Triathlon Club Meeting: Winter 2012
v Introductions
Ø Current Officers
§ Kyle Masterson, Aaron Seipel, Mike Antonishen, Brian Burkhardt, Molly MacGraw, Nikki Grenier, Taylor Baker, Emily Ruck, Peter McMillan, Daniel Moreno, Collin Grischott, Grant
Ø Coaches
§ Michael (Taz) Tasman
§ Nate Smith
§ Kara Smith
§ Erica McKenzie
§ Roger Mignosa
§ Blair Bronson
v Club Info
Ø Club dues for SCHOOL YEAR: $35.00
§ Please Make checks payable to OSU TriClub
Ø Online waiver must be signed BEFORE participating in any club practices
§ Go to the club website (or just google Oregon State Triathlon Club) and follow the instructions on the ‘How to Join” link on the left
v Workouts
Ø All practices are optional, you can come and workout as often as you want
§ Swim
· M, W, F 6-7am Dixon Pool with Taz
§ Run
· T, TH 5:15pm with Nate and Blair. Check your email for location
§ Bike
· M,TH 7pm in Dixon’s MP3
¨ Sandra and Jen will be there to rock your world!
· Sunday’s Group Ride at 9am
¨ Leaving from Peak Sports
Ø Bike shop—not apparel.
v Apparel
Ø If you are interested in available apparel, contact Emily or Taylor
v Sponsorships
Ø Peak Sports
§ Club member (Tier 1):
· Requirements
¨ Club member in good standing
Ø Paid annual dues
Ø Purchased club clothing kit and other club requirements
· Benefits
¨ 10% off of regularly priced product from Peak Sports Bike Dept.
§ Team member (Tier 2):
· Requirements
¨ Club member in good standing
¨ Paid annual dues
¨ Purchased club clothing kit and other club requirements
· Actively support the team and Corvallis area cycling and tri community
¨ Coaching
¨ Event promotion
¨ Volunteer support of events (coordinators)
¨ Club officers/board of directors
· Benefits
¨ 10% off of regularly priced product from Peak Sports Bike Dept.
¨ 20% margin (25% mark-up from wholesale cost) on prepaid special orders.
¨ 20% discount on regularly scheduled labor
¨ Expedited service for emergencies to enable participation in race events – 20% labor
Ø discount does not apply to emergency service.
¨ Participation in special team purchases at extra discounts.
Ø Vertebrata Chiropractic
§ TREATMENT AND PREVENTION. All active members of the triathlon club would receive $10 adjustments. Massage therapy will be offered at a price of $15 for a half hour massage. This is a savings of $40-$70 per adjustment. For massage, this is a savings of $20-$65 for a half hour massage.
§ EXAMINATION: initial examination would be discounted 20% from the regular exam price. In addition, initial examination fees will be waived for triathlon club members who actively participate in races. This would be savings of $75-$100 for racers and $15-$20 for non-racing members.
§ TRAINING INFORMATION: Vertebrata Chiropractic will consult any triathlon team members with regards to their training or injury questions that they may have free of charge.
v Beaver Freezer
Ø April 7th, 2012
§ 7am Start
Ø ALL club members wishing to participate in race reimbursement are REQUIRED to volunteer on race day
§ Pre Race Volunteering is also needed
· Keep in mind, the more you put into the club, the more you get out (deals @ sponsorships stores for example
Ø Be on the lookout for emails from Molly and Nikki with volunteer information
v Clinics
Ø Core Strength Training
§ Sunday 29th at 10am
Ø Sport Pschology Guest Speaker
§ Monday 30th at 10am
§ Learn why we are all a little crazy ;)
Ø Bike Fit Clinic
§ 1st Saturday in Feb (4th). At Aaron’s house.
Ø Nutrition Clinic
§ Feb 18th at Mac Fieldhouse
Ø Practice Freezer
§ March 11th
Ø Mock Tri
Ø Please keep an eye out for dates and time for all clinics and presentations
v Races
Ø Possible switch up in races that are to be reimbursed. Officer meeting about this.
Ø Talk to HOTV runners and potentially organize a collegiate race at HOTV sprint
§ Spark some NW collegiate coherence in the Pac NW
Ø Club Sponsored races
§ You are responsible for registering yourself. The Club only reimburses you for the registration fee ONLY if you race. For complete details go to the club website and look at the reimbursement link on the left
§ Albany Sprint Tri
§ Wildflower Olympic (more details Below)
§ Lebanon Sprint Triathlon
§ Duck Bill Thrill Olympic
§ Heart of the Valley Sprint
§ Blue Lake Sprint or Olympic
§ Pac Crest Olympic
· Weekend stay in house in Sunriver, OR
v Wildflower
Ø Registration will be open for the club soon, please do not register yourself until you get an email from me
Ø A $200 deposit will be required upon registration. As long as you do not back out, we will shred the check. If for any reason we register you and you back out, we will deposit your check to cover the costs we just wasted. AKA, be sure you can commit to it
Ø Once all the details are finalized, we will be having a Wildflower info meeting. Again be on the lookout for that email
v Final comments
Ø Please read the emails that get sent out to the listserv, especially those from the officers and coaches. They are important. I realize sometime there seems to be an overabundance of them but it is important to stay informed. If you delete an email or neglect to read one and miss a deadline, well you better be a good persuader.
Ø Listserv use: Please consider what you are sending out on the listserv. 400 people receive the listserv, so please don’ send stuff out to everyone if everyone doesn’t need to see it.
v Any Questions?