

of the Third Summit of the Prime Ministers of China and the Central and Eastern European Countries


15 December 2014


Organized transport by shuttle buses to the official Summit Hotels

16 December 2014


Organized transport by shuttle buses to the official Summit Hotels



The cocktail for the leaders of the Business Delegations (only by invitation – up to 300

persons) in the premises of Geo-zavod – Presentation of the Project “Belgrade



The Sava Centre – Blue Conference Room;

Moderators: Mr. Zeljko Sertić, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Serbia and Mr. Gao Hucheng, Minister of Trade of the People Republic of China


·  Opening speech – Željko Sertić, Minister of Economy (2 min)

·  Mr. Aleksandar Vučić, Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia (10 min)

·  Mr. Gao Hucheng, Minister of Trade of the People Republic of China (2 min)

·  Mr. Li Keqiang , Prime Minister of PR China (12 min)

·  Moderator announces the speech by the prime Minister of Poland and Establishment of the Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry of China and Central and Eastern European Countries

·  Address by the Prime Minister of Poland (3 min)

·  Minister of Economy of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Sertić will thank to three Prime Ministers and after that three PM are leaving the Forum

16.30 – 17.00 Plenary Session of the Economic and Trade Forum

The Sava Centre – Blue Conference Hall

Moderators: Mr. Željko Sertić, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Serbia

Moderator - Opening speech (3 min)


·  State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia (8 min)

·  Mr. Sung Chenchai, President of the Bureau for Trade Development at the MOFCOM (Ministry of Commerce - Republic of China)(8 min)

·  Representative of the Ningbo’s local Government, organizer of the Investment and Trade Exhibition of the China and CEE Countries (8 min)

Moderator – closing speech (3 min)

17:00-17:30 COFFEE BREAK

The Sava Centre – arranging participants by panels

17:30-19:00 THEMATIC PANELS - The Sava Centre

Working languages: Serbian, Chinese, English


(Energy, construction and infrastructure)

Moderator: Mr. Aleksandar Antic, Minister of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia and the representative of the PR China

-  Energy:

Improvement of energy security and regional development in the area of energy

·  Development of projects for electricity generation from conventional energy sources – Mr. Aleksandar Antic, Minister /Mrs. Mirjana Filipovic, State Secretary

·  Development of projects for electricity generation from renewable energy sources – Prof. Milos Banjac Phd, Assistent to the Minister of Mining and Energy

·  Review of so far results of cooperation – the First phase of the Project Package Thermal Electric Power Plant Kostolac B – Mr. Vladan Smiljkovic, Special Advisor for Foreign Investments to the Minister of Mining and Energy

Discussion (10 min.)


·  Building and reconstruction of transport infrastructure to provide shortest and fastest links between Europe and Asia

Review of so far achieved cooperation – good practice -

Speaker: Mr. Miodrag Poledica, State Secretary of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure

§  Construction of the Highway E763 (Coridor 10) road section Obrenovac – Ub and Lajkovac – Ljig

§  Zemun – Borca Bridge

Potential projects in road transport,

Speaker Mr. Dejan Trifunović, State Secretary of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure

Potential projects in railway and intermodal transport,

Speaker Mr. Mr. Dejan Trifunović, State Secretary of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure

-  Potential projects in water transport, speaker Mr. Miodrag Poledica, State Secretary of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure

-  Potential projects in air transport, speaker Mr. Miodrag Poledica, State Secretary of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure

·  Potential infrastructure projects by means of PPP and concessions

Case studies

§  Concession – Highway E – 763, Belgrade – Pozega, section: Surcin – Obrenovac (legth 17.6 km) and Preljina – Pozega (section length 30.96 km)

§  Presentation of potential projects for this model of cooperation

§  General conditions and regulations

§  Industrial zones

Speakers: Mr. Dejan Trifunović, State Secretary of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and Mr. Dragan Stevanović, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and President of the PPP Committee

·  Legal frame and potential projects in construction sector, speaker Mrs. Aleksandra Damnjanovic, State Secretary of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure

·  Discussion (10 min)

(Other speakers on the panel cannot be determined at this moment, because it is not known which ministers of the participating countries will take part and wish to speak.)



