FEALAC is the only inter-regional intergovernmentalcooperation mechanism with the aim to increase inter-regional cooperation and mutual understanding among 36 FEALAC member countries in East Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Since its establishment in 1999, FEALAC has developed into a promising and stable forum between East Asia and Latin America, promoting closer cooperation and facilitating dialogue among the 36 countries of the two regions, which represent about 40% of the world population and contribute about one-third ofglobal GDP and global trade.

In the future, Mega-FTAs such as TPP(already concluded), RCEP(under negotiation) and FTAAP(only proposed) are expected to have a substantial effect on the global trade regime as well as on inter-regional trade between East Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

※TPP participating countries(12): USA, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Brunei

※RCEP participating countries(16): ASEAN 10 countries(Brunei,Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam), Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea, New Zealand

※FTAAP participating economies(21): TPP&RCEP participating countries, Russia, Taiwan, Hong-Kong, PNG

Increasing mutual understanding for promoting free trade among FEALAC member countries is consistent with the pursuit of mutual benefits of the two regions through expanding common position on a range of global issues, which has been regarded as one of the main goals of FEALAC.

In this context, it is necessary for FEALAC to take a more active part as an inter-regional organization for increasing mutual understanding and mutually beneficial cooperation in the fields of trade and investment among FEALAC member countries.

FEALAC has restrained from excessive institutionalization and favored forward-looking, voluntary, informal, and flexible management in its working procedures. In this regard, FEALAC’s Seminar on Inter-Regional Trade is expected to provide opportunities to actively exchange opinions and promote free discussions on issues of inter-regional trade that might seem sensitive.

Considering this situation, at the 2015 7th FMM in Costa Rica, the Republic of Korea proposed to hold a FEALAC Seminar on Inter-regional Trade during the first half of 2016 in order to enhance mutual understanding on inter-regional trade which is being influenced by global trade trends such as “Mega” FTAs.

※Within the San Jose Declaration(August 2015), adopted at the 7th FMM in Costa Rica, Ministers recognize that the expansion of inter-regional trade favors close ties between the two regions, promoting their prosperity. They also expressed their support for member countries to promote development mechanisms aimed at facilitating trade and investment within FEALAC.



(i) The Seminar on Inter-Regional Trade will take place on May 19, 2016, providing a platform where policymakers and experts in the private sector may share their views and opinions on inter-regional trade.

(ii) Everyone participating in the FEALAC coordination meeting and the Cyber Secretariat workshop is very welcome to join the Seminar on Inter-regional Trade.

Procedure and Language

(i) The Seminar will consist of three sessions, and in each session 3 Presenters will make a presentation.

(ii) English will bethe official language of the Seminar.


(i)Exchange opinions on the ongoing situations concerning Mega FTAs such as theTrans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) or the Free Trade Area of Asia-Pacific (FTAAP).

(ii) General assessments of the comprehensive impact Mega FTAs are expected to have on trade and investment among FEALAC countries.

(iii) Exchange opinions on how to promote trade and investment between East Asiaand Latin America and the Caribbean and discuss ways to support free trade among 36 FEALAC member countries.

※From Korea, Dr. Young-Han Kim(Professor at Sung-Kyun-Kwan University) will make a presentation on the impact of Mega FTAs on trade and investment in Korea, Latin America and the Caribbean, as well aspolicy implications.

Presentation Application

(i) 9 presenters will be invited among inter-regional trade experts recommended by FEALAC member countries.

(ii) Those wishing to make a presentation will need to submit a two-page of summary of their presentation in MS Word format to the Cyber Secretariat via e-mail() by March 18, 2016.

(iii) Presenters for the seminar will need to submit their presentation material in MS PowerPoint format(approximately lasting 15 minutes) to the Cyber Secretariat via e-mail() by April 29, 2016.

Participant Registration

Everyone wishing to participate in the seminaris requested to fill out the attached Registration form andshould send it to the Cyber Secretariat via e-mail() by March18, 2016.

Airfare and Hotel Accommodation

(i) Airfare expenses (economy class) and hotel accommodation expenses for 3 nights will be covered by the Cyber Secretariat for all presenters of the seminar.

※Airfare expenses (business class) will be covered for one government official (vice-minister or above vice-minister level).

(ii) One non-presenter from each participating member country will only be provided with hotel accommodation for 3 nights.