Active Meeting Minutes
Pending Information
New Information
In Progress
- Open Meeting (7:03)
- Approval of Minutes
- Approved by acclamation
- Announcements
- Exec Monday at 8pm room TBA
- Possibly in the math building
- The website is very up to date! You should check it out (:
- If you have something that belongs to APO, please bring it back to somebody who can put it in our storage unit.
- T-shirts on the table-not free (except for TAT)
- President – Austin Adams
- Keep meetings short
- Exec VP – Staci Deuerling
- Come to Staci to find out if you’re active or inactive
- We should start doing the handshake with everybody at the beginning of each meeting.
- Let her know if you will miss a meeting ASAP!
- VP CoLD – Cynthia Robinson
- Calendar handouts are almost ready to be printed out
- Leadership games
- Retreat
- Couple of places to choose from: one near Stephenville, other is in Glen Rose
- Potentially the weekend of November 5-6 (no band kids) OR 11-12, 18-20
- Phone Tree has been emailed out so make sure you use it (:
- Contact person underneath you, wait 45 minutes, then move on (preface messages “this is phone tree!”)
- VP Fellowship – Summer Smith
- Events:
- Shirts?
i.If you want a shirt, please bring $18 by the next meeting.
ii.Katy and Courtney will pick them up
- Rush will be taking place from September 12-24.
- Guard duckies
i.Please attend Rush events (:
- Timothy wants to know if we can alternate Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Jake and Dots
- VP Service – Katy McReynolds
- Auctioning off ourselves for service in November (Fundraiser/Service)
- Please answer questionnaire
- November 6-12: The health fair is definitely going to be our National Service Week project
- TAT will be October 11, 13, 18, 20.
- Benches have been added to the service calendar Sept. 30
- You have to fill out a volunteer application to volunteer at the nursing home.
i.One on one activities, coffee time, reminiscing
ii.Buddy system
- Pledge master –Zach Murry
- Power points are looking good and should be ready before Rush starts.
i.Should be ready to present by next week
- 13 potential pledges already.
- Katy moves that we accept pledge slides as they are, 6 for 0 against (out of 8) motion passes
i.Bonnie seconds
- Show up to pledge ceremony Saturday the 24th at 10:30?
- Secretary
- Composite proof is here, no individual composites yet
- Thanks for cleaning the highway-from TXDOT
- Treasurer – Lindsey Staples
- Current Balance: $135 (wrong, probably like $102)
i.$200 set aside for 50th anniversary banquet
ii.$60 for pins
- Pay your dues immediately please!!! See Lindsey after meeting to pay
- Shirts, pay for them
- Fundraising Ideas
- Huge list on national website, including Domino’s pizza cards, Homeboy shirts (people love them), decorating big ducks (blinged out), bag groceries, pump gas, concessions
- Chapter Advisors
- Dale
- We need to focus on members and our message that we’re sending out to people.
- Big Brother, Big Sister: We should check it out (:
- Dr. Justice wants us to find boy scouts
- No quorum, no official business
- Community IGC Rush in Spring
- Sandwich boards at most $150, more boards=less money
- Need secretary, must be active, no experience necessary, year long job
- IGC dues are $3 per active=$30 due the 3rd (+5 for Emily missing?) ASAP
- Staci will pay this, thank you Staci (we love Staci!) P4P=show up
- Increase dues?
- Back up? Hard to find replacement, but now it’s Katy, so we’re cool bros
- Staci is back-up back-up, Lindsey is back-up back-up back-up
- Meetings every 2 weeks, if you want money ask 2-3 weeks in advance
- Lambda Chi Alpha has donation boxes for fires in TSC, donate stuff (gently used clothing, energy drinks, etc.)
- Committees
- Pasta for Paws
- September 23rd
- TSC ballroom-official
- We have la musica
- $1.00 raffle tickets will be sold. $5.00 to eat.
- WORK ON DONATIONS (you can also donate)
- Meeting on Wednesdays at 8:00 inTSC
- Sign up for tables!
- Homecoming Committee
- Courtney is now heading the committee.
- Start signing up for this committee tonight!!
- Katy is taking charge of the Halloween Carnival
- $700 in the account
- T-shirts!!!!! $15? Let Katy know if you want one by Thursday!!
i.Staci moves that we buy UMOC shirts from, 7 for 0 opposed (out of 9) motion passes
- Tim seconds
- Katy needs people on the committee who will be here next year. And people with good people and business/leadership skills.
- Meetings will be Tuesdays at 7:30 pm
- Sectionals Dinner
- November 5?
- Oak Dale Steakhouse
- We still need members for this committee, see Summer after meeting and we will arrange meeting time
- Old Business
- Policies!
- Pledge pins have been purchased
- New Business
- Meeting time
- Staci moves that the meeting be moved to 8 p.m. on Thursdays 7 for 1 opposed (out of 9) motion passes
i.Tim seconds
- We need to set everybody up on the Network Drive
- This is like a T-drive for APO and we can all access it (please don’t delete things)
- Find instructions on APO Tarleton website
- Storage unit payment is due after October
- Secretary-Bonnie wins by acclamation
- Zach moves that we suspend the bylaws to allow us to vote for Secretary at this meeting 8 for 0 against (out of 9) motion passes
i.Lindsey seconds
- Nominations:
i.Bonnie accepts
ii.Staci declines
- Tim went to Risk Management thing, look over power point, will have more detailed report next week
- Open Floor
- Phone tree for baby gender and name of Avy’s Baby
- Take popsicles
- De has duck beads, $15
- Summer ordered Zombie ducks
- Tim had S.I., was meh. Red Rover happened.
- Keep Jacob (Avery’s boyfriend) in your thoughts, he has an illness
- Pasta for Paws people making signs Sunday night, everyone is welcome, at Katy’s 8 p.m.
- Band-Rock Part 1, Incubus
- Toast Song
- Meeting Close