A Bi-Monthly Publication – Issue Date: August 4th, 2015
St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church
Thomas Hoffmann, Pastor
Jose Estrada, Associate Pastor
Our Mission Statement: “St. Matthew’s Tulsa is a United Methodist congregation that brings Christ to people of all nations in our community.”
Our Slogan: “Every Person/Every Nation/All Together/One Location”

Dear Friends,
Last Sunday we explored the power of the story of Saul’s conversion, and the impact it had on the fledgling group of Jesus followers that were called “The Way.” However, I never talked about the seven insights that I had listed in the sermon notes. They’ve been important enough to my own understanding of Acts 9 that I thought that I would share them here with you.
  1. In Acts chapter 1 Jesus ascended out of sight. Does this mean that we can no longer meet Jesus? Just like Saul, Followers of the Way can encounter a real and powerful Jesus.
  2. Acts 9 tells us that if we harm someone else, we harm Jesus. For Followers of the Way, every relationship matters.
  3. Saul’s conversion is only ½ his story, and it should also be only ½ of ours. Followers of the Way are called not just to conversion, but to action.
  4. Acts 9 is not only the story of Saul. It’s also the story of Ananias, Saul’s enemy. And Jesus makes them brothers! Followers of the Way will always be surprised by those they walk with.
  5. As soon as Jesus knocks Saul off his horse, he hands Saul’s future over to others. For some reason, Jesus wants Followers of the Way to be his hands and feet.
  6. In Acts chapter 9, EVERYONE’S anxiety level is off the scale. But they all hung in there, trusting Jesus. Jesus will ask Followers of the Way to go far beyond their comfort zones.
  7. For the privilege of following Jesus, Followers of the Way discover that there is a big price to pay. The disciples and the apostles—now including Saul—soon realize there are few places of peace and security anymore. They proclaim the resurrected Jesus everywhere and it always puts their own lives at risk—just as Jesus’ ministry led him to the cross. Even knowing this, they still keep following Jesus.
Wow. What a chapter. What a faith we have! Acts chapter 9 is just another reason I am Blessed Beyond Belief.
Pastor Thomas
Spot 31
4:00-5:30 p.m. Gathering and Small Groups - Children/Youth
5:30-6:15 p.m. Community Dinner
6:15-7:15 p.m. Small Group/Adults (please try to be in your room by 6:15)
6:15-6:50 p.m. Small Groups – Children/Youth
6:50 p.m. Load bus for home – Children/Youth
7:30-8:30 p.m. Choir
8:30-9:30 p.m. Praise Band
Average Worship Attendance – 2014 & 2015
November / 87 / Feb. / 95 / May / 95 / August / November
December / 108 / March / 94 / June / 94 / September / December
January / 99 / April / 93 / July / 77 / October
Average Spot 31 - Attendance – 2014-2015
November / 52 / Feb. / 42 / May / 51 / August / November
December / 57 / March / 46 / June / 50 / September / December
January / 48 / April / 52 / July / October
The deadline to submit articles for the
August 18th, 2015, newsletter is
Sunday, August 16th.
Please send articles to the church at and . Thank you!
Requests from the Pantry
For some time the Food Pantry has had no requests, but now we have needs to be able to fill a sack properly.
Needed are: breakfast items (oatmeal, cereal), peanut butter and jelly: 12 - 16 oz., dried beans, spaghetti, macaroni (still have mac & cheese), noodles.
We still have soups, and canned vegetables. We could also use spaghetti sauce and pancake mix.
Thanks for your help…if you have other ideas, all items are appreciated and will be put to good use.
Barbara McDowell /
It’s Breakfast Time!
Join your family & friends for a fresh, hot breakfast served by the VIM Team on Sunday, August 16th, from 7:30 until 9:00 a.m. Come and enjoy your favorites of French toast, biscuits ‘n gravy, pancakes & scrambled eggs before first service or Sunday School. See you at the breakfast table!
August Birthdays
5 Arnold McDowell 17 Richard Bachelder
6 Tom Vannoy 18 Tom Robison
8 Viviana Rodriguez 25 Brittany Stilwell
8 Linda Johnson 29 Jan Colvin
8 Robert Stage 30 Rusty Colvin
16 Bri Parker-Clary
16 Summer Litsey
16 Rita Robison
16 Fernando Rodriguez
If you want your birthday listed in the newsletter, contact Alon at 622-7006 / September Birthdays
1 Giselle Lenhart 12 Kelsey Gant
2 Beth Hewitt 19 Malachi Arnold
3 Joyce Hargrove 20 Brenda Stage
5 Michael Lenhart 23 Virgie Bachelder
6 Clint Johnson
6 Rebecca Ayala
If you want your birthday listed in the newsletter, contact Alon at 622-7006

