U.S. ARMY 96.2



The Army participates in one solicitation each year with a coordinated Phase I and Phase II proposal evaluation and selection process. The Army has identified 179 technical topics for this solicitation which address the Technology Areas in the Defense Technology Plan and the Army Science and Technology Master Plan. The commercial potential for each of these topics has also been identified.

Operating and Support Cost Reduction (OSCR)

The U.S. Army spends a large part of its overall budget, directly or indirectly, on the operation and support (O&S) of equipment ranging from small generators to large, sophisticated weapon systems. O&S costs cover a broad spectrum of items including spare/repair parts, fuels, lubricants, and the facilities and people involved in training operators and mechanics. The Army is seeking ways to reduce these costs as a broad Acquisition Reform initiative. To this end, the Army has implemented the Operating and Support Cost Reduction (OSCR) Program.

This solicitation includes 35 topics which address specific OSCR concerns identified by the Army’s research and development community. In addition, a broad, generic topic has been included to ensure that any OSCR ideas can be submitted and evaluated. Please note that any proposals submitted against this generic topic must be structured within the Phase I/Phase II framework, must address an Army OSCR issue, and must provide an excellent opportunity for commercialization of the concept beyond the SBIR program. The OSCR topics have been grouped together at the end of the Army topics to benefit offerors who are specifically interested in cost reduction applications.

Technology Areas

Each Army SBIR topic is tied to one of the 20 technology areas, listed below, which are described in the Army Science and Technology Master Plan.

1Aerospace Propulsion and Power

2Air Vehicles

3Chemical and Biological Defense

4Clothing, Textiles, and Food

5Command, Control, and Communications (C3)


7Conventional Weapons


9Electronic Warfare/Directed Energy Weapons

10Environmental Quality and Civil Engineering

11Battlespace Environments

12Human-Systems Interface (HSI)

13Manpower, Personnel, and Training

14Materials, Processes, and Structures



17Ground Vehicles


19Manufacturing Science & Technology (MS&T)

20Modeling and Simulation (M&S)

Proposal Guidelines

The maximum dollar amount for Army Phase I awards is $100,000 and for Phase II awards is $750,000. Selection of Phase I proposals will be based upon technical merit, according to the evaluation procedures and criteria discussed in this solicitation document. Due to limited funding, the Army reserves the right to limit awards under any topic and only those proposals considered to be of superior quality will be funded. To reduce the funding gap between Phase I and Phase II, the Army follows a disciplined milestone process for soliciting, evaluating, and awarding superior Phase II proposals. Phase II proposals are invited by the Army from Phase I projects which have demonstrated the potential for commercialization of useful products and services. Invited proposers are required to develop and submit a commercialization plan describing feasible approaches for marketing developed technology. Cost sharing arrangements in support of Phase II projects and any future commercialization efforts are strongly encouraged, as are matching funds from independent third-party investors, per the SBIR fast track (see Section 4.5). Commercialization plans, cost sharing provisions, and matching funds from investors will be considered in the evaluation and selection process. Phase II proposers are required to submit a budget for a base year (first 12 months) and an option year. Phase II projects will be evaluated after the base year prior to extending funding for the option year.

Proposals not conforming to the terms of this solicitation and unsolicited proposals will not be considered.

Submission of Army SBIR Proposals

All proposals written in response to topics in this solicitation must be received by the date and time indicated in Section 6.2 of the introduction to the DoD solicitation. Be sure that you clearly identify the specific Army topic which your proposal addresses. All Phase I proposals (one original plus four copies) must be submitted to the Army SBIR Program Office at the address shown below:

Dr. Kenneth A. Bannister

Army Research Office--Washington

Room 8N31

5001 Eisenhower Avenue

Alexandria, VA 22333-0001

(703) 617-7425

Recommendation of Future Topics

Small Businesses are encouraged to suggest ideas which may be included in future Army SBIR solicitations. These suggestions should be directed at specific Army research and development organizations.


