CR Assessment – Term Paper / Honours Projects

(Grades A / A-) / Good
(Grades B+ / B / B-) / Satisfactory
(Grades C+ / C / C-) / Marginal Pass
(Grade D) / Fail
(Grade F)
Overall Impression / The paper is a genuine piece of research in a topic/subject related to the course. It directly addresses a main question or issue, and adds new insight not provided in lectures or tutorials. It is well structured, thoughtful and wellresearched. The author is able to synthesize new knowledge and relate it to the main course issues. / The paper directly addresses a main question or issue and adds some new insight not provided in lectures or tutorials. It is clear that the author has learned a great deal and is able to communicate this knowledge to others in a structured way. / The paper addresses a main question or issue, although no new insights are provided. The author has retained some information from the course, but does not fully understand its meaning or context and cannot clearly convey it to others. / The paper lacks focus on a main question or issue. It is obvious that the author has learned little in the course. / The paper is largely incomprehensible and/or obviously plagiarized (fully or in substantial parts).
Argument / The paper contains a clear and coherent argument, which is logically and persistently developed. / The paper contains a clear argument, but the reader needs to reconstruct it from the text (i.e. it is not clearly expressed throughout). / The paper has an argument / initial question. The author fails to pursue the argument clearly throughout the text. / The paper lacks a clear argument.
Evidence / Counter-Evidence / The paper provides compelling, convincing and accurate evidence. There are no gaps in reasoning.
When appropriate, the author considers counter-evidence or alternative interpretations and thoughtfully responds to them. / The paper provides convincing evidence for most of the main argument.
When appropriate, the author acknowledges counter-evidence or alternative interpretations without, however, discussing them in detail. / There is insufficient evidence for the main argument and/or the author simply repeats statements/arguments from sources without reflection.
The author fails to discuss obvious counter-evidence or alternative interpretations . / There is little evidence provided. The paper contains serious factual mistakes, omissions or oversimplifications.
The author is not aware of any counter-evidence or alternative interpretations.
Sources / Evidence is used from an appropriately wide range of scholarly sources beyond lecture notes. Pertinent scholarly works are read and summarized thoroughly. / Evidence is used from different scholarly sources, although the paper relies heavily on a limited set of source texts. Some effort is made to go beyond lecture notes. / Some evidence is used from scholarly sources provided in class. There is little attempt to go beyond lecture/classroom discussion. / Little evidence is provided. Sources are non-scholarly or absent altogether.
Citations / All evidence is properly quoted in the text and cited in footnotes.
The paper has a proper reference list. / All evidence is quoted in the text and cited in footnotes. There may be some marginal errors.
The paper has a proper reference list. / Evidence is not properly quoted. Some pieces are unreferenced or inaccurately referenced.
The reference list is drawn up incorrectly. / Little attempt is made to quote properly and/or cite evidence.
Clarity & Style / The paper is written in a grammatically correct form.
Concepts and unfamiliar terms are explained.
All information is accurate and up-to-date.
The paper has been spell-checked and proofread.
The paper is well formatted, including images, charts, graphs whenever appropriate. / The paper is written in a grammatically correct form.
Most concepts and unfamiliar terms are explained.
All information is accurate and up-to-date.
The paper has been spell-checked and proofread and contains only a few minor errors, which do not adversely affect understanding.
The paper is well formatted, including images, charts, graphs whenever appropriate. / The paper contains grammatically incorrect forms.
Many concepts and unfamiliar terms remain unexplained or are explained wrongly.
The information presented is only partly accurate and up-to-date.
The paper has apparently not been spell-checked and proofread.
The reader’s ability to understand the text may be compromised by these errors.
The paper lacks proper formatting. Images, charts, graphs (if any) do not enhance the argument nor do they help understanding. / The paper is full of grammatical errors and/or inappropriate wordings/terms.
Concepts and unfamiliar terms remain unexplained.
Most information is inaccurate and/or out-dated.
The paper has not been spell-checked and proofread.
The reader’s ability to understand the text is compromised by these errors.
The paper lacks proper formatting and adequate visual aids.

For more detailed Honours Project Specifications, please consult the European Studies HP Handbook or the Government and International Studies HP Handbook online.

May 2012

This rubric is a modified version of , based on Grading/Rubrics/HistoryPaperRubric.doc