Friday, December 1

Acts 3-4

How did Peter and John get the attention of the people in chapter 3? What was the message of Peter’s second sermon?

Why were Peter and John thrown into prison? How did the Apostles respond to this persecution? What can you learn from their response?

Write out a verse that really stood out to you from the passage. Spend some time ‘praying’ through this verse as a way to meditate on the richness of it.

Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
Joe & Kristi Swanson

Preparing to move to Central Asia to plant churches in unreached people groups

  • Pray for their retention & endurance as they learn the Russian language
  • Pray for the team’s preparations for their upcoming mission

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 1 Corinthians 9-11

Saturday, December 2

Acts 5-6

How did the Apostles respond to the persecution from the high priest and associates? What are 2 things that you can learn from their response?

Why did the Apostles choose 7 men to minister and take care of the daily activities? What were the requirements for these men?

What are some ways that you can use today’s passage to encourage others?

  • Is there anyone that you can you think of to encourage with what you learned?
  • How/When/Where do you plan to encourage them?

Prayer Category - The Church

  • Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
  • Pray for our church leadership
  • Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 1 Corinthians 12-14

Sunday, December 3

Review Day

Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.

From the main worship service, answer the following questions:

  • Sermon Title and Passage:
  • Introduction:
  • Outline:
  • Implications/Conclusion:

Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:1 Corinthians 15-16

Monday, December 4

Acts 7-8

What do we learn about Stephen in Acts 7? How did he confront the high priest? What was the heart of Stephen’s message?

What happened to the church of Jerusalem after the stoning of Stephen? What was the result? What happened because of it?

Write down 3 observations.

Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page

Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 2 Corinthians 1-4

Tuesday, December 5

Acts 9-10

What was the significance of the vision that Peter saw in Acts 11? How did Peter respond?

Describe the conversion of Saul. How quickly after salvation did Saul display fruit?

List/Outline the events of these two chapters.

Prayer Category - Family & Evangelism

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 2 Corinthians 5-9

Wednesday, December 6

Acts 11-12

How did Barnabas respond when he went to Antioch? Why? In what ways can you imitate Barnabas in your daily walk?

How did the Christians respond to the prophecy by Agabus about the famine? How do you respond when a need is seen in the church?


Please memorize (or review) the category and book themes below:


  • Job - Suffering & Sovereignty
  • Psalms - Pattern of Personal Worship
  • Proverbs - Wisdom for the Details of Life
  • Ecclesiastes - Vanity of Life in a Fallen World
  • Song of Solomon - The Joy of Married Love

Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 2 Corinthians 10-13

Thursday, December 7

Acts 13-14

What amazed the proconsul? What caused him to believe?

What was the message that Paul preached at Pisidian Antioch? How did the Gentiles respond to the message?

How has this passage caused you to have a heart of thankfulness to the Lord?

Prayer Category – My Small Group & Friends

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Romans 1-3

Friday, December 8

Acts 15-16

What was the cause of the “great dissension” from the men of Judea? Explain why Paul and Silas took issue with it.

Did Paul just go wherever he wanted to on his missionary journeys? What determined the path of Paul on his missionary journey in the beginning of chapter 16?

Is there anyone in this passage that you should emulate? Is there anyone that you should try NOT to be like? Why or why not?

Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
Joe and Kristi Swanson

Preparing to move to Central Asia to plant churches in unreached people groups

  • Pray for Kristi’s health & strength as she prepares to move while balance her roles as mom, homeschool teacher & counselor
  • Pray for the family as Joe & Kristi shepherd their children through this new mission

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Romans 4-7

Saturday, December 9

Acts 17-18

Compare the Jews in Thessalonica with the Jews in Berea. How do you receive God’s Word? How do you respond to the truth?

What did Paul do every Sabbath? Why?

What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?

Prayer Category - The Church

  • Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
  • Pray for our church leadership
  • Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Romans 8-10

Sunday, December 10

Review Day

Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.

From the main worship service, answer the following questions:

  • Sermon Title and Passage:
  • Introduction:
  • Outline:
  • Implications/Conclusion:

Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Romans 11-13

Monday, December 11

Acts 19-20

Describe Paul’s encounter with some disciples at Ephesus. What did Paul explain to them? What did they receive?

