting or managing the event. VA DOE assigned schools an ID number. Homeschools can apply for this number. J Tornello: Have this discussion with VMEA.
  1. Band

Allen Hall’s proposal from District I: change the structure of the VBODA marching Band Festival to regional rather than state; we’re growing and need to accommodate.

Motion by R. Carroll; seconded by D. Stokes:

I move to increase medal prices we charge members to: $3 medal, $75 small plaque. We will retain the $175 price for the large plaque. Would take effect this year.

Motion passes.

R. Carroll: Last year when we assumed one night reimbursement for some, the VBODA meeting was going to be an afternoon meeting. We met at 9 a.m., so recommend to add additional night for secretary, treasurer, middle school person, manuel editor, and marching band person.


The position on Honor Band Coordinator is open – accepting interest from members

Next Board Meeting: Hayfield High School, April 3, 2009

Adjourned 11:43 a.m.