Unapproved Minutes Emmet County Board of Supervisor Minutes
July 12, 2016
Regular Meeting
Board Room, Courthouse
Present: Bev Juhl, Vice-Chair
John Pluth
Al Madden
Jeff Quastad
Tim Schumacher
Schumacher, Chair, called the meeting to order. Motion was made by Juhl, seconded by Madden, to approve the minutes from the last board meeting on June 28th and also approve them for publication. All ayes, motion carried.
During public forum, Gene Haukoos, formerly with Estherville Ambulance Service Inc. and former Agency Director with EMS service grant writing, spoke to the Board. He stated he retired effective July 1, 2016. The Board thanked him for his many years of service. He recommended Bradley Held fill the position for the grant contractor and also be the EMS representative on the County Board of Health. Haukoos would be willing to be the citizen representative on the County Board of Health. These items will be put on the Agenda for next week’s Board meeting.
Pluth stated that he had attended the safety meeting yesterday, June 11th. On September 8, there will be CPR training at the courthouse. The class can accommodate 12 people, with sign up suggested. If necessary, another class will be opened if we have more than the 12 people sign up. Kathy Preston brought up some items that will need attention at the annex, that being check the building alarm system once a year, lighted exit signs and side walk snow removal. The county will have an E-dispatch system implemented soon and will have sign-up shortly for emergency situations. Schumacher spoke on the progress of the armory roof. Also discussed were the problems of thistles going untreated in the county and presently seeding. The Supervisors have had numerous calls on the thistles. Pluth believes that they are not getting any thistles treated on the back slopes.
At 9:30 a.m. the Public hearing on re-adoption of the County Ordinances was held. The first reading of the proposed re-adoption of the County’s ordinances was held. Doug Hansen, Emmet County Attorney, spoke with the Board on some information and suggestions on the re-adoption of these ordinances. There was no one from the public present, therefore no public comments. It was moved by Quastad, seconded by Pluth to close the public hearing. It was moved by Juhl, seconded by Madden, to approve the first reading of the re-adoption of the County Ordinances. All ayes, motion carried.
Schumacher read a request from Lexie Ruter, Estherville Area Chamber of Commerce, to use the Courthouse Square for Sweet Corn Days on Saturday, August 6, 2016. It was the consensus of the Board to allow this to happen again this year.
The Board was presented for review the Quarterly reports from the Auditor, Recorder, Veteran’s Affairs, Sheriff‘s offices and the Treasurer’s semi-annual report.
The Board reviewed the Nutrient Management Plan (MMP) for Max Cole in NW NW 36-98-31 in Denmark Township and also from Jeff Anderson for J.A.N.S. Farms Inc #3 in Armstrong Grove Township in SW SW of 28-99-31.
Mike Martens, Emmet County Sheriff, presented to the Board for signature the Dispatcher’s Union Contract. It was moved by Quastad, seconded by Pluth, to sign the contract. All ayes, motion carried. Martens also spoke on further details of the E-dispatch system. It will further enhance the courthouse’s safety. It is another tool to get emergency alerts out. Hopefully, after the next safety meeting, this E-dispatch will be able to be implemented.
Nancy Danielson, representing Iowa Counties Assurance Pool (ICAP) and Blum & Leonard Agency, Inc., presented a grant check in the amount of $1,000 to the Board of Supervisors for loss control and/or risk management items. The grant money will purchase 4 weather radios, 4 first aid cabinets and 4 rechargeable flashlights to be used in the tornado shelters for the Courthouse and Public Health. The grant was written by Amy Sathoff, Emmet County Auditor. Danielson also presented to each of the Board members folders containing loss information for property and casualty insurance and workmen’s compensation claims for the past couple of years for the County.
The motion was made by Pluth, seconded by Juhl, to approve ½ of the FY2017 Budget Appropriations through December 31, 2016, with the exceptions being providing that the annual payments can be paid in full and the Engineer’s contracts can also be paid. All ayes, motion carried.
02 - AUDITOR / 125,795.00
03 - TREASURER / 319,054.00
04 - ATTORNEY / 341,009.00
05 - SHERIFF / 898,764.00
07 - RECORDER / 166,713.00
08 - ELECTIONS / 150,494.00
09 - JAIL / 277,460.00
12 - RECORDS MANAGEMENT / 9,500.00
13 - CONSERVATION - REAP / 40,000.00
14 - CONSERVATION - TRUST / 20,000.00
20 - COUNTY ENGINEER / 3,385,720.00
21 - VETERANS AFFAIRS / 80,489.00
22 - CONSERVATION / 271,510.00
23 - LOCAL HEALTH / 404,299.00
24 - WEED COMMISSIONER / 13,759.00
25 - SOCIAL SERVICES / 57,000.00
28 - MEDICAL EXAMINER / 14,800.00
31 - DISTRICT COURT / 44,500.00
33 - LIBRARY / 23,445.00
34 - HISTORICAL SOCIETY / 7,500.00
36 - AMBULANCE / 44,260.00
37 - COMMUNICATIONS / 281,570.00
38 - GENERAL ASSISTANCE / 41,075.00
39 - FAIRGROUNDS / 46,500.00
50 - ANNEX BUILDING / 23,100.00
51 - GENERAL SERVICES / 207,882.00
53 - ZONING / 15,594.00
57 - SANITARY DISPOSAL / 12,000.00
60 - MENTAL HEALTH 0010 / 463,489.00
60 - CASE MANAGER 0006 / 109,864.00
62 - SAFETY COORDINATOR / 10,080.00
65 - SUBSTANCE ABUSE-CD/BI / 10,200.00
99 - NONDEPARTMENTAL / 1,475,234.00
Walter Davis-Oeth, Emmet County Engineer presented a utility permit for Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative to construct utilities on county right of way in Twelve Mile Lake Township in Sections 6 and 7 from right-of-way to right-of-way. It was moved by Quastad, seconded by Pluth, to approve the utility permit. All ayes, motion carried. He spoke on collision accident on N52 of last week. It had nothing to do with Secondary Roads, the accident happened between two separate contractors on the County’s project on N52. More discussion on thistles was discussed with Davis-Oeth. The Engineer will contact Don Reffer, our weed contractor for the county, to meet with Board members and possibly go out and check out and review these actual locations. Schumacher would like Davis-Oeth to also be involved in the meeting with Reffer.
It was moved by Juhl, seconded by Pluth to sign the Union Contract for Secondary Roads. All ayes, motion carried.
The Board reviewed the monthly claims. It was moved by Quastad , seconded by Madden, to approve the claims as listed in the claims register, with the addition of a manual check being added to Iowa Drainage District Association (IDDA) for $4,375 for membership dues and also holding the check, in the Engineer’s office, for B&W Control Specialists. All ayes, motion carried.
It was moved by Madden, seconded by Pluth, to approve the drainage claims as listed. All ayes, motion carried.
Motion was made by Quastad, seconded by Madden, to adjourn the meeting at 11:20 a.m. All ayes, motion carried.
Colleen Anderson, Assistant to the Auditor Tim Schumacher, Chair