WachusettRegionalSchool District Committee Minutes

January 25, 2011

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Regular Meeting #1194 Tuesday, January 25, 2011


WachusettRegionalHigh School

Committee Members Present:

Duncan Leith, Chair Robert Imber

Joseph Sova, Vice-chairStacey Jackson

Cynthia BazinetJulianne Kelley

Robert CarterRobert Pelczarski

Colleen CiproNorman Plourde

William CluteMichelle Sciabarrasi (7:16 PM)

Kristine GoodwinDawn Torres-Gale

Steven HammondAthas Tsongalis

Lance HarrisMargaret Watson (7:07 PM)

Committee Members Absent:

Shirley ConradRobert Remillard

Administration Present:

Thomas G. Pandiscio, Superintendent of Schools

Darryll McCall, Director of Operations

Susan Sullivan, Director of Human Resources

Peter Brennan, Business Manager

Rebecca Petersen, Executive Secretary to the Superintendent

Student Representatives Present:

Brian Clement

Katie Carlson (7:09 PM)

Katie Sands (7:50 PM)

Others present, who desired to be recorded as present (see attached Attendance Sheet - attachment 1).

Chair Leith called the regular meeting of the School Committee to order at 7:04 PM. He explained the meeting was being taped, but was not being played live.

I.Public Hearing

No members of the public wished to address the School Committee.

II.Secretary’s Report

  1. Approval of 1193rdRegular Meeting Minutes of the Wachusett Regional School District Committee held on January 10, 2011

Motion: To approve the minutes of the regular School Committee meeting held on January 10, 2011.

(R. Imber)

(S. Hammond)

The minutes of the regular meeting of the School Committee held January 10, 2011 were approved,by consensus, with Members Clute, Goodwin and Jackson abstaining.

III.Treasurer’s Report/Financial Statements

Chair Leith reminded the Committee that if there were questions regarding the Business Manager’s report that Members should contact the Superintendent; if there were questions regarding the Treasurer’s Report, Members should contact the Business/Finance Subcommittee Chair.

IV.Committee Reports

A.Chair’s Opening Remarks

Chair Leith introduced Mountview Middle School Principal Erik Githmark.

7:07 PM Member Watson joined the meeting.

7:08 PM Member Plourde left the table.

7:09 PM Student Representative Carlson joined the meeting.

Principal Githmark addressed the Committee, highlighting many programs and activities taking place at MountviewMiddle School. He spoke about MCAS testing and results, the Mountview Student Welcoming Committee, “mix-it-up lunch,” a random acts of kindness chain hung in the Mountview cafeteria, “Kids in the Community,” the 8th grade science Olympiad. Principal Githmark also spoke briefly about the Mountview Building Committee.

7:13 PM Member Plourde returned to the table.

7:16 PM Member Sciabarrasi joined the meeting.

Following the address, members of the School Committee asked questions of Principal Githmark. At the end of the Q & A session, Chair Leith thanked Principal Githmark for his address and Principal Githmark left the meeting.

Chair Leith explained the annual evaluation of the Superintendent will be conducted in the upcoming months. He called members’ attention to attachments 9 – 13 of the Superintendent’s January 20, 2011 Report. Chair Leith gave an overview of the process that will be followed, explaining that this year evaluation forms will be submitted to the Chair of the School Committee, not to the four subcommittee chairs. Chair Leith reviewed the Spring 2011 timeline and asked subcommittee chairs to check the Superintendent’s availability to attend subcommittee meetings by the first week of March. At the request of Member Harris, Chair Leith will contact MASC to check open meeting regulations that pertain to non-subcommittee member attendance at subcommittee meetings when a subcommittee is conducting the Superintendent’s evaluation.

B.Student Representatives (Brian Clement, Katie Carlson, Katie Sands)

Student Representative Brian Clement reported, happily, that high school mid-year exams have concluded. He also reported that college acceptance letters are starting to be received by high school seniors.

Student Representative Carlson reported that January 26th is “teacher recommendation day” in preparation for high school students’ 2011- 2012 schedules. She also explained that levels at the high school have been re-titled.

