Stamm Family Invitational Swim Meet in Memory of Alan Ebersole

May 29 – May 31, 2015

Vicksburg City Pool

Vicksburg, MS

SANCTION:Held under the sanction of USA Swimming Inc., and Mississippi Swimming,

Inc. Sanction: MSI #1517

SPONSOR:Vicksburg Swim Association

LOCATION:Vicksburg City Pool and Sports Complex

900 Lee Street

Vicksburg, MS

Across from Vicksburg High School football stadium

Phone: 601-634-4516

FACILITY:Outdoor 50-meter and 25-yd racing courses. Eight lanes with non-turbulent

racing lane lines on both courses; electronic timing system with touch-pads;

large pool deck with several covered cabanas on deck; ample parking;

concession stand; picnic pavilion.The competition course has not been certified in accordance with 104.2.2c(4).

Water Depth:Short Course: Starting end depth _5ft____; midpoint depth _4ft____; turn end depth __3.8ft___. Turn end water depth meets / does not meet USAS minimum requirement for racing starts per Rule 103.2.

Long Course: Starting end depth 8ft_; midpoint depth _5ft____; turn end depth __3.8ft___. Turn end water depth does not meet USAS minimum requirement for racing starts per Rule 103.2.

TYPE OFFriday late morning: 12 & Under age group short course session, timed finals, single

COMPETITION:session (scored separately)

Friday afternoon: Age Group long-course session

Saturday/Sunday: Age group and Senior long-course sessions, timedfinals, split session (scored separately)

MEETWilliam Butler

DIRECTOR:770 Rollingwood Drive

Vicksburg, MS 39183

(601) 636-2977

MEET REFEREE:Tere Demoss STARTER:William Butler OFFICIALS: Brady Clark, Rock Fields

ELIGIBILITY:All participants must be registered USA Swimming athletes, and eachswimmer's 2015 USA Swimming registration number must appear on theentry recap sheet. Age on the first day of the meet (May 29, 2015) will determine a swimmer's age group. The person responsible for entering anyunregistered swimmer in the meet will be liable for a fine of $100.00 per unregistered swimmer.


ENTRIES:The long course sessions will be limited to the first 250 swimmers. All entries

must be submitted with: a) properly completed entry recap sheets with

name/age/USA Swimming#, b) completed Cover Sheet with signed Release

Statement, and c) entry fees.

The meet will be run with HY-Tek's Meet Manager software. If you arealso using HY-Tek software, please send entries on CD, 3.5-in high-densitydiskette or email the entries, along with a meet entry summary report that listsevents, seed times, and USA Swimming registration #s for each swimmer. Ifthe HY-Tek software is not used, the enclosed entry forms should be used.

IMPORTANT: The Friday short course session, and Friday/Saturday/Sunday long course sessions will be run separately using the HY-Tek Software. Please provide two separate entry files, one for the short course session events (1 through 28), and one for the long course session events (events 29 through 124).

Entry times for the Friday Morning session events should be submitted using short course times. Entry times for Friday Afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday sessions should be submitted using long course times.

RELAY ENTRIES:All relay swimmers will be entered on the back of the relay entry cards by

their meet ID numbers. Coaches will find these entry cards and meet ID

numbers in the Coaches' packets available at the beginning of the meet.

Any relay team with participants not correctly entered by Meet ID number

may be disqualified. Any swimmer who is not swimming an individual

event, but is a "relay-only" swimmer, must be on the recap sheet as a relay-

only swimmer and must pay the $5.00 surcharge in order to be assigned a

Meet ID number.

LIMIT OFEVENTS:A swimmer may swim 4 individual events plus 2 relay per session, Max 5 individual events per day.

SEEDING:The meet will be pre-seeded according to USA Swimming Rules for timedfinals. Entry forms submitted without times, or unreadable times, will beseeded as "No Time." The 1500 and 400 Freestyle will be seeded and swumfastest to slowest alternating heats female/male. The meet director & referee reserve the right to swim the 1500 on Friday 2 per lane if needed to maintain meet timeline.

ENTRY FEES:Individual Events:$3.00 per event

Relay Events:$10.00 per relay

MSI Meet Surcharge:$5.00 per swimmer

Make checks payable to: Vicksburg Swim Association

ENTRY:Entries must be received no later than Friday May 22thBy Mid-Night


VSA Information

1813 Vicklan St

Vicksburg, MS 39180

LATE ENTRIES:Late entries will be accepted as space allows. No new heatswill be created. Late entries will not appear in the heat sheet. The charge forlate entries is $6.00 per individual event and $20.00 per relay.

SCHEDULE:Friday Morning Session

Warm-up from 10:00 a.m. to 10:50 a.m.

