Block IV Pharmacology Pre-Quiz
I. Vaccines
Circle all live attenuated vaccines.
Influenza / Hepatitis B / Varicella / Meningococcus / SmallpoxYellow Fever / Typhoid / BCG (Bacile-Calmette-Guerin) / Hepatitis A / Polio (IPV)
DTaP/Tdap / MMR / Pneumococcal / Herpes Zoster / Haemophilus (Hib)
II. Immunomodulators
Match each mechanism with the appropriate immunomodulator
- ___Alkylates DNA leading to nucleotide mispairingand DNA cross-linkage
- ___Mercaptopurine derivative that inhibits purine synthesis in T- and B-Cells
- ___Inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase; Leads to inhibition of purine synthesis
- ___Forms complex withcyclophilin receptor; Leads to inhibition of calcineurin/NFATand ↓IL-2
- ___Forms complex with FKBP-12;Leads to inhibition of calcineurin/NFAT and ↓IL-2
- ___ Forms complex with FKBP-12 and mTOR; Suppresses downstream kinase to counteract IL-2
- ___Binds Steroid Receptor; Downregulates cytokines leading to ↓circulating lymphocytes
- ___Anti-T-lymphocyte antibody; Risk of cytokine release syndrome (CRS)
- ___Anti-CD3antibodythat disables T-Cells; Risk of CRS
- ___, ___Anti-IL-2 Receptor antibody that prevents clonal proliferation of T-Cells; Risk of CRS
- ___Blocks IL-1 Receptor leading to ↓inflammatory response; Used for rheumatoid arthritis
- ___, ___, ___ Inhibits TNFα; Used for Crohns, RA, and colitis; Increased risk of Tuberculosis
- ___Anti-CD20 (B-Cell) antibody; Used for treatment of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
- ___Anti-CD52 (B-Cell, T-Cell, Monocyte, Macrophage) antibody; Used for treatment of CLL
- ___Blocks recognition of fetal RhoD by maternal immune system
- ___Binds interferon receptor; Antiviral and antiproliferative effects; Treats hepatitis B
- ___Binds IFN receptor; Treatment of multiple sclerosis multiple sclerosis
- ___ Binds IFN receptor; Treatment of chronic granulomatous disease
III. Antivirals I
- ___Prevents uncoating of influenza virus; Must be administered within 48h
- ___Neuraminidase inhibitor that interferes with influenza envelope assembly
- ___Acyclic purine nucleoside that causes HSV chain termination; Treats herpes encephalitis
- ___Treatment of resistant herpes viruses
- ___L-valyl ester of acyclovir that reaches 4x higher serum levels; Treats mucocutaneous HSV
- ___Treatment of CMV in immunocompromised patients
- ___Inhibits all three functions of Hepatitis B DNA pol (priming, reverse transcription, synthesis)
- ___Inhibits Hepatitis B DNA pol and HIV reverse transcriptase
Block IV Pharm – POST-QUIZ
IV. HIV –Antiretrovirals
- ___Binds CCR5 chemokine co-receptor (Blocks attachment of viral gp120)
- ___Prevents viral fusion by interfering with viral gp41
- ___Guanosine analog that results in reverse transcriptase chain termination
- ___Adenosine analog that results in reverse transcriptase chain termination
- ___Non-nucleotide RT inhibitor; First drug to become HIV resistant (K103N mutation)
- ___Non-nucleotide RT inhibitor effective against K103N variety
- ___Integrase inhibitor (Prevents insertion of HIV genome into Host DNA
- ___Inhibits processing of Gag-Pol polyproteins (produces non-infectious virus)
- ___ Most potent P450 inhibitor available; Boosts levels of other protease inhibitors
V. Antiarrhythmics
- ___Blocks open Na+ channels leading to phase 0 delay; Prolongs AP and QT-interval
- ___Inhibits phase 4 and 0 in SA & AV nodes; DOC for post-MI heart failure; Avoid in asthmatics
- ___Prolongs ARP; Associated with pulmonary fibrosis; Low incidence oftorsades de pointes
- ___, ___ Class III drugs associated with torsades de pointes
- ___ Severe cardiosuppressive side effect; Treats Re-entrant supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
- ___Sign of toxicity includes visual blurring
VI. Lipid-Lowering Agents
- ___, ___Drug of choice for lowering LDL; Inibits HMG-CoA Reductase; SE of rhabdomyolysis
- ___, ___Positively charged resins not absorbed by intestine; Exchanges anions for bile acids
- ___ Inhibits absorption of cholesterol at the brush border
- ___Causes ↓LDL, ↓TG, and ↑HDL; Associated with cutaneous flushing
- ___, ___ Stimulateslipoprotein lipase (LPL) leading to hydrolysis of TGs to hydrolyze TGs
- ___ Inhibits TG synthesis and augments chylomicron TG clearance; Fishy taste
VII. Renal Pharm
- ___ Inhibits carbonic anhydrase in PCT; Treats acute mountain sickness and salicylate poisoning
- ___Inhibits NaK2Cl in Loop of Henle; Side effect of hypocalcemia and hearing loss
- ___Inhibits NaClcotransporter in DCT; First line therapy for hypertension; SE of hyponatremia
- ___K+-sparing diuretic that inhibits ENaC (Blocks Na+ reabsorption) SE of hyperkalemia
- ___K+-sparing diuretic that blocks mineralocorticoid receptor; SE of hyperkalemia, gynecomastia
- ___Osmotic diuretic that is not reabsorbed in the tubule; Used for reduction of ICP
- ___Vasopressin (ADH) analog used for treatment of central diabetes insipidus
- ___, ___ADH antagonist used for treatment of SIADH
Extra Practice (Not reviewed)
VIII. Antihypertensives
- ___Treatment for hypotension that binds D1 Receptors at low dose (dilates renal vessels), β1receptors at mid dose (tachycardia), and α1receptors at high dose (vasoconstriction)
- ___α2-agonist for treatment of hypertension; SE of rebound HTN with abrupt withdrawal
- ___α2-agonist used for hypertension in pregnancy
- ___α1, α2-blocker for pre-opmanagement of pheochromocytoma
- ___α1 blocker for HTN, also relaxes prostatic capsule for BPH
- ___β1,2 blocker for HTN and angina; contraindicated in asthma and COPD
- ___Inhibits Renin and reduces plasma renin activity
- ___First line for hypertension in diabetics; Inhibits conversion of Ang-I →Ang-II; SE of dry cough
- ___Ang-II Receptor Blocker (ARB) used for HTN; Second line after ACE-I
- ___, ___Endothelin receptor blocker used for treatment of pulmonary hypertension
- ___Binds atrial natriuretic peptide receptors to ↑cGMP in blood vessels (vasodilation)
- ___, ___Ca2+-channel blocker with potent cardiosuppressive effect
- ___Dilates arterioles via opening K-sensitive channels; SE ofhypertrichosis and Gynecomastia
- ___Treatment for angina; Leads to ↑cGMP and vasodilation; Do not administer with sildenafil
- ___Nitrate for treatment of hypertensive crisis; SE of cyanide toxicity