Member Torres-Gale raised the topic of financial literacy and the course being offered in conjunction with AssumptionCollege faculty. Discussion of financial literacy and financial literacy course offerings ensued.

  1. Management Subcommittee (D. Leith, Chair, J. Sova, Vice-chair, C. Bazinet, C. Cipro, R. Imber, J. Kelley, N. Plourde, M. Watson)

Chair Leith reported the Management Subcommittee has not met since the last School Committee meeting. He expects to call a meeting of this subcommittee in the near future.

  1. Education Subcommittee (S. Hammond, Chair, S. Jackson, Vice-chair, C. Bazinet, L. Harris, R. Imber, R. Pelczarski, N. Plourde, D. Torres-Gale, M. Watson)

Subcommittee Chair Hammond reported the Education Subcommittee will meet on January 31st at 7:00 PM in the Superintendent’s Conference Room. Superintendent Pandiscio has been invited to attend the meeting so this subcommittee can conduct its portion of the Superintendent’s evaluation.

E.Business/Finance Subcommittee (J. Sova, Chair, S. Conrad, Vice-chair, C. Cipro, W. Clute, D. Leith, M. Sciabarrasi, A. Tsongalis)

Subcommittee Chair Sova reported the Business/Finance Subcommittee has not met since the last School Committee meeting, but he expects to post a meeting in February.

Member Sova reported the Ad Hoc Subcommittee to Review the Business Manager’s Contract has not met since the last School Committee meeting, but he is looking to schedule a meeting in February to finalize discussions.

Member Sova reported that the WEFT Board of Trustees continues to meet to formulate plans and fundraising efforts for 2011.

F.Community Outreach Subcommittee (K. Goodwin, Chair, A. Tsongalis, Vice-chair, L. Harris, R. Pelczarski, M. Sciabarrasi, M. Watson)

Community Outreach Chair Goodwin reported on the meeting of this subcommittee that took place immediately before this School Committee meeting. Subcommittee members who attended the meeting were interviewed by a reporter fromThe Landmark.

7:50 PM Student Representative Katie Sands joined the meeting.

Subcommittee Chair Goodwin read a descriptive (About the Film) about the documentary Race to Nowhere (attachment 2). Subcommittee Chair Goodwin explained the Community Outreach Subcommittee had entertained the possibility of the District hosting a showing of this film, looking at March 10, 2011 at WRHS as a potential date and location, and the subcommittee had taken a vote at the subcommittee meeting this evening in favor of hosting a viewing of this film. Questions were asked and discussion ensued about who would/could sponsor this showing (perhaps a student group), should it be a building-based/principal decision (similar to school use by outside groups), what would tickets cost, what would the hosting of this film mean for the District/School Committee (would it mean the District was endorsing the film?). Member Bazinet did note that it is not uncommon practice for a public high school to host a film showing. Community Outreach Subcommittee Chair Goodwin suggested that the School Committee has three options this evening: (1) the School Committee can vote to support the Community Outreach Subcommittee vote to host a showing of the documentary Race to Nowhere; (2) the School Committee can hold off on endorsing the showing of the documentary Race to Nowhere and vote on this matter at a future School Committee meeting; (3) the School Committee can deny the Community Outreach Subcommittee recommendation to host a showing of the documentary Race to Nowhere. Community Outreach Subcommittee Chair Goodwin suggested tabling this matter until more information is provided the full School Committee. Some discussion continued.

8:08 PM Student Representative Katie Carlson left the meeting.

Community Outreach Subcommittee Chair Goodwin will bring additional information about the documentary Race to Nowhere to the February 14, 2011 regular School Committee meeting.

G.Audit Advisory Board (S. Conrad, J. Sova)

AAB Vice-chair Sova reported the Audit Advisory Board has not met since the last School Committee meeting.

  1. Ad-Hoc Subcommittees
  1. Ad Hoc Subcommittee to Review the Business Manager’s Contract (C. Cipro, S. Conrad, D. Leith, M. Sciabarrasi, J. Sova)

Member Sova reported earlier in the meeting.