What caused the name of the Lord Jesus to be magnified? What works were displayed in keeping with repentance? What works do you display in keeping with repentance?

What are some ways that you can use today’s passage to encourage others?

  • Is there anyone that you can you think of to encourage with what you learned?
  • How/When/Where do you plan to encourage them?

Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page

Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Romans 14-16

Tuesday, December 12

Acts 21-22

Paul was delivered a message from the Hold Spirit by way of Agabus. What was the message? How did Paul respond?

What charges were brought against Paul from the Jews that were from Asia? Were they accurate? How can you apply Paul’s response to the Jews to your life and your response to persecution?

Go back to yesterday’s question about encouraging others. Did you encourage anyone with what you learned? If not, why? If so, how?

Prayer Category – Family & Evangelism

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:Acts 20-23

Wednesday, December 13

Acts 23-24

How does Paul respond to the high priest Ananias? What is significant about Paul’s respond in Acts 23:5?

Why did Felix become frightened? Do you become frightened when confronted with the truth of the Gospel? Why or why not?


Please memorize (or review) the category and book themes below:


  • Isaiah - Salvation
  • Jeremiah - God’s Final Warning
  • Lamentations - Lament over Jerusalem
  • Ezekiel - Condemnation, Consolation, & Restoration
  • Daniel - God’s Sovereignty over Human History
  • Hosea - God’s Loyal Love

Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:Acts 24-26

Thursday, December 14

Acts 25-26

What was the reason that Jesus appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus?

What was Paul’s defense before King Agrippa?

Write out a verse that really stood out to you from the passage. Spend some time ‘praying’ through this verse as a way to meditate on the richness of it.

Prayer Category – My Small Group & My Friends

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Acts 27-28

Friday, December 15

Acts 27-28

What are some things here in these chapters that Paul does that encourages, strengthens, or exhorts the people around him? How can you do these things in your daily life?

What did Paul do when he arrived in Rome? How did the Jews receive him and his message?

What are some of the consequences of sin that you see in these two chapters?

Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
Joe & Kristi Swanson

Preparing to move to Central Asia to plant churches in unreached people groups

  • Praise for Joe’s completion of his Biblical Counseling degree
  • Pray that God will provide for the financial needs of the new mission

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Colossians, Philemon

Saturday, December 16

1 Timothy 1-3

What was Paul wanting Timothy to instruct men not to do? What was Paul wanting Timothy to instruct them to do?

In 1 Timothy 1:16, what “reason” is Paul referring to? Paul was “foremost” in what?

What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?

Prayer Category – The Church

  • Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
  • Pray for our church leadership
  • Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Ephesians

Sunday, December 17

Review Day

Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.

From the main worship service, answer the following questions:

  • Sermon Title and Passage:
  • Introduction:
  • Outline:
  • Implications/Conclusion:

Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Philippians

Monday, December 18

1 Timothy 4-6

Explain the verse 1 Timothy 4:16. What can you apply from this verse to your life and how?

How are we to treat older generations? How do we treat elders and deacons? Do you do this?

What are two things you learn about contentment?

Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page

Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 1 Timothy

Tuesday, December 19

2 Timothy 1-2

How is God’s power on display here?

What are some of the consequences of sin that you see in these two chapters?

List/Outline the events of these two chapters.

Prayer Category – Family & Evangelism

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Titus

Wednesday, December 20

2 Timothy 3-4

What does 2 Timothy 3:5 mean, “holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power”? How do we watch out for this?

How do we know that the Bible isn’t just some books written by different authors over thousands of years? What makes the Bible alive and unique?


Please memorize (or review) the category and book themes below:


  • Joel - The Day of the Lord
  • Amos - Social Injustice in Israel
  • Obadiah - Edom’s Judgment
  • Jonah - God’s Mercy on Repentant Gentiles
  • Micah - The Justice of God vs. the Social Injustice of Judah
  • Nahum - Nineveh’s Destruction

Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:1 Peter

Thursday, December 21

Titus 1-2

How are you to live your life in Christ? Are you doing this? If not, why?