Moderator: Mr. Željko Sertić, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Serbia and the representative of the Peoples’ Republic of China

ü  Economy

·  Investing, Incentives and Legislative Framework

Speaker: Mr. Nikola Jankovic, Acting Director of SIEPA

·  Privatization through models and tender announcements

Speakers: Mr. Željko Sertić, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Serbia and Mr. Dragan Stevanović, State Secretary or Mr. Milun Trivunac, Assistant to the Minister

·  Good Practice – Study Case

ü  Information Technology

Speakers: Mrs. Tatjana Matić, State Secretary and prof. Irini Reljin, Assistant to the Minister for Electronic Communications

·  Development of Digital Economy

-  Development of the information society and electronic communications,

-  ICT sector research and development

-  Strategic partnerships development

Discussion (10 min)

ü  Agriculture

·  Agriculture and Food Industry- Regional Potentials

-  Sectorial potentials of agriculture of the Republic of Serbia - Speaker: Prof. Snežana Bogosavljević-Bošković Ph.D., Minister or Prof. Zoran Rajić, State Secretary

-  Removal of Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade in Agro-Food Products Trade – Speaker: Mr. Danilo Golubović, State Secretary

Good practice: Protocol between the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the mutual recognition and acceptance of documents issued by certified food and fodder laboratories

-  Availability of the Financial Instruments for SMEs in the Agro-Food Sector – Mr. Dragan Mirković, Head of the Rural Development Department

Discussion (10 min)

(Other speakers on the panel cannot be determined at this moment, because it is not known which ministers of the participating countries will take part and wish to speak.)



Moderator: Mr. Rasim Ljajic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and

Telecommunications and the representative of the People's Republic of China


·  Trade and Tourism as a Driving Force for Further Development of Relations Between the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEEC) and the People's Republic of China

-  Harmonization of CEEC trade and investment policies in order to improve economic cooperation with the People's Republic of China (strategic concept of EU 2020, SEE 2020, etc.); how to reduce the trade deficit with the People's Republic of China (through increased investment in the function of export growth - the benefits of free trade agreements), how to reduce barriers in trade with the People's Republic of China

Speaker: Mrs. Bojana Todorović, Assistant to the Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia for foreign trade policy, multilateral and regional economic and trade cooperation

-  Delegated P.R. China representatives

-  Others

Discussion (10 min)


·  Free Zones – the most favorable locations for business and investment

-  Representative of the Free zones Administration of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia

-  Representative from PR China

-  Others

·  Cooperation between customs authorities for speeding up of custom procedures particularly for goods in transit (the topic need approval from the Customs Administration of the Ministry of Finance)

-  Representative will be appointed by the Customs Administration of the Ministry of Finance

-  Representative from PR China

-  Others

Discussion (10 мin)


Introduction – moderator

·  Serbia – Tourist destination and potentials

Speaker: Mrs Gordana Plamenac, Director of the National Touristic Organization of Serbia

-  Chinese view: Modalities for cooperation between China and 16+ CEE countries in tourism sector

-  Speaker: Representative from the PR China

-  Bucharest 2013 vs. Belgrade 2014 – Review of the previous year

Speakers: Representative from Hungary (coordinator of China Association of Tourism Promotion Agencies and business and CEEC)

-  Dr. Renata Pindzo, Assistant to the Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia

·  Danube as Pan – European Corridor

-  Mr. Boris Camernik, General Secretary of the Danube Competence Center (DCC)

-  Representative from PR China

·  Culture Centers and cooperation between PR China and CEEC

Speaker: Representative from the Ministry

Discussion (10 мin)

19:30 – 21:30 Gala reception for all participants of the Summit and Business Forum – Palace of Serbia

-  Cocktail and Artistic performance by Folk Dance Group “Kolo”, hosted by Vice President Mihajlovic