Inquiries of a general nature should be addressed to:

LTC John Peeler

Army SBIR Program Manager



Pentagon, Room 3E486

Washington, D.C. 20310-0103

(703) 614-7298

Dr. Kenneth A. Bannister

Army SBIR Program Coordinator

Army Research Office--Washington

Room 8N31

5001 Eisenhower Avenue

Alexandria, VA 22333-0001

(703) 617-7425



U.S. Army Materiel Command

ARDECE. Serao(201) 724-7349A96001 thru A96016

ARLD. Hudson(301) 394-4808A96017 thru A96033; A96145 thru A96152

AROM. Brown(919) 549-4336A96034 thru A96043; A96153 thru A96154

ARO-WK. Bannister(703) 617-8392A96-179

AVRDECA. Smith(804) 878-0155A96044 thru A96054; A96155

CECOMJ. Crisci(908) 427-2665A96055 thru A96081; A96156 thru A96159

ERDECR. Hinkle(410) 671-2031A96082 thru A96-083; A96-160 thru A96-161

MICOMO. Thomas, Jr. (205) 842-9227A96084 thru A96086; A96162 thru A96172

NRDECG. Raisenan(508) 233-5296A96087 thru A96089; A96173 thru A96175

STRICOMA. Piper(407) 380-4287A96090 thru A96093; A96176 thru A96177

TACOMA. Sandel(810) 574-7545A96094 thru A96105; A96-178

TECOMR. Cozby(410) 278-1481A96106 thru A96112

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

COE/CERLM. Marlatt(217) 373-7290A96113 thru A96114

COE/CRRELS. Borland(603) 646-4735A96115 thru A96116

COE/TECJ. Jamieson(703) 428-6631A96117 thru A96118

COE/WESP. Stewart(601) 634-4113A96119 thru A96120

Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel

ARIJ. Psotka(703) 617-5572A96121 thru A96123

U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command

SSDCE. Bird(205) 955-4871A96124 thru A96130

Surgeon General

MRMCH. Willis(301) 619-2471A96131 thru A96144



This is a Checklist of Requirements for your proposal. Please review the checklist carefully to assure that your proposal meets the Army SBIR requirements. Failure to meet these requirements may result in your proposal being returned without consideration. Do not include this checklist with your proposal.

_____1.The proposal is limited to only ONE ARMY solicitation topic.

_____2.The proposal is 25 pages or less in length. (Excluding company commercialization report.) Proposals in excess of this length will not be considered for review or award.

_____3.The Cover Sheet (Appendix A) has been completed and is PAGE 1 of the proposal. The actual RED COPY of Appendix A is included on the original proposal.

_____4.The proposal budget may be up to $100,000 and duration does not exceed six months.

_____5.The Project Summary Sheet (Appendix B) has been completed and is PAGE 2 of the proposal. The actual RED COPY of Appendix B is included on the original proposal.

_____6.The Technical Content of the proposal begins on PAGE 3 and includes the items identified in Section 3.4 of the Solicitation.

_____7.The Technical Abstract contains no proprietary information, does not exceed 200 words, and is limited to the space provided on the Project Summary Sheet (Appendix B).

_____8.The proposal contains only pages of 8 1/2" x 11" size. No other attachments such as disks, video tapes, etc. are included.

_____9.The proposal contains no type smaller than 11 point font size (except as legend on reduced drawings, but not tables).

_____10.The Contract Pricing Proposal (Appendix C) has been completed and is included as the last section of the proposal.

_____11.The final proposal is stapled in the upper-left-hand corner, and no special binding or covers are used.

_____12.An original and four copies of the proposal are submitted.

_____13.The Company Commercialization Report, if required, in accordance with Section 3.4.n.

_____14.A self-addressed stamped envelope and a copy of the Notification Form (Reference A) in the back of the solicitation book, if notification of proposal receipt is desired.

_____15.The proposal must be sent by registered or certified mail, postmarked by June 28, 1996, or delivered to the Army SBIR Office no later than July 5, 1996, 2:00 p.m. local time as required (see Section 6.2).



