| Kappa Alpha Theta |
| Portland Alumnae Chapter |
Office: / Founders’ Day Chairwoman
Last Updated: / 03/13/2008
Vision: / Facilitate the annual Founders’ Day event to meet the requirements of headquarters as well as to inspire new and renewed interest in Alumnae activities.
Role: / Communicate Fraternity business, particularly with regards to activities within the Portland Alumnae chapter, the Fraternity headquarters, the Beta Epsilon collegiate chapter, and Fraternity-supported charities, through speeches by the current Alumnae chapter leadership.
Committee: / A committee is imperative to the success of the event. set up, clean up, welcome table, etc. Suggested size is at least five people
Events: / Annual Founders’ Day event early spring, ideally on the last Saturday of January.
Responsibilities: / Host and facilitate the annual Founders’ Day event.
Attend Alumnae chapter board meetings, when possible. Send reports to Secretary and President before meeting, particularly if not attending.
Communicate the date and any necessary details to Internal Communications for inclusion in the directory and newsletter.
Communicate the date and any necessary details to the President for inclusion in the regular e-mail newsletter.
Obtain budget information from Treasurer prior to establishing a location for event. It is the responsibility of the Founders’ Day Chair to stay within that budget and to notify the Treasurer of any possible cost over-runs as soon as possible.
Secure a location to handle the event. Work with the catering department to get the best price for the food and amenities.
Establish a “cost per head” amount that is suitable for the event that will deliver an ample portion but be reasonable in cost.
Clearly communicate expectations and deadlines This will likely include regular reminders.
Collaborate with the Collegiate Relations officer to invite women from the Beta Epsilon chapter to attend.
Secure a list of the 75-, 50-, and 25-year Theta honorees from Theta headquarters and send out courtesy invitees with biography queries at least two months in advance of the event.
Edit the biographies and present each honoree to the assembly.
Conduct the chapter roll call at the assembly.
Follow the timeline set forth in the Founders’ Day chair’s notebook.
Train the following year’s officer during the Officers’ Training Workshop (OTW) and providing any necessary ad hoc consultation.
Provide input to the Treasurer on budget requirements for the following year.
Provide any personal receipts promptly to Treasurer for reimbursement and ensure others who financially support the events do the same.
Update any resources and consolidate any information or helpful tips gained during year of office to share with next year’s officer.
Time Commitment: / Attending board meetings: 3 hours quarterly
Committee Meetings, etc.4 hours once a month
Attending Founders’ Day event3-5 hours (prep. and event)
Officers’ Training Workshop3-6 hours (in the spring)
Requirements: / Be a dues-paying member of the Portland Alumnae chapter.
Excellent organizational skills.
Access to a computer and word processing or desktop publishing software. (The Chapter does not own a license of software to support this role.)
Access to e-mail highly recommended.
Strong knowledge of a desktop publishing or word processing application.
Ability to work closely with others, meet deadlines, and follow up with content providers.
Willingness to write or supplement provided content for publication in the newsletter.
The financial ability to pay personally for the printing costs associated with the program. The Chair will be reimbursed by the Portland Alumnae Chapter for expenses, but must be able to pay printing costs personally and then wait for reimbursement.
Helpful Resources: / Kappa Alpha Theta –
Kappa Alpha Theta Portland Alumnae Chapter–
The Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine
Alumnae Chapter Handbook
Kappa Alpha Theta Ritual Book
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