Ronald McDonald House –
Those furnishing Main Dishes for Ronald McDonald House on August 27th
are Deborah Worman and Deanna Rocha. The ladies furnishing desserts on
this date are Barbara Youngblood and Giselle Lenhart.
Thank you to these ladies. / Sarah’s Circle
Ann Marie Boyce is going to share with us her Mission U study that she did this past week on Pursuit of Happiness. We are always blessed to have Ann Marie join us during the summer months. Everyone is invited for study and refreshments. We meet in the Parlor at 9:30 on Tuesdays. There are several new books to be checked out for the UMW Reading Program.
Jeanine Keller
Acts 9:27-“But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus.”
Glen Hime needs our fervent prayers Wed. Aug. 5th when he will have shoulder surgery. Pray for success and recovery and for Vicky and their family.
Barbara McDowell is still in the rehab center and is improving some every day. Pray she completes her therapy and is strong enough to have the surgery she needs and can then come home.
Continued prayers for Pastor Jose in his last week of classes and for travel mercies home.
Prayers are needed for Keile Farrel who had surgery this week. Please pray for her family as well.
B J is requesting prayers for her friend who is grieving in the loss of her stepdad and Dad.
Deanna Rocha requesting prayers for Joyce who called for the other St. Matthews but needs our prayers.
Gail & Harry Arnold are requesting prayers for Beth & Chad in search for jobs.
Dr. Mike is requesting prayers for a young mother with cancer & kidney failure & a friend in M.D. Anderson.
Ann Marie is requesting prayers for Disney Principal’s recovery from surgery & a friend of the family recovering from a tick bite.
Elinor Bartleson is asking prayer for Janet Ellsburg in sympathy in the death of a dear friend.
The Youngblood’s are asking for prayers for Paul’s great nephew Cooper who had surgery 7-31.
Prayers are needed for Janie Hurst’s cousin whose wife passed away and prayers for their family.
Please pray for my niece and her dad, and my dear friend whose husband and daughter were both diagnosed with cancer last week.
Ray Burgess, Aunt Laurene, George & Share, B J, Ms. Cherry, Wayne & Sheila, Becket Fox, Betty Jean Dust, Gert McKenzie, Kendle Boyce friend Kirsten Plum and children, Chuck Wise sister and mother, Brent Utterback’s stepdad, Del, Pastor Laura Wolfe, Harry Arnold’s friends, Cherrish Campbell, Del & Sharon Gatzke & Del’s son, Elinor Bartleson and her daughter, Theresa Brantley, her sisters Ethel and Linda, Austin and Kim Sleeper, Sherry Tolbert, Keile Farrel, Iva Flanagan’s family. Barbara N, Hime’s son-in-law Guy, Nancy Hoffman’s mom, Ann Marie’s brother Eric, Gordon & Judy Godfrey, Bud Loveless daughter Karen, Barbara Patterson and son, Andrea Laney’s mom.
BEREAVEMENT –Deanna Peterson’s family, Jeff Saville & family, Chuck Wise & family, The Flanagan family, Joy Barkat & family in the loss of her mother. Barbara Youngblood, Nancy Wilson and families in the loss of their mother Gladys Robertson.
Yours in God’s love
Barbara Roderick

UMW Calendar

All women atSt. Matthew's are invited to any UMW events. Most meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30. Child care and rides are available upon request.


Join us Thursday, August 20th, asJean Broussard shares her adventures on a recent North Mediterranean cruise to 5 countries. You won’t want to miss her presentation, plus the food and fellowship starting at 6:30. If you need childcare or a ride, please call Ann Marie Boyce….918-812-4137.

See you there!