1,3,3Trinitroazetidine...... A96013

3D Display...... A96078

3D Modeling Mission Planning...... A96058

"LADAR"...... A96149

Accelerated Age Model...... A96165

Accelerated Component Testing...... A96099

Accelerated Corrosion Test...... A96099

Acoustic Sensors...... A96004

Acoustics...... A96004

Active Load Arm...... A96150

Active Suspension...... A96150

Actual Age Test...... A96165

Ada 95...... A96075

Adaptive Control...... A96006

Adhesion...... A96027

Aerial Delivery...... A96089

Aerodynamic Testing...... A96086

Aerodynamics...... A96048

After Action Review Systems...... A96090

Agent...... A96091, A96114

AI...... A96121

Aided Target Recognition...... A96056

Air Breathing...... A96171

Air Targets...... A96105

Airbags...... A96089

Airbeams...... A96173, A96174

Airblast...... A96119

Airfoil...... A96048

Algorithm...... A96130

Algorithms...... A96090, A96118

Altimeters...... A96015

Ambient Vision...... A96052

Analysis...... A96171

Animation...... A96164

Anodes...... A96146

Antenna...... A96017, A96128

Antenna Arrays...... A96015

Antennas...... A96067, A96079, A96167

Antigen Detection Assays...... A96139

Antileishmanial Drugs...... A96136

Antimalarial Agents...... A96136

Antiparasitic Drugs...... A96136

Architecture...... A96066

Architecture Description Languages...... A96011

Area Networks...... A96177

Armor...... A96027, A96145

Armor Vehicle Design...... A96104

Army...... A96064

Array...... A96079

Artificial Intelligence...... A96164, A96114, A96076, A96053

Artificial Neural Netowrks (ANNs)...... A96104

Aspheric Optics...... A96021

AssayXenopus...... A96135

Assimilation Errors...... A96025

Associate System...... A96047

Asynchronous...... A96055

Audible...... A96003

Audio...... A96070

Auger...... A96064

Automatic Gain Control...... A96162

Automatic Target Recognition...... A96162, A96056

Automation...... A96123, A96007

BA5590...... A96176

Backup Sensors...... A96015

Bacteria...... A96148

Bandwidth...... A96127, A96055

Bandwidth Compression...... A96056

Batteries...... A96146

Battle Damage Assessment...... A96080

Bearings...... A96151, A96147

Bioaccumulation...... A96010

Bioaerosols...... A96148

Biodetectors...... A96020

Biomatrix Polymers...... A96020

Bioremediation...... A96010

Biosensors...... A96020

Biotechnology...... A96136

Blocking And Bracing...... A96016

Blood Retina Barrier...... A96137

Bond Pull...... A96028

Botulism...... A96138

Braiding...... A96166

BRDF...... A96101

BRLCAD...... A96104

Broadband Antennas...... A96015

Burners...... A96175

Burst Point Control...... A96015

C3...... A96026

C4I...... A96090, A96091

CAD...... A96104

Cage Compounds...... A96014

Capabilities...... A96159

Castable Explosive...... A96013

CAT Scan...... A96005

Catalysts...... A96008

Catalytic...... A96143

Cathodes...... A96146

CCD...... A96019

CDMA...... A96072

Cellular...... A96072

Ceramic Matrix Composites...... A96045

Chemical Agents...... A96143

Chemical Imaging...... A96073

Chemical Information System...... A96131

Chemical Kinetics...... A96085

Chemical Reactions...... A96085

Climate...... A96118

Cloning...... A96136

Cluster Analysis...... A96131

Clutches...... A96151

Clutter Measurements And Analyses...... A96163

CMOS...... A96019

Cokriging...... A96118

Coherent RF Source Coherent Counte...... A96060

Cold Weather Clothing...... A96087

Combustion...... A96085

Command And Control...... A96070, A96059

Commercial Offtheshelf...... A96164

Communication...... A96092, A96053, A96079, A96070, A96067, A96026

Compact...... A96003

Complex Data Modeling...... A96091

Composite Material...... A96166, A96145, A96027, A96022

Composite Structures...... A96022

Comprehensive Analysis...... A96050

Compressing...... A96130

Compressors...... A96147

Computational Analysis...... A96024

Computational Fluid Dynamics...... A96085

Computational Vision Models...... A96097

Computed Tomography...... A96005, A96002

Computer...... A96164, A96066

