Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Regulations
A. Sharable Materials
1. Any type of library material, irrespective of format, which is needed by a member-library of DELNET for its bonafide user for reference, information, recreation, study, research, and instruction, can be borrowed from another member-library of DELNET. The lending library will determine whether the material can be provided keeping in view any regulations or restrictions.
B. Union Catalogues
2. DELNET facilitates the identification of materials that are available with its member-libraries.
3. To expedite identification of materials and promote resource sharing every member-library of DELNET will make efforts to catalogue its materials using international standards as adopted by DELNET and upload such records onto DELNET site for merging them into the Union Catalogues, Union Lists and other databases by DELNET.
C. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services
4. Interlibrary loan is a mechanism for resource sharing which member-libraries of DELNET have adopted for mutual benefit.
5. Each member-library of DELNET will actively promote among its library users ILL service.
6. Requested items, which are not included in DELNET union catalogues, should be cited completely and accurately by requesting library. The requests can be sent through email at
7. When items cannot be verified and /or located it will be communicated back to the requesting library.
8. The requesting library will accept the supplying library’s conditions of loan including observation of dates, duration of loans, and recall notices.
9. The requesting library will package materials properly while returning so as to prevent damage to the materials in transit/ by post of courier. The requesting library will also comply with special packaging instructions as required by the supplying member-library.
10. The requesting library is responsible for borrowed materials from the time they leave the supplying library till the time they are received back by the supplying library. If damage or loss occurs in transit between the requesting library and DELNET or between the requesting library and supplying library, as the case may be, the accordance with the preference of the supplying library.
11. The requesting library is responsible for timely processing of payments related to the Interlibrary loan transaction which may be raised by DELNET or by the supplying library.
12. The supplying library will notify DELNET or directly the requesting library alongwith the material sent on loan the dates and duration of loans and renewal policies, and other packaging and handling instructions, if any.
13. The supplying library will have the right to recall its material at any time.
D. Copyright
14. Member-libraries will comply with the Indian Copyright Act and Fair Use Doctrine which is internationally adopted by libraries.
15. DELNET facilitates the operation of ILL transactions between its member-libraries. The compliance of copyright regulations rests with member-libraries that request or lend materials for sharing purposes. The material supplied should be used for reference and research.