Competition starts at 11:00 a.m.

Friday Afternoon Session

Warm-up from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Competition starts at 4:40 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday Morning Sessions

Warm-up from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Competition starts at 9:45 a.m.

SCORING:Individual Events: 9-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Relay Events: 18-14-12-10-8-6-4-2

*Friday AM: Individual Events listed as 8&Under will be scored as 6&Under& 7-8.

*Friday P.M., Sat. & Sun. Individual Events listed as OPEN, will be scored/separated out into the following age groups ONLY: 14&Under15-UP

*Friday, Sat. & Sun. Individual Events listed as 12 & Under will scored as: 10&U, 11-12

AWARDS:Medals - All 12 & Under individual and relay events - 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Ribbons - All 12 & Under individualevents 4th thru8th places

Heat winner awards for all Friday morning session events

High Point awards for each age group (boys and girls), One set of awardsfor the short course session (6&U, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 age groups)(See Scoring Section Above), One set for the long course sessions (10Under,11-12, 14 & Under, 15 & Up)(See Scoring Section Above).

Points counting toward high-point awards can only be scored in individualevents thatcorrespond to the swimmer's age group.

Team Awards: Banners 1st, 2nd, 3rd

ATTENTIONAll coaches and persons acting in any coaching capacity must be registered COACHES: Coach-certified members of USA Swimming and shall have satisfactorily

Completed the safety training required by USA Swimming.

CLERK OFThere will be no Clerk of Course. Swimmers, parents, and/or Coaches are responsible

COURSE:for getting their swimmers to the blocks when it is their time to swim. Events will not bere-swum if a swimmer misses his/her event.

MEET TIMERSEach participating team will be assigned timing responsibilities according to their

AND OFFICIALS: number of swimmers, in proportion to the total number of swimmers. Lane assignments for timing willbe listed in the front of theheat sheet. Officials will be members of USA Swimming, Inc. andLSC-certified for their positions. All 1500 Free, 400 IM, and 400 FR swimmers will beresponsible for providing their own timer and lap counter.

RULES:Current USA Swimming rules will govern the conduct of themeet. Mississippi Swimming, Inc. rules will be in effect.

NO smoking or alcoholic beverages will be allowed on the pool deck or anyarea frequented by swimmers. NO glass of any type will be allowed in thepool area.

RACING STARTS:Each swimmer entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start, or he/she is required to start each race from within the water. When unaccompanied by a member-coach, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or legal guardian to insure compliance with this requirement.

FOUR-HOURIf an age group event for 12 and under swimmers is swum after the session has been

RULE:running four (4) hours, each involved swimmer has theoption of either swimming the event or receiving a refund for that event. A swimmer desiring the refund must declare his/her intent to the MeetDirector, or the Meet Director's designee. There will be no refundfor swimmers not in attendance.

WARM-UP:Assigned warm-up lanes:

Warm-up procedures will follow the MSI guidelines. Participating teams must have a USA Swimming member coach assigned to supervise that lane. During the first 30 minutes of a warm-up session, or longer if the warm-up session is more than 50 minutes long, will be for general warm-ups. Swimmers must cautiously enter the pool feet first. NO DIVING IS ALLOWED DURING THE GENERAL WARM-UPS. In the last 20 minutes, supervised diving and backstroke racing starts are permitted with one-way traffic.Friday- 12 and Under warm up: 40 minutes with last 10 minutes supervised diving one way traffic.

SCRATCHES:Scratches will be permitted according to USA Swimming. Please report allscratches to the Meet Director thirty minutes prior to each session.

SWIMWEAR:Swim wear will be according to the current USA Swimming Rules and Regulations guidelines under Article 102.8

ATHLETEUse of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone is not permitted

PROTECTION:in changing areas, restrooms, or locker rooms. Except where venue facilities require otherwise, changing into or out of swimsuits other than in a locker room is prohibited.

WEATHER POLICY:If weather or facility conditions make it impossible to follow the original timeline of events, the Meet Director and Meet Referee have the right to make changes to the meet sessions. The Meet Director will notify the coaches of the changes with as much notice as possible. Cancellation of the meet, or session, is a decision of the Meet Director and Meet Referee. Refunds will be given on request for the events not swum due to cancellation.

Stamm Family Invitational Swim Meet in Memory of Alan Ebersole

Vicksburg, Mississippi May 29 – May 31. 2015


Friday Session (Short Course Yards)




1 11-12100 Medley Relay2

310&U100 Medley Relay4

58&U100 IM6

79-10100 IM8

9 11-12100 IM10

116&U25 Back12

137-825 Back14

159-1050 Back16

17 11-1250 Back18

198&U25 Fly20

219-1050 Fly22

23 11-1250 Fly24

256&U25 Free26

277-825 Free28

299-1050 Free30

31 11-1250 Free32

338&U25 Breast34

359-1050 Breast36

37 11-1250 Breast38

39 10&U100 Free Relay40

41 11-12100 Free Relay42

*Events listed as 8 & Under will be scored as 6 & U & 7-8.