Computer Aided Tomography...... A96005

Computer Controlled Table...... A96028

Computer Man Interface...... A96090

Computing Processes...... A96159

Condition Assessment...... A96113

Confidentiality...... A96123

Constraintbased Reasoning...... A96071

Constructive Simulation...... A96091

Contact Sensitivity...... A96143

Control...... A96046

Control Valves...... A96089

Controlled Environment...... A96099

Controls...... A96145

Cooling...... A96178

Corrosion...... A96155

Corrosion Data Acquisition...... A96099

Corrosion Prevention Control...... A96099

Corrosion Test Chamber...... A96099

Cost Reduction...... A96179

Crash Avoidance Sensors...... A96015

Crewstation Simulation Development...... A96102

Cross Wind...... A96032

CT...... A96005, A96002

Damage Detection...... A96145

Dampers...... A96147

Data...... A96130

Data Fusion...... A96125

Data Storage...... A96012, A96009

Databases...... A96117, A96092

Decision Aid...... A96125

Decision Aiding...... A96047

Depth Of Field...... A96021

Design...... A96048

Detection...... A96148

Developmental Toxicants...... A96135

Device Physics Models...... A96081

DIAD...... A96013

Diagnosis...... A96141

Diagnostic Assay...... A96141

Dialogue...... A96121

Diesel Fuel...... A96175

Diffusers...... A96147

Digital...... A96122

Digital Control...... A96006

Digital Displays...... A96025

Digital Signal Processing...... A96021

Digital Topographic Data...... A96117

Digital Topography...... A96120

Digitized Battlefield...... A96025

Direct Retinal Scanning...... A96092

DIS...... A96091

Display Devices...... A96014

Displays...... A96033

Distributed Intelligent Systems...... A96011

Distributed Interactive Simulation...... A96076, A96177

Distrubuted Computing...... A96075


Doppler LIDAR...... A96169

Drag...... A96129

Drive Circuitry...... A96033

Drive Systems...... A96151, A96049

Driver Training...... A96176

Drug Design...... A96136

Drug Discovery...... A96136

Dualfaced Thinfilm...... A96069

Dual Target Effects...... A96001

Ducted Rocket...... A96171

Durable...... A96016

Edge Filter Technique...... A96169

Education...... A96066

Electric Drive...... A96150

Electrical Energy Replacement Unit...... A96176

Electrolytes...... A96146

Electromagnetic Interference...... A96124

Electronic Attack...... A96063

Electronic Chip Arrays...... A96168

Electronic Dendritic Structures...... A96168

ELISA...... A96142

Embedded Sensors...... A96170

Emulation Of Communication Systems...... A96076

Endotoxin...... A96134

Energy Based Finite Element Analys...... A96098

Engine Cooling...... A96178, A96100

Engineering Simulators...... A96176

Enteric Pathogens...... A96144

Enteric Viruses...... A96144

Environmental Friend...... A96016

Environmental Stresses...... A96165

Etalon Filter...... A96169

Expandable Polymer Actuators...... A96096

Expert System...... A96114, A96090

Explosives...... A96014, A96008

Expression Systems...... A96134

Extrusion...... A96088

Eye Safe Laser...... A96032

Eye Tracking...... A96092

Fabric...... A96022

Failure Mode...... A96166

False Target Rejection...... A96015

Feature Determination...... A96004

FETAX...... A96135

Fiber Optic Gyroscope...... A96172

Fiber Optic Sensors...... A96170

Fiber Optics...... A96172

Fiber Sensing Coils...... A96172

Field Instrumentation...... A96144

Field Of View...... A96021

Field Testing...... A96099

Field Testing Correlation...... A96099

Filament Winding...... A96166

Filter...... A96129, A96063

Finite Element Analysis...... A96166

Fire/sensor...... A96003

Flat Panels...... A96033

FLIR...... A96068

Flow Systems...... A96171

Flying Qualities...... A96046

Focal Vision...... A96052

Foliage Penetration Radar...... A96017

Food Poisoning...... A96138

Force Control...... A96007

Force XXI...... A96122

Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR)...... A96057

Fractals...... A96002

Fracture Mechanics...... A96166

Frog Embryo Teratogeneis...... A96135