All women are invited to the District UMW Celebration Saturday, September 12th, at Broken Arrow First UMC, 9:30 – 2:30pm. There will be a pot luck lunch, in which the district will provide the meat and beverages, and attendees can bring a side dish. We will celebrate our UMW past and future. Women and youth from our new Council Oak district churches, i.e. Bristow, Mannford, Coweta, Skiatook, etc. will be invited. If you want to carpool from St. Matthew’s, we will meet at 9:00am for departure. There is no pre-registration this year – just come and celebrate!


Ladies,mark your calendars for the OK Women’s Annual Meeting in Woodward on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 2 & 3rd. Registration forms are on the UMW bulletin board by the office. Check it out and plan to go fellowship with women from the far corners of Oklahoma.

Mowing Schedule

Aug. 6th Team 4 (Dr. Mike, Paul, Chuck, Ron)

Aug. 13th Team 1 (Del, Bubby, Mike Rutledge)

Aug 20th Team 2 (Bud, John, Andy)

Aug. 27th Team 3 (Rusty, Tracy, Harry)

Sept 3rd Team 4 (Dr. Mike, Paul, Chuck, Ron)

Sept 10th Team 1 (Del, Bubby, Mike Rutledge)

Sept 17th Team 2 (Bud, John, Andy)

Sept 24th Team 3 (Rusty, Tracy, Harry)

Oct. 1st Team 4 (Dr. Mike, Paul, Chuck, Ron)

A note from Barbara McDowell

I want to thank Jeanne Broussard and her quilter partners for the lovely prayer quilt thatwas brought to me at the hospital,as well as all my Church family that tied the prayer ties and prayed for me. It really touched my heart and the thought that you all were and are still praying for me has been a great comfort for both Arnold and me - a real blessing! Just know that every time I put it across my lap I will bless you all.

Yours in God's love,

Barbara McDowell

Faberge exhibit

If you would like an opportunity to see the Faberge exhibit at the OKC Museum of Art there will be a van going Saturday, September 12th. It will be an all-day event and the only information I have at this time is the price of the tickets. They are $12.00 w/Seniors (62+) costing $10.00, add to that the cost of renting the van, gas, lunch and any purchases you might want to make. Gordon Godfrey will be driving and taking care of details about renting the van since he’s knowledgeable about that. A 12 or 15 passenger van will be rented depending on how many want to attend. Sign up as soon as possible if you want to see this beautiful exhibit. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling
1-405-236-3100. If you’re interesting in eating at the Museum Café, I will make the reservation. Deadline on both the trip and lunch reservations is Friday, September 4th.

Alon (918-622-7006 or ).

Your Last Chance to Share Your Opinion about Worship!

This is your last week to share your opinions about worship at St. Matthew’s.

The best way to take the survey is online at this address: . You can use your home computer, your laptop, or even your smartphone! If you prefer, there are paper copies of the survey available in the Narthex.

All surveys, both written and electronic, must be completed by 12:30 PM on Sunday, August 9.

Your results will be combined with opinions from the neighborhood about what they are seeking in a church’s worship service. We will share these results with you, and also consider any changes that we need to make in order to make worship at St. Matthew’s as inspiring as possible.

Either the online or the written survey will take about 20 minutes to complete, or a bit more if you have personal comments--which you are encouraged to include! If you have any questions about the survey, or are having technical difficulties, please contact Pastor Thomas at 918-346-9972 for help.

Thank you in advance for sharing your opinions about worship.

School Supplies

Restore Hope Ministries’ school supply project is an important part of their efforts to assist families in financial need. Thanks to your generous support, the 2014 School Supply Drive provided school supplies for 2860 students! While the real value of these supplies cannot be enumerated, the retail value of these supplies was over $100,000.

These supplies make a difference. A man named John, who came to get school supplies for his children, made a special point to say thank you. “I don’t know how many people say it,” he said, “but thank you. What you do is astounding.” Another woman, who is on the PTA for her school, said, “This is a true blessing and I would like to say thank you to them from the bottom of my heart.”

We have set a goal to help at least 2,500 students again this year for the2015 “Project School Supplies.” But we need your support to reach this goal.A donation of $35 will provide one child a full set of supplies to help them get ready for school.