Stamm Family Invitational Swim Meet in Memory of Alan Ebersole

Vicksburg, Mississippi May 29 – May 31. 2015


Friday Afternoon Session (Long Course Meters)




43*12&U400 Free 44

45*OPEN1500 Free 46

*All 1500 Free, and 400 FR swimmers will be responsible for providing their own timer and lap counter.

*The meet director and referee reserve the right to swim the 1500 on Friday 2 per lane if needed to maintain meettimeline.

* Friday P.M 1500 OPEN will be scored separated out into the following age groups only! 14&UNDER & 15 & up

*Friday, Sat. & Sun. Individual Events listed as 12 & under will scored as: 10 & U, & 11-12

Stamm Family Invitational Swim Meet in Memory of Alan Ebersole

Vicksburg, Mississippi May 29 – May 31. 2015


Saturday Morning Session (Long Course Meters)




47*12&U200 IM 48

49*OPEN200 IM 50

5110&U50 Back 52

5311-1250 Back 54

55*OPEN200 Back 56

5710&U100 Free 58

5911-12100 Free 60

61*OPEN100 Free 62

6310&U50 Fly 64

6511-1250 Fly 66

67*OPEN100 Fly 68

6910&U100 Breast 70

7111-12100 Breast 72

73*OPEN200 Breast 74

7512&U200 Free Relay 76

77OPEN200 Free Relay 78



**All 400 IM swimmers will be responsible for providing their own timer.

* Individual Events listed as 12 & Under will10&Under, & 11-12

* Friday, Sat. & Sun. Individual Events listed as OPEN, will be scored/separated out into the following age group ONLY: 14&Under15-UP

Stamm Family Invitational Swim Meet in Memory of Alan Ebersole

Vicksburg, Mississippi May 29 – May 31. 2015


Sunday Morning Session (Long Course Meters)




80*12&U200 Free 81

82*OPEN200 Free 83

8410&U100 Back 85

8611-12100 Back 87

88*OPEN100 Back 89

9010&U50 Breast 91

9211-1250 Breast 93

94*OPEN100 Breast 95

9610&U100 Fly 97

9811-12100 Fly 99

100*OPEN200 Fly 101

10210&U50 Free 103

10411-1250 Free 105

106*OPEN50 Free 107

10812&U200 Medley Relay 109

110OPEN200 Medley Relay 111


112**MIXED/OPEN 400 Free

**All 400 FR swimmers will be responsible for providing their own timer.

* Individual Events listed as 12 & Under will scored as 10&U, & 11-12

* Friday, Sat. & Sun. Individual Events listed as OPEN, will be scored/separated out into the following age groups ONLY: 14&Under & 15-UP

Entry Cover Sheet

Stamm Family Invitational Swim Meet in Memory of Alan Ebersole

Vicksburg, Mississippi May 29 – May 31. 2015

Total # of swimmers entered ______at $5.00 = $ ______

# of individual entries ______at $3.00 = $ ______

# of relays entered ______at $10.00 = $ ______

TOTAL FEES------$ ______

Complete Club Name ______

Club Code (up to 4 letters) ______

Complete Club Address ______



Contact Person ______Phone # ______

Attending Coaches ______




For, and in consideration of, the acceptance of this entry, and the right for our team to voluntarily participate in the Stamm Family Invitational Swim Meet in Memory of Alan Ebersole, we the undersigned team or club and each individual member, employee, or associate thereof, do hereby waive and release any and all claims against the City of Vicksburg, USA Swimming, Mississippi Swimming, Inc., the Vicksburg Swim Association, their officials, members, or representatives, for injuries of any nature and in any manner occurring, through negligence or otherwise, which may be sustained at this meet, while en route to or from this meet, or in any other way connected with or related to this meet.


Signature of Club Official or Representative Date





EVENTS TO BE SWUM______/______/______/______/______/______/______/______


Blind______Mentally Retarded______Deaf______Physical______

EXTENT OF DISABILITY: Be specific, e.g. totally or partially blind, totally or partially deaf, loss of one or more limbs, multiple disabilities, etc.












PHYSICIAN’S NAME (please print)______



I have examined the above Entrant and, in my opinion, there is no mental of physical reason why he or she should not participate in USA Swimming competition.


Physician’s signatureDate