Fuel Cell...... A96177

Fuel Injection/Combustio9n...... A96095

Fullbody...... A96092

Fundus Camera...... A96133

Fusion Proteins...... A96134

Fuze...... A96015

Fuzing...... A96015

Fuzzy Logic Controller...... A96150

Gage...... A96119

Gas Turbine Engines...... A96049, A96045

Gears...... A96151

General Research...... A96179

Geodetic Reference...... A96117

Geophysical Profiling...... A96115

GPS...... A96072

Graphical User Interface (GUI)...... A96171

Graphics...... A96164

Ground Penetration Radar...... A96017

Ground Shock...... A96119

Ground Targets...... A96105

Ground Vehicle...... A96150

Ground Vehicle Classification...... A96004

GunRugged...... A96015

Handsoff Control...... A96031

Haptic Interface...... A96177

Hardwareintheloop...... A96164

HBT...... A96018

Head Mounted Displays...... A96093

Head Trackers...... A96094

Headsup Display...... A96078

Health Monitoring...... A96049

Heat Exchanger...... A96178

Heat Transfer Enhancement...... A96178

HeavyDuty...... A96157

Heavy Metal...... A96010, A96008

Helicopter...... A96049, A96048, A96046

Helmet Mounted Display...... A96090, A96078, A96052, A96031

HEMT...... A96018

Hepatitis A Virus...... A96144

Hepatitis E Virus...... A96144

HF...... A96063

HgCdTe...... A96073, A96064

High Mobility...... A96150

High Order Languages...... A96075

High Output Diesel...... A96095

High Performance Computing...... A96024

High Power...... A96063

High Speed...... A96074

High Speed Table...... A96028

High Temperature Superconductor(HT...... A96069

High Temperature Tribology...... A96095

Honeycomb Panels...... A96155

Hookworms...... A96139

Human Antibodies...... A96134

Human Calicivirus...... A96144

Human Health Effects...... A96135

Human Perception...... A96097

Human System Interface...... A96047

Humidity Cycling...... A96165

Hybrid Systems...... A96011, A96006

Hybridization...... A96144

Hydraulic Drive...... A96150

Identification...... A96148, A96141

Identification Tags...... A96012, A96009

Image Analysis...... A96002

Image Enhancement...... A96056

Image Intensification...... A96176

Image Interpretation...... A96163

Image Processing...... A96168, A96056, A96019, A96002

Imager...... A96019

Impact Damage...... A96166

Impact Energy Absorption...... A96089

Impedance Control...... A96007

InHouse Laboratory Independent Re...... A96057

Insitu...... A96064

Induction Bonding...... A96027

Infectious Disease...... A96141

Inflatables...... A96173

Inflatables Shelters...... A96174

Inflation Systems...... A96174

Information Assimilation...... A96025

Information Fusion...... A96023

Information Processing Algorithms...... A96023

Information Transfer...... A96047

Information Warfare...... A96059

Infrared...... A96164, A96064

Infrared Background Clutter...... A96163

Infrastructure...... A96113

Insulative Componentry...... A96095

Intelligence Preparation...... A96059

Intelligent Control...... A96006

Intelligent Tutoring System...... A96066

Intermediatemoisture...... A96088

International Communications...... A96029

Intracranial Pressure...... A96132

Intrinsic Fluoresence...... A96148

Inventory...... A96012, A96009

IR Image Assessment...... A96163

IRFPA...... A96073

ITS...... A96066

Joining...... A96103

Joint Servo Control...... A96007

JP9 And DF2 Fueled...... A96157

Kalman...... A96129

Kriging...... A96118

Labels...... A96012, A96009

Language...... A96121, A96029

Language Training...... A96176

Language Translation...... A96176

LANs...... A96177

Laser...... A96128

Laserinduced Retinal Injuries...... A96137

Laser Injuries...... A96133

Laser Profiling...... A96120

Laser Radar...... A96149

Laser Remote Sensing...... A96169

Lethal/Nonlethal...... A96001

LIDAR...... A96068

Light Weight Stage...... A96028

Lightweight...... A96157

Lightweight Structural Components...... A96095

Liquid Crystals...... A96014

Liquid Molding...... A96145

LiSO2 Battery...... A96176

Lithium Batteries...... A96146

Live & Virtual Integration...... A96091