Are you zealous for good deeds? Describe what this looks like. Maybe someone in your life is an example of this.

What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?

Prayer Category – My Small Group & My Friends

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Hebrews 1-6

Friday, December 22

Titus 3 & Philemon

Why did Jesus Christ save us? According to Titus 3, how?

What are we to avoid? Why? What are we to reject? Why?

What is one characteristic of God that really stands out to you from this passage? What makes that characteristic stand out?

What is a 2nd characteristic of God that really stands out to you from this passage? What makes that attribute stand out?

Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
Joe & Kristi Swanson

Preparing to move to Central Asia to plant churches in unreached people groups

  • Pray for wisdom in their current roles as counselors to active missionaries
  • Praise that the adoption of their son, Henry, was finalized.

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Hebrews 7-10

Saturday, December 23

1 Peter 1-2

What were we, Christians, redeemed with? What is the “proof of our faith” compared to?

What are some names given to Christians here in 1 Peter 2? Pick one of the names(your favorite!) and explain why you chose it.

Are there any words or concepts that you didn’t understand when you read the passage? Spend some time looking them up so that you can better understand what you are reading.

Prayer Category – The Church

  • Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
  • Pray for our church leadership
  • Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Hebrews 11-13

Sunday, December 24

Review Day

Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.

From the main worship service, answer the following questions:

  • Sermon Title and Passage:
  • Introduction:
  • Outline:
  • Implications/Conclusion:

Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 2 Timothy

Monday, December 25

1 Peter 3

How are the wives to treat their husbands? How are the husbands to treat their wives?

What does it mean, “keep a good conscience”, in 1 Peter 3:14-16? Why is this important?

How has this passage caused you to have a heart of thankfulness to the Lord?

Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page

Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 2 Peter, Jude

Tuesday, December 26

1 Peter 4-5

What should our reaction be when we come under persecution for the sake of Christ?

How is the devil described? How to resist him? What is the believer’s hope in?

How to treat others with love?

Prayer Category - Family & Evangelism

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 1 John

Wednesday, December 27

1 John 1-2

How do you know if you are a Christian? Pick one test of a true believer that John lists in these 2 chapters, and apply it to your life. How do you line up?

Why should we confess our sin to God? Do you do this? If not, why?


Please memorize (or review) the category and book themes below:


  • Habakkuk - Faith & Doubt in the Face of Judah’s Exile
  • Zephaniah - Future Global Judgment
  • Haggai - Call to Restart the Rebuilding of the Temple
  • Zechariah - Israel’s Comfort & Glory
  • Malachi - Call for Repentance

Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:2 & 3 John

Thursday, December 28

1 john 3-4

How is love described in 1 John 3-4? Do you practice this?

Explain 1 John 3:6.

What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?

Prayer Category – My Small Group & My Friends

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Revelation 1-5

Friday, December 29

1 John 5

What is the proof of God’s love in your life? How do you show this?

What are the three “things” that testified that Jesus is the Son of God? Explain your answers.

Is there anything from this passage of Scripture that you didn’t understand or would like to know more about? Write your thoughts down and ask your parents or your small group leader to help you learn more.

Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
Joe & Kristi Swanson

Preparing to move to Central Asia to plant churches in unreached people groups

  • Pray for Joe as he studies the culture of the people they plan to reach, and learning the Russian language
  • Praise for the many opportunities that God has given both Joe & Kristi to use God’s Word to transform lives.

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Revelation 6-11

Saturday, December 30

2 & 3 John

What is John asking in 2 John 8? Why?

What does it mean to be walking in the truth? Give an example of someone walking in the truth.

Write down 3 observations:

Prayer Category – The Church

  • Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
  • Pray for our church leadership
  • Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Revelation 12-18

Sunday, December 31


How does Jude describe the men he is giving a warning against? What is significant about these warnings?

How are we to keep ourselves in the love of God?

Summarize in a sentence or two what happened in the passage.

Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving

Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Revelation 19-22

Church Prayer Page


The following people have health issues. Pray that through their trial they will bring glory to the Lord and be a blessing as they submit themselves to understand His will. Pray for the Lord’s healing power and their continued sanctification in the circumstance.