Quality of Education Grant

ChhoteBhim Drama Competition Report

byRituTandon and Maulik Nagri

January 2013


The ChhoteBhim drama competition was designed with several key objectives in mind:

  • To enhance reading literacy while simultaneously boosting the self esteem of the participating Dalit school children.
  • To provide an opportunity for these children to exercise their creative potential by writing the skits, preparing costumes, and executing a dramatic production.
  • To build cross-generational community while breaking down caste discrimination and stereotypes.
  • To create dialogue that raises the level of moral and ethical development by choosing books which speak to values.

Different aspects of the competition that are discussed below lend themselves to the realization of these objectives.

Competition Process and Overview

ChhoteBhimis an annual competition that was held for the third time in 2011-2012. For 2011-2012’s competition, participating students performed skits based on the bookAmbedkar’s Experience with Truth, a collection of 88 short stories. Almost 1,500 Dalit students participated in the competition, representing villages from 10 different districts in Gujarat.

The competition consisted of three rounds, starting in January 2012 and ending with the finals in June 2012.The competition started with a total of 67 teams competing in the preliminary round. 42 teams qualified for the semi-finals and traveled to Navsarjan’s host site in February 2012,where they had the opportunity to attend a 5-day training run by a team of experts from Mumbai. 10 teams then advanced to the finals in June 2012, and members of the winning team received trophies.

Community Engagement

The greater community was heavily involved in the execution of the ChhoteBhim competition. The students heavily rely on BhimSevaks, adult volunteers within their villages during the months leading up to the competition. These adult volunteers worked with the participating teams to prepare their skits and costumes. They also tutored these children if they were struggling with their school work so they did not fall behind due to the time-intensive nature of this competition. Most adult volunteers spent at least one hour every day working with the children. In this manner, the competition strengthened the cross-generational ties within the community as adults and Dalit students worked together to get ready for the competition.

Parents and members of the community attended the competition, and there has been growing interest throughout the community and increased attendance each year as the competition garners more recognition. These Dalit students also gain recognition in the community by performing their skits at their local schools, giving them the opportunity to shine before their peers and teachers and raising further awareness of their potential.

Financial Cost

Navsarjan staff informed us that many individuals picked up certain expenses directly, and received some grants directly from outside donors towards organizing ChhoteBhim. As a result, the actual cost of ChhoteBhim competition is estimated higher at rupees650,000.

Project Impact

Overall, the competition’s positive and beneficial impact is well-observed and well-understood. However, we recommend tracking reading literacy scores over time.

The competition’s positive role in boosting children’s self-esteem and strengthening community relationships is very evident. The competition gave the Dalit children the opportunity to be recognized for their potential and accomplishments, which is a rare occurrence for them. Navsarjan also created ample opportunities for the children to feel important and honored, opportunities such as inviting the children to their site and arranging for training by professionals.

ChhoteBhim also plays a significant role in creating community cohesiveness, both within each village and between districts. The willingness of adult community members to volunteer intensive amounts of time to the competition shows the community’s dedication to this project and its cause. The high attendance at the competition also illustrates the broader community’s appreciation for ChhoteBhim.Furthermore, the competition created cross-community ties by giving Dalits from different villages the opportunity to interact throughout the span of the competition.

Recommendation and Conclusion

For children, ChhoteBhim boosts reading literacy, gives shapes to their creativity, and boosts self-esteem. For the community, ChhoteBhim acts a uniting force and highlights social and economic issues in a non-confrontational manner.

It is recommended that “Asha for Education” continue its annual funding of $1,200 to support the ChhoteBhimcompetition.


Asha for Education’s “Quality in Education” Wiki

ChhotteBhim Competition Semi-Final Pictures 1/2

ChhotteBhim Competition Semi-Final Pictures 2/2

ChhoteBhim Competition Final Pictures

ChhoteBhim Competition Pictures– Residential Schools