Loom...... A96022

LowCost...... A96015

Low Frequency Radar...... A96017

Low Light Level Sensor...... A96062

Luminescent Materials...... A96033

M109...... A96100

Machine Translation...... A96029

Machine Vision...... A96163, A96007

Maintenance...... A96170

Malaria "Plasmodium Falciparum"...... A96136

Malaria Dengue...... A96142

MammalianDerived...... A96135

Management Tool...... A96158

Manipulator...... A96007

Manufacturing Processes...... A96103

Massively Parallel Processors...... A96075

Matrix Addressing...... A96033

MBE...... A96064

Medical Diagnostic Equipment...... A96005, A96002

Medical Image Analyses...... A96163

Metabolic Activation System...... A96135

MetalHydrides...... A96175

Metal Matrix Composites...... A96045

Metalloproteases...... A96138

Methyl Salicylate...... A96110

Microterrain...... A96092

Microelectromechanical Sensors...... A96170

Microrobitics...... A96030

Microwave...... A96018

Microwave Devices...... A96069

Microwaves (MW)...... A96152

MILES...... A96176

Military Storage Environment...... A96165

Millimeter Wave...... A96018, A96152

Mine Detection...... A96065

Missile...... A96164

Missile Seeker Modeling...... A96163

Missioncritical Software...... A96075

Mission Planning...... A96117, A96053

Mixing...... A96085

Mobile Data Communications...... A96177

Mode Networking...... A96055

Model...... A96128

Modeling...... A96138, A96046, A96026

Models...... A96118

MODSAF...... A96177

Module...... A96158

Molecular Biology...... A96136

Molecular Modeling...... A96136, A96131, A96008

Monoclonal Antibody...... A96142

Monolithic Hybridization...... A96084

Mosquito...... A96142

Motion...... A96093

Motion Sensors...... A96015

Motor Controllers Active Harmonic...... A96156

MTI...... A96071

Multiperspective RSTA...... A96030

MultiPhase Flows...... A96085

Multichip Module (MCM)...... A96084

Multidrug Resistant Falciparum Mal...... A96136

Multiple User...... A96094

Multivariable Control...... A96006

Mustard...... A96143

Navigation...... A96172

NDE...... A96005

NDI...... A96005

NDT...... A96005

Nerve Agents...... A96143

Network...... A96158

Networks...... A96122

Neural Control...... A96006

Neural Network (NN)...... A96057

Neural Networks...... A96168, A96104

Neurotoxin...... A96138

Neutralize...... A96143

New Chemical Entities...... A96136

Night Driving...... A96176

Nondestructive...... A96064

Noninvasive Sensor...... A96132

Nonlinear Optics...... A96014

Nondestructive Examination...... A96005

Nondestructive Inspection...... A96005, A96002

Nondestructive Testing...... A96005, A96002

Nonlinear Control...... A96006

Norwalk Virus...... A96144

Numerical Acoustics Research...... A96098

Numerical Comparison...... A96120

O&S Costs...... A96099

Ocular Injuries...... A96133

Olfactory...... A96092

On Chip Processing...... A96019

Operating And Support Costs...... A96179

Operation Environments...... A96003

Ophthalmic Drug Delivery System...... A96137

Ophthalmoscopy...... A96133

Optical Amplifiers...... A96079

Optical Assemblies...... A96015

Optical Beamforming...... A96167

Optical Beamsteering...... A96167

Optical Control...... A96167

Optical Diagnostic Techniques...... A96086

Optical Electronic Integrated Circ...... A96152

Optical Fiber...... A96172

Optical Interconnects...... A96084

Optical Splatters...... A96079

Optics...... A96167

Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit...... A96084

Organic Matrix Composites...... A96045

Organic Synthesis...... A96136

OSCR...... A96179

Packaging...... A96152

Parallel Processing...... A96075, A96024

Passive Sampling...... A96110

Passive Target Acquisition...... A96004

Pathogens...... A96141

Pattern Recognition...... A96131, A96004

PCS...... A96072

Performance Model...... A96026

Personal Communications System...... A96074, A96067

Personal Display System...... A96031

Personal Heating...... A96087

Personal Protection...... A96087

Phase Array...... A96061

