Simon J. Golden

348 Psychology Building

East Lansing, MI 48824

Department of Psychology

Phone: (616) 204-6718



My research interests focus on illuminating the complexities of behavior change at work by applying insights from the habits literature. One puzzling phenomenon is that people often experience failures midway through the process of ongoing behavior change. I attempt to explain this puzzle by suggesting that behavior change involves two phases, initiation and maintenance. I forward a theory that posits divergent mechanisms associated with each phase in order to explain failures midway through the process. Another puzzling issue lies within behavioral change efforts precipitated by performance appraisals. Investigators find that feedback can enhance, diminish, or fail to influence behavior (Kluger & Denisi, 1996). To address this issue, I review themes from the habits literature to better predict behavioral responses to feedback in organizational psychology and organizational behavior. One implication of this work is that habits associated with the old behavior can act like inertia that undermines efforts to change behavior in response to performance feedback.


Michigan State University

Doctor of Philosophy, Organizational Psychology Expected 2017

Dissertation topic:Habit strength and behavioral change.

Michigan State University

Master of Arts in Organizational Psychology, Spring 2015

Master’s Thesis:A change in strategy: Investigating dynamics in regulatory focus theory

Advisor: Steve Kozlowski

Committee: Steve Kozlowski (Chair), Daisy Chang, Kevin Ford

Bachelors of Science, Major: Psychology, Minor: Philosophy

Graduated 2011 with Honors, Honors College

Senior Thesis: Addressing inconsistencies: Negative feedback level effects over time

Chair: Steve Kozlowski


Molloy, J. C., Chadwick, C., Ployhart, R. E., & Golden, S. J. (2011). Making Intangibles “Tangible” in Tests of Resource-Based Theory: A multidisciplinary construct validation approach. Journal of Management, 37, 1496–1518.

  • Won 2010 Best Paper in Track Award for Research Methods Division of Southern Academy of Management.

Yelon, S., Ford, K. J., & Golden., S. J. (2013). Transfer over time: Stories about transfer years after training, Performance Improvement Quarterly, 25, 43-66.

  • Editor awarded invited paper after manuscript was submitted.

Fialkow, M., Adams, C. R., Carranza, L., Golden, S. J., Benedetti, T. J., Fernandez, R. (2014). An In Situ Standardized Patient-based Simulation to Train Postpartum Hemorrhage and Team Skills on a Labor & Delivery Unit.Simulation in Healthcare, 9, 65-71.


Golden, S. J.,Ali, A. A.,Chang, C.-H, & Johnson, R. E.Action-state orientation: An integrative model and meta-analysis.(Under Review3).Journal of Applied Psychology.


Golden, S. J., & Ford, K. J.An integrative review of habits and behavioral change in the performance feedback context. Manuscript being prepared, target: Journal of Applied Psychology

Golden, S. J. & Ali, A. A. (In Progress). The role of automatic behaviors in affecting job-search self-regulation.

  • Awarded 800 dollar grant

Golden, S. J. & Van Dyne, L. (in progress). The puzzle of lasting behavior change: A dual modes perspective. Manuscript being prepared, target: Academy of Management Review


Ali A. A. & Golden, S. J. When job-search activities diminish mental health: Integrating psychological capital in the job-search setting.

  • Awarded 800 dollar grant

Greta, P., Michelle, C., & Golden, S J. The role of habits and goal commitment in identify management.

Golden S. J. & Weinhardt, J. The intention-turnover gap: The role of inertia and habits


Golden, S. J.,Ali, A. A.,& Johnson, R. E. (In press).Action-state orientation. In S. G. Rogelberg, S. Tonidandel, & K. Shockley (Eds).Encyclopediaof Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Volume II).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Press.

Golden, S. J.,Ali, A. A.,& Johnson, R. E. (In press).Goal orientation. In S. G. Rogelberg, S. Tonidandel, & K. Shockley (Eds).Encyclopediaof Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Volume II).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Press.


Golden, S. J. Van Dyne, L. (2015, August).The Puzzle of lasting behavior change: A regulatory focus perspective In S.J. Golden (Chair),Challenging the status quo: Advances in behavior change research. Symposium conducted at the 75thannual meeting ofthe Academy of Management Conference,Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

  • Symposium includes Mo Wang, Jeff Vancouver, Connie Wanberg, Daniel Turban, and Linn Van Dyne

Golden, S. J., Santoro, J., & Dixon, R. (2015, April). Teamwork in Isolated, Confined, and Extreme Environments: Review and Integration In S.W.J. Kozlowski & C.H. Chang (Co-Chairs), Team dynamics: Capturing process phenomena in extreme teams. Symposium conducted at the 30th annual conference of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA

Golden, S. J., Ali, A. A., Johnson, R. E., Chang, C.-H. A meta-analysis of action-state orientation and its antecedents and outcomes, The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Yelon, S., Golden, S. J., & Ford, S. J. (2013) Transfer over time: Stories about transfer years after training. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Houston, TX

Golden S. J. & Kozlowski, S. W. (2012) Addressing inconsistencies: Negative feedback level effects over time. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology,

San Diego, CA.

Baard, S. K., Lorenz, S., Pearce, M., Bo, D. Kermond, C., Golden, S., Biswas, S., Chang, C.-H., & Kozlowski, S. W. J. (2014, February). Monitoring team dynamics through physical and physiological indicators. Poster presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Galveston, TX.

Molloy, J. C., Chadwick, C., Ployhart, R. E. & Golden, S. J. (2010). Making intangibles tangible in resource-based theory tests: A multidisciplinary assessment process. Presentation at School of Human Resources and Labor Relations Research Seminar Series, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Jimenez, T. R., Golden, S. J. & Kreschmer, J. M. (2009). Exploring leadership development through the building alliances for disability leadership project. Poster session presented at the SCRA Biennial Meeting, Montclair, NJ

  • $500 Honors College travel award


Golden, S. J., & Ali, A. A. The role of automatic behaviors in affecting job-search self- regulation. [Awarded 800 dollars]. April, 2015

Ali A. A. & Golden, S. J. When job-search activities diminish mental health: Integrating psychological capital in the job-search setting. [Awarded 800 dollars]. April, 2015


2015 Ad hoc reviewer for Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Lead Coordinator and Organizer of the virtual forum on Environmental Sustainability, LEC SIOP conference, 2012, New Orleans.