Education is a powerful tool to break the cycle of poverty. Your gift in this effort is truly an investment in our most treasured resource – Our Kids! Please give today. To donate online go to If you would like to purchase some school supplies to donate, the list is below.

  • 1-1/2” 3-Ring Binders
  • 12” Ruler with Centimeters
  • Notebook Paper – wide & college
  • 5” Blunt & Pointed tip Scissors
  • 4 oz Bottle of White Glue
  • Ink Pens (blue, black, & red)
  • Broadline Washable Markers
  • Crayons (24 count)
  • Crayons (8 count)
  • Dry Erase Markers (black)
  • Glue Sticks
  • Graph Paper
  • Large Zipper Pencil Bags
  • No.2 Pencils
  • 3” x 5” Ruled Index Cards
  • Pink Erasers
  • Plastic Pencil Boxes
  • Pocket Folders with Brads
  • Red Lead Pencils
  • Set of 12 Colored Pencils
  • Spiral Notebooks -wide & college
  • Ziploc Bags (1 quart)
  • Ziploc Bags (1 gallon)


  • The Well, Outreach Ministries of the Oklahoma Conference United Methodist Church was created as a ministry for the South Oklahoma City area, housed in the old Capitol Hill UMC building. Mission teams are needed to help with renovations. The Well’s greatest need right now is to have the basement renovated and ready to house 2016 summer mission teams. The project consists of the conversion of two current restrooms into shower facilities, upgrade the other bathrooms that are located in the basement, clean and refurbish the kitchen.
  • We are excited to have a mission group already booked for 4 weeks next summer, who will do outreach with the homeless in this area. Also upon completion, the new renovated basement area would be available to other interested youth and volunteer groups. For information, contact Rev. Diana Northcutt, , 405-530-2144.
  • Scouting VIMs are a great way to learn about the area, the projects and see how God is working in the world. These are geared for people who want to learn more about a particular location and/or who want to help lead a team. We will tour several sites, learn about the ministries and how we can partner together in ministry.
  • Delta Grace Ministries, Sunflower, MS
  • December 2 - 5, Cost: $250.
  • Delta Grace, housed in the Sunflower UMC, is a new mission opportunity in the Delta. It is a year-round-mission hub in one of the most poverty-stricken areas in Mississippi. Our scouting VIM will depart from the Conference office and drive to Mississippi, spend two days touring the site and return back to Oklahoma. For questions contact Lori Foster at or 405-530-2070.
  • Colombian Methodism, by Rev Richard E Edwards
    Church: 218-485-4605, Cell: 218-349-1695
  • January 2016
  • Colombian Methodism sprouted quite recently. It began with the interest of a group of evangelical seminarians in Cali, Colombia, in the thought and practice of John Wesley. When they finished their studies they started Methodist congregations and soon had accompaniment from the Latin American Council of Methodist Churches. In 2004, they constituted a national church with seven congregations and ten years later there were 50 with another 25 in formation!
  • Join us January 2016 in this opportunity for United Methodists to get to know this exciting movement and learn how they and their churches and conferences can be supportive - through VIM teams and church-to-church relationships. Sponsored by the Minnesota Conference.
  • You want me to go WHERE?. . .
  • by Rev. Arthur W. Richardson, MHA Board of Trustees, chairperson
  • is often the immediate question in response to God’s calling . . .Abraham . . .Jonah . . .United Methodist pastors . . .Volunteers In Mission. It must have been Lovetie Major’s question as she moved with her husband who was being transferred from Baltimore to Oklahoma City. But in Oklahoma, she has become a builder in God’s great Kingdom. Lovetie saw God at work in her sister, Titema, and also with other individuals with Down Syndrome or learning disabilities. She heard His voice crying out for mercy and justice amid the taunts and bullying of playmates. Now 10 years later, My Heart’s Appeal (MHA) has grown into a remarkable mission within the church.
  • Monthly, 40 children and youth come to MHA for a respite care program while their families experience some relief from such intense caring. The school is teaching baking skills in its bakery, as well as sewing, dyeing and wood-carving skills to 30 students. The new computer lab is opening doors to literacy in words and numbers. With a new grant a school bus, a large generator and a pump for the well to the small campus has been added.