Phased...... A96079

Phased Arrays...... A96167

Phosphors...... A96033

Photo Detector...... A96149

Photoelectron...... A96064

Photonics...... A96172

Photonics...... A96079

Physicsbased Combat & Constructio...... A96176

Physics Of Failure...... A96165, A96170

PilotVehicleTask Analysis...... A96046

Pitting...... A96045

Pixels...... A96033

Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuit...... A96165

Plume Models...... A96105

PMT S004...... A96176

Poliovirus...... A96144

Position Location...... A96072

Position Sensors...... A96015

Power...... A96085

Power Generation...... A96177

Precision Time Bases...... A96015

Presence...... A96092

Pressure Sensitive Paints...... A96086

Pressure Vessel...... A96166

Primary Batteries...... A96146

Prioritization...... A96125

Producibility...... A96015

Prognostic Capability...... A96170

Propellants...... A96008

Propulsion...... A96171, A96085

Protectant...... A96143

Protective Clothing...... A96110

Protein...... A96134

Proteolysis...... A96138

PulseCoupled Neural Networks...... A96168

Pulse Generators...... A96168

Purification...... A96134

QSAR...... A96131

Quasioptic...... A96018

Questionnaire...... A96123

Radar...... A96167, A96130, A96129, A96127, A96115

Radiation Exchange...... A96105

Radiator...... A96100, A96178

Radio Frequency Devices...... A96009

Radiography...... A96002

Rapid Detection Dip Stick Assay...... A96142

Rapidly...... A96117

Rate Sensor...... A96172

Rational Drug Design...... A96136

Real Time...... A96164

Realtime Information Processing...... A96030, A96023

Realtime...... A96094

Reasoning In Context...... A96071

Rechargeable Batteries...... A96146

Recognition (ATR)...... A96057

Recombinant...... A96134

Reduced Time And Cost...... A96016

Reflectance Model...... A96101

Remediation...... A96010

Remote Data Access...... A96012, A96009

Remote Data Deposition...... A96012, A96009

Remotely Piloted Aircraft...... A96115

Residual Strength...... A96166

Resin Transfer Molding...... A96145

Resource Display...... A96080

Retinal Diseases...... A96137

Retinal Drug Therapy...... A96137

Retinal Injuries...... A96137

Reusable...... A96016

RF Countermeasures...... A96124

RF Effects Mitigation...... A96124

RF Propagation Antennas...... A96058

RF Synthesis...... A96060

RF Tags...... A96012, A96009

Risk Assessment...... A96135

Robotics...... A96090, A96007

Robust Control...... A96006

Rocket Motor...... A96166

Rotor Blades...... A96155

Rotor Track And Balance...... A96155, A96044

Rotorcraft...... A96151, A96050, A96048

Rotorcraft Gearboxes...... A96045

SAR...... A96071

SATCOM...... A96126

SAWE/MILES II...... A96176

Scanning Focal Plane Arrays...... A96081

Scattering...... A96127

Scene Generation...... A96164

Scientific Visualization...... A96024

Scoring...... A96045

Seals...... A96147

Secure Communication...... A96091

Security Products...... A96012, A96009

Semiautomated Forces...... A96090

Semiconductor...... A96079

Sensing Technologies...... A96113

Sensitivity...... A96141

Sensor...... A96164, A96070

Sensor Correlation...... A96071

Sensor Fusion...... A96068, A96015

Sensors...... A96145, A96099, A96015, A96007

Shelf Life...... A96170

Shelters...... A96173

Sickness...... A96093, A96093

Signal Modulation Products...... A96168

Signal Processing...... A96084, A96056

Signal Processors...... A96015

Simulation...... A96164, A96121, A96046, A96026

Simulation Software Testing...... A96102

Simulations...... A96117

Simulator Induced...... A96093

Simulator Sickness...... A96093

Situation Awareness...... A96070, A96047, A96023, A96072

Skin...... A96143

Smallscale...... A96119

Smart Materials...... A96145

Smart Pixel Arrays...... A96168

Smart Sensors...... A96170

Smart Structures...... A96006

Software...... A96171, A96164, A96114, A96066, A96008

Software Agents...... A96030, A96023

Software Architectures...... A96011

Software Engineering...... A96075

Software Repositories...... A96011