Institute Wide Curriculum Committee Minutes from 12/19/08

Institute Wide Curriculum Committee

Minutes from the Meeting on December 17, 2008


Jonas Braasch, chair Dick Smith

Audrey Bennett Sharon Kunkel

Stan Dunn Lee Odell

Jeff Durgee Sam Wait

Prabhat Hajela

1)  The motion to accept the minutes from December 3, 2008 as submitted was approved unanimously.

2)  School of Management and Technology- Jeff Durgee provided an overview of the changes.

a.  The proposal to change the name of the BS degree to Business and Management (UG only and with no changes to the template) was approved unanimously.

b.  Course deletions:

·  MGMT 4230 Manuf. Acct and Control Systems

·  MGMT 4550 Business Model for Digital Enterprises

·  MGMT 7040 Strategy, Technology and Competition II

·  MGMT 6070 Business Implications of Emerging Technologies II

·  MGMT 6210 Advanced Accounting

·  MGMT 6300 Business Economics

·  MGMT 6690 Supply Chain Management

·  MGMT 6720 Designing, Developing & Staffing High Perf. Org II

·  MGMT 6740 Technology and Organization

·  MGMT 6800 Ethical, Political and Legal Context of Business

·  MGMT 6850 Environmental Management and Policy

·  MGMT 6890 Product Realization

·  MGMT 7080 Succeeding in Knowledge Intensive Organizations

c.  Course Changes:

·  MGMT 6580 Marketing High Tech Products- description

·  MGMT 6410 Investments- description

d.  New course proposals:

·  MGMT 6XXX- Commercializing Advanced Technologies

·  MGMT 4XXX-Commercializing Advanced Technologies –J. Durgee explained how the graduate level course is different from the undergraduate course. Grad students manage the teams. The Committee asked for some changes: 1) the academic integrity statement should spell out the penalties 2) the outcomes need to be clarified so they can be measured and 3) more detail on what the difference is between the 4000 and 6000 level version. The Committee suggested quantifying the information in the grading criteria section. J. Durgee agreed to withdraw the course.

·  He provided an overview of the changes to the Technology, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship concentrations. The School hopes to attract students from other Schools. Dick Smith provided some feedback on the BMED template. Management students would not have the background to take the courses listed. The BMED department is reviewing their minor. D. Smith will follow up with the department to discuss his concerns. There are some issues with the courses the students need to take at Albany Law courses. They are meeting with Chuck Carletta to resolve the questions. He’ll bring a revised proposal back to a future meeting. The DSES and MATL layout look reasonable.

3)  School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences-Lee Odell summarized the changes.

a.  Course changes:

·  ECON 4140 Structure of American Industry- title and description

·  ECON 4250 Ecological Economics-description

·  ECON 6250 Advanced Ecological Economics-description


b.  New course proposals:

·  COMM 4380 Writing and Response

·  COMM 6380 Writing and Response

The IWCC suggested adding prerequisites as appropriate for the courses, clarifying the AI statement so it included penalties. The Committee briefly discussed how to measure the quality of the writing. More writing doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a graduate level course. The Committee would like to see what makes the graduate level course unique from the undergraduate version. We need to trust the instructor but there are some writing guidelines that are appropriate i.e. font size, spacing, and margins etc. The new courses and changes were approved unanimously.




4)  School of Engineering-D. Smith presented one course deletion for information purposes.

a.  BMED 4420/BMED 6420 Biol. and Engr. of the Extracellular Matrix. The School of Science will continue to offer BIOL 4750 Cell-Extracellular Matrix Interactions. It will no longer be cross-listed with BMED.

5)  For next term- The Committee will review a new course proposal form developed by Sam Wait and Lee Odell. Jonas Braasch will invite the new Learning Outcomes Specialist to a meeting for a discussion on outcomes. Prabhat Hajela would like to see the Committee decide how to proceed on defining Core Outcomes.

6)  The next meeting is 1/21/09 and we will meet in the VAST lab in the Sage Building 2411.