8:11 PM Member Carter left the table.

  1. Building Committees
  1. MountviewBuilding Committee (M. Watson)

Member Watson reported on the January 11thMountview Building Committee meeting and told that the Mountview Building Committee will meet the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month. When School Committee members were polled, it was agreed that copies of the Mountview Building Committee minutes will be available in the Reading File maintained at the Central Office and that Member Watson will provide an oral summary about these building committee meetings at the regular School Committee meetings.

  1. GreenRepairSchoolBuilding Committee (D. Leith)

Chair Leith reported on the January 13, 2011 meeting of the Green Repair School Building Committee. He reported that at the January 24, 2011 Special Town Meeting the Town of Rutland had voted in support of the feasibility study. He further reported that the Special Town Meeting in Paxton that same date had to be adjourned before the vote on the feasibility study due to a fire alarm. The date the Paxton meeting will reconvene is not yet known.

8:13 PM Vice-chair Sova left the table.

8:14 PM Member Carter returned to the table.

J.School Council Reports:

Central Tree Middle School (C. Cipro), Chocksett Middle School (J. Sova), Davis Hill Elementary School (S. Jackson), Dawson Elementary School (R. Carter), Glenwood Elementary School (A. Tsongalis), Houghton Elementary School (N. Plourde), Mayo Elementary School (M. Watson), Mountview Middle School (S. Hammond), Naquag Elementary School (J. Kelley), Paxton Center School (W. Clute), Thomas Prince School (R. Imber/M. Sciabarrasi), Wachusett Regional High School (M. Sciabarrasi), Special Education Parent Advisory Council (S. Jackson), Early Childhood Center (S. Jackson)

Member Jackson – ECC recently hosted a very successful open house

Member Jackson – Davis Hill Elementary School SIMCO January 20, 2011

8:15 PM Member Sova returned to the table.

V.Superintendent’s Report

A.Discussion of Report

Member Jackson asked the Superintendent about the letter from Holden resident Wendy Moran regarding full-day kindergarten at MayoElementary School. The Superintendent explained he will bring this matter to the Education Subcommittee for consideration.

Member Torres-Gale asked questions about the recently received PEP grant. The Superintendent suggested he arrange to have a presentation to the School Committee to explain the specifics of this grant and how grant funds are being expended. This presentation will be scheduled for one of the first meetings in the fall (2011) since there are no available dates for School Committee presentations between now and the end of the school year.

Member Goodwin reminded the Committee that at the September 13, 2010 School Committee meeting it was agreed that grant award paperwork/award letters would be included in Superintendent’s Reports.

Superintendent Pandiscio distributed cost information regarding late buses (attachment 3). The Superintendent reviewed the information and explained the numbers. Member Imber thanked the Superintendent for following through by providing the Committee with this information. At Member Imber’s query, charging parents for late bus services was discussed briefly.

8:30 PM Member Sciabarrasi left the meeting.

Superintendent Pandiscio informed the Committee that the Governor’s budget will be released this week. He also informed the Committee of an approximate $785,000 transportation assessment increase to Member Towns in FY12. New GIC rates are expected to be released in the near future. On the positive side, the Superintendent reported good news on special education tuitions.

Chair Leith reminded members of the Annual School Committee Retreat Saturday, February 12th, from 9:00 AM to 12 noon in the MediaCenter at WRHS. He strongly encouraged members to attend this important meeting.

B.Recommendations Requiring Action by the School Committee

Motion: To waive the reading of the principal amounts and interest rates in connection with the sale of the $3,094,000 Bond, information to be included in meeting minute records (attachment 4).

(J. Sova)

(C. Bazinet)


In favor:

Duncan Leith

Joseph Sova

Cynthia Bazinet

Robert Carter

Colleen Cipro

William Clute

Kristine Goodwin

Steven Hammond

Lance Harris

Robert Imber

Stacey Jackson

Julianne Kelley

Robert Pelczarski

Norman Plourde

Dawn Torres-Gale

Athas Tsongalis

Margaret Watson



The motion passed unanimously.

