January 30, 2018

Cooper Creek Cedar Ltd (CCC) made a commitment to the Argenta-Johnsons Landing (AJL) community that CCC would not start forest development in the area until the company had the LiDAR (Light Imaging, Detection, And Ranging)mapping of the AJL development area was completed – the LiDAR mapping for the AJL area is now completed. The LiDAR mapping is a combination of high resolution aerial photography and 3D point data. The 3D point data collected for the Argenta unit is extremely accurate. On average the data is within a 10cm accuracy range and can detect features like forest cover density (canopy closure), tree heights and slope assesments. This data can be used as a planning tool for cutting permit and road permit development. It is very useful for terrain stability assessments, wildlife habitat assessments, defining drainage features, identifying forest road options, steep slope assessments (safety), accurate base mapping for existing roads, trails, creeks, contours, identifying timber opportunities and visual impact assessments. As a planning tool, LiDAR will assist in making better forestry operational decisions. With the LiDAR mapping completed, CCC is planning to begin forest development in the AJL area in the 2018 field season.

Cooper Creek Cedar has, and will continue to commit to communicate with the AJL community throughout the forest development process, and CCC encourages the AJL community to engage with CCC throughout CCC’s forest development. This engagement can continue to be through LINKS or a more formal communication/information sharing forum can be formed through a working group(s). Comments can be submitted to:

Cooper Creek’s 2018-2023 Forest Stewardship Plan is approved. Although the FSP was submitted to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations in July 2017, the FSP was not approved until January 2018; therefore the term of the FSP is 2018-2023. The approved FSP can be viewed at Cooper Creek Cedar Ltd’s website:

Cooper Creek Cedar is posting information regarding the company’s current forest development for various Cutting Permits and Road Permits throughout CCC’s tenure. CCC will begin posting the AJL forest development information for public viewing on the website. This information can be viewed at the above website address. CCC will continue to submit updates to the LINKS website.

CCC has attached the following LiDAR maps:

  • Argenta_CanopyHeight
  • Argenta_hillslope
  • Argenta_slopeclass
  • Argenta_TopoMap

Submitted by:

Bill Kestell, RPF

Cooper Creek Cedar Ltd

Woodlands Manager