Names ______
Indirect Measurement Project
Project Description: Develop a plan to determine the height of the tree in Mrs. Wilson’s yard to determine if it falls the wrong way will the tree hit the house?
Supplies available:
100ft tape measure, 25 ft tape measure, clinometer, and a ruler.
- Write detailed, step-by-step instructions for Mr. Wilson to follow.
- Include diagrams to aid the explanation of the process.
- Write a summary of the geometric principles used.
- You will test your plan by determining the measurement of a tree in the AHS courtyard.
- You will then exchange plans with another group to see if they can replicate your results by following your instructions.
- You will be given an opportunity to revise your instructions before a third groups uses your plan.
- Turn in by the end of class on February 4, 2016:
Category / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2Content
Are the geometric theorems and postulates used in your plan clearly explained? / -At least one theorem or postulate is used.
-The connection between geometric theorems/postulates is clearly described.
-The diagrams are used to support the geometric content. / -One theorem or postulate is used.
-The connection between the geometric theorem/postulate is clearly described.
-The diagram is used to support the geometric content. / -One theorem or postulate is used.
-The diagrams are used to support the geometric content. / -At least one theorem or postulate is used.
Is the height you calculated accurate? Is the height calculated by the final group to use your planaccurate? / -All calculations are accurate
-The final group’s calculations are within 1 foot of the anticipated answer. / -All calculations are accurate
-The final group’s calculations are within 5 feet of the anticipated answer. / -Most calculations are accurate
-The final group’s calculations are within 10 feet of the anticipated answer. / -Most calculations are inaccurate
-The final group’s calculations are more than 10 feet away from the anticipated answer.
Are the steps in your plan in order and clear? / -Steps are sequential
- Work is organized and labeled.
-No grammatical errors
/ -Steps are sequential
- Work is organized and labeled.
-Some grammatical errors
/ -Steps are sequential
- Work is organized
- Grammatical errors. / - Steps are out of order
-Work is unorganized
-Grammatical errors.
Indirect Measurement Project
Task:Using the instruction given to you, find the height of the indicated tree. You must follow the plan as it is written. You must collect all data indicated and complete calculations as directed. Do NOT deviate from the plan. If the instructions are missing a step that you know is essential, you may write a note to the plan authors but must complete the instructions as given. If the instructions are vague or unclear, write a note to the plan authors to let them know the multiple ways you interpreted the instructions and which one you decided to use.
Indirect Measurement