Active Meeting Minutes

Pending Information

New Information

In Progress

  1. Open Meeting (7:03)
  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Approved by acclamation
  1. Announcements
  2. Exec Monday at 8pm room TBA
  3. Possibly in the math building
  4. The website is very up to date! You should check it out (:
  5. If you have something that belongs to APO, please bring it back to somebody who can put it in our storage unit.
  6. T-shirts on the table-not free (except for TAT)
  1. President – Austin Adams
  2. Keep meetings short
  1. Exec VP – Staci Deuerling
  1. Come to Staci to find out if you’re active or inactive
  2. We should start doing the handshake with everybody at the beginning of each meeting.
  3. Let her know if you will miss a meeting ASAP!
  1. VP CoLD – Cynthia Robinson
  1. Calendar handouts are almost ready to be printed out
  2. Leadership games
  1. Retreat
  2. Couple of places to choose from: one near Stephenville, other is in Glen Rose
  3. Potentially the weekend of November 5-6 (no band kids) OR 11-12, 18-20
  4. Phone Tree has been emailed out so make sure you use it (:
  5. Contact person underneath you, wait 45 minutes, then move on (preface messages “this is phone tree!”)
  1. VP Fellowship – Summer Smith
  2. RUSH!
  3. Events:
  4. Shirts?

i.If you want a shirt, please bring $18 by the next meeting.

ii.Katy and Courtney will pick them up

  1. Rush will be taking place from September 12-24.
  2. Guard duckies

i.Please attend Rush events (:

  1. Timothy wants to know if we can alternate Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Jake and Dots
  1. VP Service – Katy McReynolds
  2. Auctioning off ourselves for service in November (Fundraiser/Service)
  3. Please answer questionnaire
  4. November 6-12: The health fair is definitely going to be our National Service Week project
  5. TAT will be October 11, 13, 18, 20.
  6. Benches have been added to the service calendar Sept. 30
  7. You have to fill out a volunteer application to volunteer at the nursing home.

i.One on one activities, coffee time, reminiscing

ii.Buddy system

  1. Pledge master –Zach Murry
  2. RUSH
  3. Power points are looking good and should be ready before Rush starts.

i.Should be ready to present by next week

  1. 13 potential pledges already.
  2. Katy moves that we accept pledge slides as they are, 6 for 0 against (out of 8) motion passes

i.Bonnie seconds

  1. Show up to pledge ceremony Saturday the 24th at 10:30?
  1. Secretary
  2. Composite proof is here, no individual composites yet
  3. Thanks for cleaning the highway-from TXDOT
  1. Treasurer – Lindsey Staples
  2. Current Balance: $135 (wrong, probably like $102)

i.$200 set aside for 50th anniversary banquet

ii.$60 for pins

  1. Pay your dues immediately please!!! See Lindsey after meeting to pay
  2. Shirts, pay for them
  1. Fundraising Ideas
  2. Huge list on national website, including Domino’s pizza cards, Homeboy shirts (people love them), decorating big ducks (blinged out), bag groceries, pump gas, concessions
  1. MAL
  1. Chapter Advisors
  1. Dale
  2. We need to focus on members and our message that we’re sending out to people.
  3. Big Brother, Big Sister: We should check it out (:
  4. Dr. Justice wants us to find boy scouts
  1. IGC
  2. No quorum, no official business
  3. Community IGC Rush in Spring
  4. Sandwich boards at most $150, more boards=less money
  5. Need secretary, must be active, no experience necessary, year long job
  6. IGC dues are $3 per active=$30 due the 3rd (+5 for Emily missing?) ASAP
  7. Staci will pay this, thank you Staci (we love Staci!) P4P=show up
  8. Increase dues?
  1. SGA
  2. Back up? Hard to find replacement, but now it’s Katy, so we’re cool bros
  3. Staci is back-up back-up, Lindsey is back-up back-up back-up
  4. Meetings every 2 weeks, if you want money ask 2-3 weeks in advance
  5. Lambda Chi Alpha has donation boxes for fires in TSC, donate stuff (gently used clothing, energy drinks, etc.)
  1. Committees
  2. Pasta for Paws
  3. September 23rd
  4. TSC ballroom-official
  5. We have la musica
  6. $1.00 raffle tickets will be sold. $5.00 to eat.
  7. WORK ON DONATIONS (you can also donate)
  8. Meeting on Wednesdays at 8:00 inTSC
  9. Sign up for tables!
  10. Homecoming Committee
  11. Courtney is now heading the committee.
  12. Start signing up for this committee tonight!!
  13. Katy is taking charge of the Halloween Carnival
  14. UMOC
  15. $700 in the account
  16. T-shirts!!!!! $15? Let Katy know if you want one by Thursday!!

i.Staci moves that we buy UMOC shirts from, 7 for 0 opposed (out of 9) motion passes

  1. Tim seconds
  1. Katy needs people on the committee who will be here next year. And people with good people and business/leadership skills.
  2. Meetings will be Tuesdays at 7:30 pm
  1. Sectionals Dinner
  2. November 5?
  3. Oak Dale Steakhouse
  4. We still need members for this committee, see Summer after meeting and we will arrange meeting time
  1. Old Business
  2. Policies!
  3. Pledge pins have been purchased
  1. New Business
  2. Meeting time
  3. Staci moves that the meeting be moved to 8 p.m. on Thursdays 7 for 1 opposed (out of 9) motion passes

i.Tim seconds

  1. We need to set everybody up on the Network Drive
  2. This is like a T-drive for APO and we can all access it (please don’t delete things)
  3. Find instructions on APO Tarleton website
  4. Storage unit payment is due after October
  5. Secretary-Bonnie wins by acclamation
  6. Zach moves that we suspend the bylaws to allow us to vote for Secretary at this meeting 8 for 0 against (out of 9) motion passes

i.Lindsey seconds

  1. Nominations:

i.Bonnie accepts

ii.Staci declines

  1. Tim went to Risk Management thing, look over power point, will have more detailed report next week
  1. Open Floor
  2. Phone tree for baby gender and name of Avy’s Baby
  3. Take popsicles
  4. De has duck beads, $15
  5. Summer ordered Zombie ducks
  6. Tim had S.I., was meh. Red Rover happened.
  7. Keep Jacob (Avery’s boyfriend) in your thoughts, he has an illness
  8. Pasta for Paws people making signs Sunday night, everyone is welcome, at Katy’s 8 p.m.
  9. Band-Rock Part 1, Incubus
  1. Toast Song
  1. Meeting Close