Version 1

Independent Living Fund transition working group

Terms of Reference(March 2013)

1. Aim

1.1Following consultation, the Department for Work and Pensions have decided that “In April 2015 the ILF will close and from that point local authorities in England, in line with their statutory responsibilities, will have sole responsibility for meeting the eligible care and support needs of current ILF users.”[1]

1.2An ILF transition working group is to be set up with the aim to co-produce and manage a strategic transition plan for the transition of Hampshire ILF users to Hampshire Adult Services by end March 2015.

2. Principles

2.1To work as a group to meet the support and information requirements of all known Hampshire ILF users.

2.3To work and communicate in an open and honest manner, respecting each members views and maintaining a unified and agreed approach to all group communication

2.3Each member will make theappropriate time and resources available to ensure that the group meets it’s aims.

3. Purpose and planned outcomes

3.1To co-produce and manage a strategic transition plan for the transition of all known Hampshire ILF users to Hampshire Adult Services.

3.2To co-produce and manage a communication plan to ensure that Hampshire ILF users are kept up to date on the transition plan and process through the provision of good quality, relevant and timely information

3.3To provide a forum for the discussion of issues that are raised during the transition period and to agree appropriate actions in response to the issues raised.

4. Membership

4.1The group will decide who is to be chair of the group at the first meeting of the group, to be agreed by majority decision.

4.2The membership of the group may change as the work progresses, however at a minimum will consist of (or their authorised deputy):

  • Hampshire ILF users (Experts by Experience)
  • Members of organisations who support disabled people (Experts by Experience)
  • Representative of the Peer Support Services
  • Ruth Dixon (Deputy Director Adult Services)
  • Martin Parker (Commissioning Manager Adult Services)
  • Lead social care worker (to be decided)

5. Frequency and administration of meetings

5.1The first meeting will be held during February 2013 and will be held quarterly from then. Additional meetings may be called as required.

5.2Where possible agreement as to the location of the meetings will be reached by the group.

5.3Administration and support for the group will be provided by Adult Services.

5.4All notes from group meetings will be made available to Hampshire ILF users in an appropriate manner.

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[1]Government response:Consultation on the future of the Independent Living Fund (