Motion: That the sale of the $3,094,000 General Obligation School Bond of the District dated January 27, 2011 (the “Bonds”), to Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated at the price of $3,097,201.92 is hereby approved and confirmed. The Bonds shall be payable on January 15 of the years and in the principals amounts and bear interest at the respective dates.

Further voted: that the Bonds maturing on January 15, 2028 and January 15, 2030 (each a “term Bond”) shall be subject to mandatory redemption or mature as follows:

Term Bond due January 15, 2028





*final maturity

Term Bond due January 15, 2030




*final maturity

Further voted: that in connection with the marketing and sale of the Bonds, the preparation and distribution of a Notice of Sale and Preliminary Official Statement dated January 12, 2011, and a final Official Statement dated January 19, 2011 (the “Official Statement”), each in such form as may be approved by the Disdtrict Treasurer, be and hereby are ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted.

Further voted: that the Bonds shall be subject to redemption, at the option of the District, upon such terms and conditions as are set forth in the Official Statement.

Further voted: that the consent to the financial advisor bidding for the Bonds, as executed prior to the bidding of the Bonds, is hereby confirmed.

Further voted: that the District Treasurer and the Committee be, and hereby are, authorized to execute and deliver a continuing disclosure undertaking in compliance with SEC Rule 15c2-12 in such form as may be approved by bond counsel to the District, which undertaking shall be incorporated by reference in the Bonds for the benefit of the holders of the Bonds from time to time.

Further voted: that each member of the Committee, the District Secretary and the District Treasurer be and hereby are, authorized to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be determined by them, or any of them, to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing votes.

(J. Sova)

(A. Tsongalis)

Roll call vote:

In favor:

Duncan Leith

Joseph Sova

Cynthia Bazinet

Robert Carter

Colleen Cipro

William Clute

Kristine Goodwin

Steven Hammond

Lance Harris

Robert Imber

Stacey Jackson

Julianne Kelley

Robert Pelczarski

Norman Plourde

Dawn Torres-Gale

Athas Tsongalis

Margaret Watson



The motion passed unanimously.

Motion: To move that the vote of the Wachusett Regional School District Committee of September 30, 2002 appropriating the sum of $70,500,000 and authorizing the District Treasurer to issue bonds or notes in the total sum of $70,500,000, be amended by reducing the amount of the Appropriation and Authorization by the amount of $36,414,000 and that the Appropriation and Authorization to the District Treasurer to issue bonds or notes in the reduced amount of $34,086,000 be affirmed.

(J. Sova)

(A. Tsongalis)

Roll call vote:

In favor:

Duncan Leith

Joseph Sova

Cynthia Bazinet

Robert Carter

Colleen Cipro

William Clute

Kristine Goodwin

Steven Hammond

Lance Harris

Robert Imber

Stacey Jackson

Julianne Kelley

Robert Pelczarski

Norman Plourde

Dawn Torres-Gale

Athas Tsongalis

Margaret Watson



The motion passed unanimously.

VI.Public Hearing

No members of the public wished to address the School Committee.

VII.Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business brought before the Committee.

VIII.New Business

At Member Kelley’s request, the Superintendent gave the Committee a primer on how he makes decisions about school closings, delayed openings, and early dismissals because of weather conditions, explaining he relies on information provided by the National Weather Service, he watches when “storm watches” and “storm warnings” are scheduled to expire, and he gives building principals a set time to report to him when they expect their buildings will be ready for opening.

8:49 PM Member Carter left the meeting.


Motion: To adjourn.

(A. Tsongalis)

(C. Bazinet)


In favor:

Duncan Leith

Joseph Sova

Cynthia Bazinet

Colleen Cipro

William Clute

Kristine Goodwin

Steven Hammond

Lance Harris

Robert Imber

Stacey Jackson

Julianne Kelley

Robert Pelczarski

Norman Plourde

Dawn Torres-Gale

Athas Tsongalis

Margaret Watson



The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 8:54PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas G. Pandiscio, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools
