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The following are subject to modification and are not official minutes until approved by the Governing Body.
The October 13, 2015 regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Council President Patrick Dick.
Council members Cherl Blanton, Ryan Clark, Patrick Dick, Dennis Dye, and Andy Holmes were present for roll call. City Staff present was City Superintendent Shawn Burgey, Police Chief Doug Brown and City Clerk Downing. There were 7 guests present.
Council member Dick led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no additions to the agenda.
Council member Dye made a motion to approve the consent agenda which included the minutes from the September 28, 2015 regular council meeting and Appropriation Order 18-15; Council Member Blanton seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 – 0.
W&L Utility / $84,976.88General / $23,689.16
Ritz Theatre / $2,043.04
Sewage Disposal / $1,147.03
Airport / $0.00
Solid Waste Refuse / $0.00
Community Education / $0.00
Library / $2,096.95
Capital Fund / $0.00
Capital Improvement / $0.00
TOTAL AMOUNT PAID / $111,910.02
There were no communications.
There was no public comment.
There was no old business to discuss.
Mayor Bronson informed the Council that Bickley Foster was willing to continue working with the City to implement zoning if we chose to move forward. Council member Clark suggested that the Council members study the zoning to gain more information and discuss zoning at a later date. City Attorney Knappenberger informed the Council that the planning council needed to do the work of presenting the positives and negatives of the zoning, then the Council will vote. There needs to be a new zoning board appointed. Ned Marks was the Chairman on the previous board, Police Chief Brown will contact him about getting a board back together.
A. Council member Dick reported on the Ritz committee meeting. He informed the Council that the Ritz is starting to see an improvement in attendance and that we are still looking for ways to cut costs and save.
B. KPERS Child Coverage was discussed. KPERS has an open enrollment period to allow employees to purchase optional life insurance coverage to their children if the City would choose to affiliate. Council member Clark made a motion to approve the affiliation of the City of Stafford with KPERS to offer child coverage to eligible employees; Council member Blanton seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 – 0.
City Superintendent Shawn Burgey
Shawn informed the Council that the City crew has been painting the bicycle sharrows on the road and should be finished in the next week. They are also working on replacing lines by the hospital.
Chief of Police Doug Brown
Doug informed the Council that theft is on the rise and people need to be cautions and watch their property a little closer.
City Attorney Don Knappenberger
City Attorney Knappenberger informed the Council that he attended the City Attorney meeting at the LKM conference and we will need to approve a charter ordinance in the near future regarding changes to election dates.
City Clerk Jami Downing
Jami had no additional comments.
Council member Clark stated concerns about the trash service. Their 60 day review is up and he does not feel the problems have been addressed. After much discussion with the Council, it was decided to review the Stafford County Trash service contract at the next Council meeting. There were no other Council comments.
With no further business before the Council - Council Member Holmes made a motion to adjourn at 7:13 P.M.; Council Member Clark seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 - 0.
Dennis Bronson, Mayor
Jami Downing, City Clerk