Name ______Date______Period______

Final Review: 2nd Semester Biology

1.  What is the purpose of cellular respiration? What are the reactants? What are the products?

2.  Describe an ATP molecule, including which bond is a high energy bond.

3.  Complete the ATP/ADP cycle below. Explain which has higher energy : ATP or ADP + P group. Indicate which reaction requires energy ATP à ADP + P group or ADP + P group àATP, and indicate which processes can provide this energy or use this released energy.


ADP + Phosphate group

4.  Make a Venn diagram to compare and contrast aerobic respiration and anaerobic fermentation.

5.  Name the two types of anaerobic fermentation and give examples of organisms that can perform each.

6.  Explain the difference between the following terms: DNA, gene, allele and chromosome.

7.  What occurs in interphase prior to mitosis.

8.  Name the four main phases of mitosis, describe what happens in each phase and draw a simple diagram of each.

Define the following terms:

9.  Diploid:

10.  Haploid:

11.  If a snake has 10 chromosomes in its gametes (egg or sperm) how many chromosomes would be in its body cells?

A.  5 C. 15

B.  10 D. 20

12.  Fill in the chart to contrast mitosis with meiosis.

Mitosis / Meiosis
Number of DNA replications
Number of Cell Divisions
Number and Type of Cells Produced

Define the following terms:

13.  Heterozygous

14.  Homozygous

15.  Genotype

16.  Phenotype

17.  Use the following terms to fill in the blanks: dominant, recessive, genotype, phenotype, heterozygous, homozygous.

Two cats both have long whiskers. They have the same ______for this trait. If long whiskers is a ______trait they must also have the same ______. However, if long whiskers is a ______trait, they could have either a ______dominant or ______genotype.

18.  Describe what a Punnett square is, why it is useful, and what the two sides of a Punnett square represent.

19.  The allele for tasting a substance called PTC is dominant (T). Nontasters of PTC are homozygous recessive (tt). If a couple are both heterozgyous for this gene (Tt), what is the probable offspring for this trait of this couple?

Phenotype Ratio ______

Probability of taster ______

Probability of nontaster ______

Genotype Ratio ______

Probability of homozygous dominant ______

Probability of heterozygous ______

Probability of homozygous recessive ______

20.  Albinism is a recessive trait (aa). If one parent is a carrier of albinism (Aa) and another parent is an albino, what is the probability of their having an albino child?

Phenotype Ratio ______

Probability of normal pigmentation ______

Probability of albino ______

21.  What is a dihbyrid cross?

22.  If parents are both heterozygous for both of the traits being studied in a dihybrid cross (AaBb), what allele combination for the gametes will be written on each side of the dihybrid Punnett square.

23.  The probable outcomes for a dihybrid cross will not be accurate if the two genes are ______because the dihybrid cross assumes that the genes are ______.

24.  In pea plants, the round seed allele is dominant (R) over the wrinkled seed allele (r). The purple flower allele (P) is dominant over the white flower allele (p). If two pea plants that are heterozygous for seed shape and flower color are crosses (RrPp x RrPp) what are the probable outcomes.

Phenotype Ratio ______

Fraction Round, Purple ______

Fraction Round, White ______

Fraction Wrinkled, Purple ______

Fraction Wrinkled, White ______

25.  Explain what an X-linked trait is. Give two examples of human traits that are X-linked. Which gender is more likely to express a recessive X-linked trait. Explain why.

26.  In order for a man to inherit red-green colorblindness, what must be true of his parents (be specific).

In order for a woman to inherit red-green colorblindness, what must be true

of her parents (be specific).

27.  Duchene’s muscular dystrophy is a recessive X-linked trait (Xd). If a mother is a carrier of Duchene’s muscular dystrophy (XDX d) and the father does not have muscular dystrophy (XDY), what is the probability of their having children with muscular dystrophy?

Probability of a daughter having muscular dystrophy _____

Probability of a daughter not having muscular dystropy ___

Probability of a son having muscular dystrophy ______

Probability of a son not having muscular dystropy ______

28.  What are two ways that genetic variation is created during meiosis? Explain each.

29.  DNA is a chain of ______.

Explain the structure of each of these subunits. Draw a simple diagram and label the parts.

30.  How are these DNA subunits arranged in the DNA molecule? Draw a simple diagram and label the parts.

31.  What are the complementary pairings of nitrogen bases in DNA? If one strand of the DNA molecule is CATGAG, what will the other strand of DNA be?

32.  Explain the process of DNA replication. When does DNA replication occur? What enzymes are involved? In the final result, what part of the two DNA molecules that is produced is original and what part is new?

33.  Each gene is the information to build one ______. There are two steps in expressing this information. The first is ______which results in the production of a ______molecule. This first step occurs in the ______. The second step is ______where the ______is actually produced. The process occurs in the ______. In this process each 3 nucleotide sequence in the mRNA, called a ______is paired with another type of RNA called ______which has a complementary ______. Each of these molecules has an attached ______. These subunits are joined together in building the protein (or polypeptide) encoded by the gene.

34.  Explain 3 differences between a DNA molecule and an mRNA molecule.

35.  Compare and contrast the structure of an mRNA molecule with a tRNA molecule.

36.  Explain the process of transcription. Where does it occur, what enzyme is involved, what is produced …?

37.  If the gene sequence on the DNA is TAGCAT what mRNA transcript will be produced?

38.  Explain the process of translation. Where does it occur, what molecules are involved. Include the terms codon, anticodon and amino acid.

39.  What does it mean that the genetic code is universal? Why is this important for biotechnology processes such as recombinant DNA?

40.  If a protein is made of 210 amino acids, how many nucleotides must have encoded this protein? Explain your answer.

41.  What is a recombinant plasmid? Explain the basic process of creating a recombinant plasmid. Include the terms restriction enzyme and sticky ends.

42.  Homeostasis is an equilibrium (balance) of conditions(temperature, pH, salt concentrations) in the internal environment of an organism that is suitable for life. For example, we maintain our temperature at approximately 98.5 F. Explain how the blood vessels in the skin are involved in maintaining homeostasis (What happens to the blood vessels when you are hot and when you are cold? And how does this help maintain homeostasis?)

43.  Why are viruses not considered to be living by many scientists? How do viruses reproduce?

44.  Of what kind of cells are bacteria composed? Describe the characteristics of this cell type.