To the annual conference of Rotary District 2220

- Kaliningrad, Russian Federation -

Dear Rotarian friends!

I am very proud and happy to announce the annual conference of Rotary District 2220 which will be held in Kaliningrad the most western city of Russia in May 2016!

It is our great pleasure to welcome you at the Baltic Amber coast! We are sure that your travel to the edge of Russia and your acquaintance with our unique region will make an unforgettable journey and will give us a great chance to develop our contacts, to strengthen our friendship – and it certainly will give you some new impulses to come to Kaliningrad again!

About Rotary Kaliningrad

Let me introduce our club – Rotary in Kaliningrad started in 2001. We are active in charity projects supporting children’s orphanages and boarding houses as also in youth exchange programs with neighboring countries Lithuania, Poland, Germany and Sweden, where the Rotary traditions and roots are very strong. Since longer time we got well established friendship and good connections to the Rotary clubs in the Baltic Sea macro-region.

What to see and what to do in Kaliningrad

Springtime in Kaliningrad means time when all the nature creatures awaken. Fortunately the timing of our annual conference matches with a spectacular and wide-ranging event called “The Long Museum’s Night” on May 21st and 22nd and you are highly recommended to join the route through the most interesting museums and galleries. The main part of our conference is also located in a museum which is one of the most significant symbols of our maritime Kaliningrad region, it is the World Ocean Museum ( That will be not the only one pleasant surprise during your stay in Kaliningrad!

As we realize that this is the first visit to Kaliningrad for many Rotarian friends and the trip is not quiet short we would very much like to help you with additional programs like guided tours and special trips to the interesting regional destinations. It’s up to you to combine your trip to the Rotary conference with some private relaxing days at the Baltic sea whether you choose the option before or after the main part of our program. Our Rotarian weekend starts on Friday the 20th of May at IBIS hotel. We also kindly advise you to book your stay at even the IBIS hotel which will also hold our district committees meetings (please send a request for further details). After a nice and easy “Gettogether” evening meal&drink you can join the Long Museum’s Night or take a rest in your hotel room.

Program itinerary:

On Saturday May 21st there starts our annual conference which will be held in the conference hall of the World Ocean Museum at the quay of Pregola river. Our Russian Rotary clubs will tell their stories and present their projects, we hope to get new experiences and to agree on common deals for the future.

On Saturday evening of the same day May 21st we would like to welcome you at the gala dinner in the Organ Hall of the Kaliningrad regional Philharmony (the former catholic church of the Holy Family in Koenigsberg). During the dinner you will taste our local specialities and listen to the best artists and musicians of our region.

On Sunday May 22nd our traditional Paul-Harris-Fellowship-Breakfast will be held at a very special location in the so-called «Maritime Lounge» onboard of the legendary scientific research ship “Vityaz” and after that the closing part of the annual conference will go on in the conference hall of the World Ocean Museum. The end of the conference is at 2pm.

Nice and easy option for an outdoor picnic afterwards:

After the official part of the program is over we would like you to join us for an outdoor picnic which will be held in between pines and sand dunes of the national park “Curonian Spit” – it is a natural miracle listed on the UNESCO register of world cultural heritage!

The sea, the amber, the ancient history and much more expect you in Kaliningrad-Koenigsberg, a city of unique destiny!

How to apply:

We kindly ask you to apply for your participation as soon as possible for to make your travel and stay most comfortable. You should also take care for your flight or train/bus tickets in advance as early as possible. Kaliningrad is directly connected to Moscow and St.Petersburg by plane, there are also good flight connections from Europe to Gdansk in Poland (three car-hours to Kaliningrad) and to Vilnius or Kaunas in Lithuania (five car-hours to Kaliningrad), but being European you need a visa for Russian Federation. Please check the most suitable connection for you and inform us about your choice. We would also like to give you any visa support if needed.

We also ask you to make your choice of payment for the conference package including:

- accommodation at the IBIS-Kaliningrad hotel;

- participation at the annual conference (handouts, coffee breaks, lunch on Saturday May 21st, translation service included);

- participation at the gala dinner on Saturday May 21st (transfer to/from included).

We also offer our optional travel packages and guided tours to you. Please make your choice and ask for further details and reservation.

Contact information:

It is our pleasure of the organizing team to get to know all your additional wishes, to answer your questions and to provide all the necessary information as to compose an individual package for your stay in Kaliningrad. Please join us on FaceBook, share and repost our event group via FaceBook which is Rotary Conference 2016 in Kaliningrad!

For any questions, applications, reservations and payment please contact:

Ms Lyubov Smirnova, phone: +79268954712, E-Mail:

Ms Inna Fetissova, phone: +79052400288, E-Mail:

Google us:

Our E-Mail:

See you dear friends in Kaliningrad in May 2016!

With best greetings, Yours in Rotary,

Dr. Stephan Stein

Governor of RD 2220

RC Kaliningrad